Be sure to install the Buttons Extension before using.
For display the buttons somewhere on the page you must put the B
character to the dom
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
// ...
'dom' => 'Bfrtip',
// ...
The easiest way is to add buttons
to your extensions options with a boolean value.
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'buttons' => true,
// ...
This example shows two built-in and two custom buttons.
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
//'buttons' => true,
'buttons' => array(
'show_buttons' => array('copy', 'print'), // built-in buttons
'create_buttons' => array( // custom buttons
'action' => array(
'template' => ':post:action.js.twig',
//'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
'text' => 'alert',
'extend' => 'csv',
'text' => 'custom csv button',
'extend' => 'pdf',
'text' => 'my pdf',
'button_options' => array(
'exportOptions' => array(
'columns' => array('1', '2'),
// ...
{# action.js.twig #}
action = function (e, dt, node, config) {
this.disable(); // disable the button
With the Responsive class you can set the show_buttons
and the create_buttons
With the create_buttons
option you can create custom buttons. Each button has the following properties:
Option | Type | Default | Description |
action | array or null | null | Function describing the action to take on activation. |
available | array or null | null | Ensure that any requirements have been satisfied before initialising a button. |
class_name | string or null | null | Button class name. |
destroy | array or null | null | Function that is called when the button is destroyed. |
enabled | bool or null | null | Initial enabled state. |
extend | string or null | null | Based extends object. |
init | array or null | null | Button initialisation callback function. |
key | string or null | null | Key activation configuration. |
name | string or null | null | Button name for use in selectors. |
namespace | string or null | null | Unique namespace for every button. |
text | string or null | null | Visible text. |
title_attr | string or null | null | Button title attribute text. |
button_options | array or null | null | All special button options. |
Be sure to install the Responsive Extension before using.
The easiest way is to add responsive
to your extensions options with a boolean value.
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'responsive' => true,
// ...
The Bootstrap modal example:
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
//'responsive' => true,
'responsive' => array(
//'details' => true,
'details' => array(
'display' => array(
'template' => ':post:display.js.twig',
//'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
'renderer' => array(
'template' => ':post:renderer.js.twig',
// ...
{# display.js.twig #}
header: function (row) {
var data =;
return 'Details for ' + data.title;
{# renderer.js.twig #}
renderer = function (api, rowIdx, columns) {
var data = $.map(columns, function (col, i) {
return col.hidden ?
'<tr data-dt-row=' + col.rowIndex + ' data-dt-column=' + col.columnIndex + '>' +
'<td>' + col.title + ':' + '</td> ' +
'<td>' + + '</td>' +
'</tr>' : '';
return data ? $('<table/>').append( data ) : false;
With the Responsive class you can set some display
options to define how the hidden data should be displayed.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
type | string or null | null | Set the child row display control type. |
target | string, int or null | null | Column / selector for child row display control. |
renderer | array or null | null | Define the renderer used to display the child rows. |
display | array or null | null | Define how the hidden information should be displayed to the end user. |
Be sure to install the Select Extension before using.
The easiest way is to add select
to your extensions options with a boolean value.
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'select' => true,
// ...
The Bootstrap modal example:
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'select' => array(
'blurable' => false,
'className' => 'selected',
'info' => true,
'items' => 'row',
'selector' => 'td, th',
'style' => 'os',
// ...
With the Select class you can set the following options, for details see the Plugin documentation.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
blurable | boolean or null | null | Indicate if the selected items will be removed when clicking outside of the table |
classname | string or null | null | Set the class name that will be applied to selected items |
info | boolean or null | null | Enable / disable the display for item selection information in the table summary |
items | string or null | null | Set which table items to select (rows, columns or cells) |
selector | string or null | null | Set the element selector used for mouse event capture to select items |
style | string or null | null | Set the selection style for end user interaction with the table |
Be sure to install the RowGroup Extension before using.
The easiest way is to add row_group
to your extensions options with the column's name string value in the data_src
option to define the data source to use for initial grouping.
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'row_group' => array(
'data_src' => 'title'
// ...
This example shows a custom start render:
public function buildDatatable(array $options = array())
// ...
'row_group' => array(
'data_src' => 'title',
'start_render' => [
'template' => ':extension/row_group_start_renderer.js.twig',
//'vars' => array('id' => '2', 'test' => 'new value'),
// ...
{# row_group_start_renderer.js.twig #}
startRenderer = function (rows, group) {
return $('<tr/>').append( '<td>Post title: '+group+'</td>' );
With the RowGroup class you can set the following options, for details see the Plugin documentation.
Option | Type | Default | Description |
dataSrc | string or null | null | Set the data point to use as the grouping data source |
enable | boolean | true | Provides the ability to disable row grouping at initialisation |
className | array or null | null | Set the class name to be used for the grouping rows |
emptyDataGroup | string or null | null | Text to show for rows which have null or undefined group data |
startClassName | string or null | null | Set the class name to be used for the grouping start rows |
endClassName | string or null | null | Set the class name to be used for the grouping end rows |
endRender | array or null | null | Provide a function that can be used to control the data shown in the end grouping row. |
startRender | array or null | null | Provide a function that can be used to control the data shown in the start grouping row. |