diff --git a/docs/configure/overview.md b/docs/configure/overview.md
index 671cddfc57e9..83eed8505c43 100644
--- a/docs/configure/overview.md
+++ b/docs/configure/overview.md
@@ -45,11 +45,12 @@ Additionally, you can also provide additional feature flags to your Storybook co
| Configuration element | Description |
| --------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `storyStoreV7` | Configures Storybook to load stories [on demand](#on-demand-story-loading), rather than during boot up.
`features: { storyStoreV7: true }` |
-| `buildStoriesJson` | Generates a `stories.json` file to help story loading with the on demand mode.
`features: { buildStoriesJson: true }` |
+| `buildStoriesJson` | Generates a `stories.json` file to help story loading with the on demand mode.
`features: { buildStoriesJson: true }` |
| `emotionAlias` | Provides backwards compatibility for Emotion. See the [migration documentation](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#emotion11-quasi-compatibility) for context.
`features: { emotionAlias: false }` |
| `babelModeV7` | Enables the new [Babel configuration](./babel.md#v7-mode) mode for Storybook.
`features: { babelModeV7: true }` |
| `postcss` | Disables the implicit PostCSS warning. See the [migration documentation](https://github.com/storybookjs/storybook/blob/next/MIGRATION.md#deprecated-implicit-postcss-loader) for context.
`features: { postcss: false }` |
| `modernInlineRender` | Enables Storybook's modern inline rendering mode.
`features: { modernInlineRender: false }` |
+| `previewMdx2` | Enables experimental support for [MDX 2](../writing-docs/mdx.md#mdx-2).
`features: { previewMdx2: true }` |
## Configure story loading
diff --git a/docs/faq.md b/docs/faq.md
index 811a1ac20433..a76ebab17e5b 100644
--- a/docs/faq.md
+++ b/docs/faq.md
@@ -285,6 +285,78 @@ See our documentation on how to customize the [Storyshots configuration](./writi
Currently there's an issue when using MDX stories with IE11. This issue does not apply to [DocsPage](./writing-docs/docs-page.md). If you're interested in helping us fix this issue, read our Contribution guidelines and submit a pull request.
+### Why aren't my code blocks highlighted with Storybook MDX
+Out of the box, Storybook provides syntax highlighting for a set of languages (e.g., Javascript, Markdown, CSS, HTML, Typescript, GraphQL) that you can use with your code blocks. If you're writing your custom code blocks with MDX, you'll need to import the syntax highlighter manually. For example, if you're adding a code block for SCSS, adjust your story to the following:
's documentation for a list of available languages.
's documentation for a list of available languages.