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POC systemd journal Logstash input

Example config

input {
     journald {
       lowercase => true
       seekto => "head"
       thisboot => true
       type => "systemd"
       tags => [ "coreos" ]

output {
  stdout {codec => rubydebug}

Install with

From source

git clone
cd logstash-input-journald
gem build logstash-input-journald.gemspec
sudo /path/to/logstash/bin/plugin install /path/to/git/logstash-input-journald/logstash-input-journald-*.gem

From rubygems

sudo /path/to/logstash/bin/plugin install logstash-input-journald


This plugin creates a sincedb in your home, called .sincedb_journal. It automatically stores the cursor to the journal there, so when you restart logstash, only new messages are read. When executing the plugin the second time (which means the sincedb exists), seekto, and thisboot are ignored. If you don't want the sincedb, configure it's path to /dev/null. Tips

Ensure the user you are running logstash as has read access to the journal files /var/log/journal/*/*


Killing the logstash process takes a long time...