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362 lines (273 loc) · 10.4 KB

File metadata and controls

362 lines (273 loc) · 10.4 KB


  1. Buttons
  2. Responsive
  3. Select
  4. RowGroup

1. Buttons

Be sure to install the Buttons Extension before using.




For display the buttons somewhere on the page you must put the B character to the dom option:


public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        // ...
        'dom' => 'Bfrtip',
    // ...

The easiest way

The easiest way is to add buttons to your extensions options with a boolean value.

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        'buttons' => true,
    // ...

Advanced example

This example shows two built-in and two custom buttons.

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        //'buttons' => true,
        'buttons' => array(
            'show_buttons' => array('copy', 'print'),    // built-in buttons
            'create_buttons' => array(                   // custom buttons 
                    'action' => array(
                        'template' => ':post:action.js.twig',
                        //'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
                    'text' => 'alert',
                    'extend' => 'csv',
                    'text' => 'custom csv button',
                    'extend' => 'pdf',
                    'text' => 'my pdf',
                    'button_options' => array(
                        'exportOptions' => array(
                            'columns' => array('1', '2'),
    // ...
{# action.js.twig #}

action = function (e, dt, node, config) {
    this.disable(); // disable the button

Buttons class options

With the Responsive class you can set the show_buttons and the create_buttons options.

With the create_buttons option you can create custom buttons. Each button has the following properties:

Option Type Default Description
action array or null null Function describing the action to take on activation.
available array or null null Ensure that any requirements have been satisfied before initialising a button.
class_name string or null null Button class name.
destroy array or null null Function that is called when the button is destroyed.
enabled bool or null null Initial enabled state.
extend string or null null Based extends object.
init array or null null Button initialisation callback function.
key string or null null Key activation configuration.
name string or null null Button name for use in selectors.
namespace string or null null Unique namespace for every button.
text string or null null Visible text.
title_attr string or null null Button title attribute text.
button_options array or null null All special button options.

2. Responsive

Be sure to install the Responsive Extension before using.




The easiest way

The easiest way is to add responsive to your extensions options with a boolean value.

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        'responsive' => true,
    // ...

Advanced example

The Bootstrap modal example:

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        //'responsive' => true,
        'responsive' => array(
            //'details' => true,
            'details' => array(
                'display' => array(
                    'template' => ':post:display.js.twig',
                    //'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
                'renderer' => array(
                    'template' => ':post:renderer.js.twig',
    // ...
{# display.js.twig #}

    header: function (row) {
        var data =;
        return 'Details for ' + data.title;
{# renderer.js.twig #}

renderer = function (api, rowIdx, columns) {
    var data = $.map(columns, function (col, i) {
        return col.hidden ?
            '<tr data-dt-row=' + col.rowIndex + ' data-dt-column=' + col.columnIndex + '>' +
            '<td>' + col.title + ':' + '</td> ' +
            '<td>' + + '</td>' +
            '</tr>' : '';

    return data ? $('<table/>').append( data ) : false;

Responsive class options

With the Responsive class you can set some display options to define how the hidden data should be displayed.

Option Type Default Description
type string or null null Set the child row display control type.
target string, int or null null Column / selector for child row display control.
renderer array or null null Define the renderer used to display the child rows.
display array or null null Define how the hidden information should be displayed to the end user.

3. Select

Be sure to install the Select Extension before using.




The easiest way

The easiest way is to add select to your extensions options with a boolean value.

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
   // ...

       'select' => true,
   // ...

Advanced example

The Bootstrap modal example:

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
   // ...

       'select' => array(
           'blurable' => false,
           'className' => 'selected',
           'info' => true,
           'items' => 'row',
           'selector' => 'td, th',
           'style' => 'os',
   // ...

Select class options

With the Select class you can set the following options, for details see the Plugin documentation.

Option Type Default Description
blurable boolean or null null Indicate if the selected items will be removed when clicking outside of the table
classname string or null null Set the class name that will be applied to selected items
info boolean or null null Enable / disable the display for item selection information in the table summary
items string or null null Set which table items to select (rows, columns or cells)
selector string or null null Set the element selector used for mouse event capture to select items
style string or null null Set the selection style for end user interaction with the table

4. RowGroup

Be sure to install the RowGroup Extension before using.




The easiest way

The easiest way is to add row_group to your extensions options with the column's name string value in the data_src option to define the data source to use for initial grouping.

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        'row_group' => array(
            'data_src' => 'title'
    // ...

Advanced example

This example shows a custom start render:

public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
    // ...

        'row_group' => array(
            'data_src' => 'title',
            'start_render' => [
                'template' => ':extension/row_group_start_renderer.js.twig',
                //'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
    // ...
{# row_group_start_renderer.js.twig #}

startRenderer = function (rows, group) {
    return $('<tr/>').append( '<td>Post title: '+group+'</td>' );

RowGroup class options

With the RowGroup class you can set the following options, for details see the Plugin documentation.

Option Type Default Description
dataSrc string or null null Set the data point to use as the grouping data source
enable boolean true Provides the ability to disable row grouping at initialisation
className array or null null Set the class name to be used for the grouping rows
emptyDataGroup string or null null Text to show for rows which have null or undefined group data
startClassName string or null null Set the class name to be used for the grouping start rows
endClassName string or null null Set the class name to be used for the grouping end rows
endRender array or null null Provide a function that can be used to control the data shown in the end grouping row.
startRender array or null null Provide a function that can be used to control the data shown in the start grouping row.