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executable file
185 lines (137 loc) · 6.63 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
185 lines (137 loc) · 6.63 KB


Home Health is a Learning Technologies and VCH project created using Jekyll.

🏁 Getting Started

Home Health utilizes Jekyll and Gulp to compile markdown and sass into a flat file website. The final output / compilation can be found in "_site".

🗄 File Structure

#c5f015 Uncompiled / Editable     #f03c15 Compiled by Jekyll    #1589F0 Compiled by Gulp

  • #c5f015 _css
    • Where the uncompiled Sass stylesheets can be found (only modify these styles)
  • #f03c15 _deploy
    • where the final deployable site is compiled to
  • #c5f015 _includes
    • Where some common / reusable html elements are kept (referenced and compiled with Jekyll)
  • #c5f015 _js
    • Where unconcatoncated and unminified javascript is kept
  • #c5f015 _layouts
    • Where the templates for the different pages used by jekyll are kept ( Jekyll uses the Liquid templating engine created by Shopify)
  • #f03c15 _site
    • where the debugging site is compiled to
  • #1589F0 css
    • where the compiled, concatoned and minified css is put by gulp before being copied to _site/css by jekyll
  • #c5f015 fonts
    • where web fonts are stored
  • #c5f015 image
    • image assets used by the site
  • #1589F0 js
    • where the compiled, concatoned and minified js is put by gulp before being copied to _site/js by jekyll
  • #c5f015 library
    • where the various js & css libraries that Home Health needs are kept
  • #c5f015 modules
    • where the mardown is kept for all the pages
  • #c5f015 video
    • video assets used by the site

🖥 Building / Debugging

I have included my gulpfile.js so you should be able to navigate to the root directory, install the required packages and simply run:

$ gulp

This will build the debugging version of the site and launch browsersync which is a local web server used to see your changes in real time. do not try to deploy this build as the links will most likely not work

⤴️ Deployment

When you are ready to deploy run the following command which uses a seperate deployemnt config file and build to _deploy

$ gulp deploy

🖋 Editting Content

Home Health's content can all be found in the 'modules' folder as seen in the file structure above. In this section I will explain how each page type's markup (with a unique layout in the _layouts folder) is compiled into the final html.

Casy Study (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/case-study.html ]

This layout is used for each Case Study found under each module. This page has not been completed

#not done

Introduction (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/introduction.html ]

Landing Page (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/landing.html ]

Module (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/module.html ]

Modules (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/modules.html ]

More On This Topic (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/more.html ]

This page takes quite a bit of custom frontmatter to generate a pretty customizable page. Inside a nested list named 'sections', you can create sub lists that will be rendered within the section as a 'part'. Parts can be rendered on the left half, the right half, or fill the entire section

  #declare a section like this, you can have as many sections as you want
  - section:

    #Sections can have either just one full part, 2 half parts, or all three parts.  
    - part: half | full #must be one of these 2 types

      #title of part
      title: A Great Title 

      #Text block that will appear in the part
      text: lots of great information

      #Display an embedded youtube video, just input youtube embed url

      #display a locally hosted video, just input the file path
      video: folder/video.mp4

      #lazy way add padding
      spacer-title: asdfasdfadf

      #due to limitations with YAML Frontmatter, I have created duplicate title and text blocks with the suffix '-2' so you
      #can use more then one per part if needed (you can only use on of a block type per part)
      title-2: A Title
      text-2: Some text

      # A block that takes in a list and displays circles containing images
        - Title: image.png
        - Spiritual: modules/pcc/topic/holistic/spiritual.png
        - Cultural: modules/pcc/topic/holistic/cultural.png

      # A block that takes in an array and displays mutiple questions
      questions: ['How did you feel?', 'What were the ramifications?'] 

      # A block that creates a matching quiz (this whole layout thing is such a hack so I apologies for these janky blocks)
        # first you define category names and images to represent them
        - category: [Depression, topic/deppression.jpg]
        - category: [Delirium, topic/delirium.jpg]
        - category: [Dementia, topic/dementia.jpg]

        #You then define items that fall under your define categories, the user will have to match them up
        - Depression: 'Sudden Onset'
        - Delirium: 'Medical Emergency'
        - Depression: 'Wandering'
        - Dementia: 'Memory disturbances'
        - Dementia: 'Hopelessness'


Branching Narrative (Click to expand) [ /_layouts/more.html ]

📚 Built With

  • Jekyll - The web framework used
  • Swiper - JS carousell library
  • Jquery - A godsend
  • Skeleton - CSS Framework
  • Barba - JS Framework that handles AJAX Page loading
