These labs are designed for delivery in a classroom. For these labs we require a Linux-based VM in Azure as a "jumpbox". The first task here is to create this virtual machine and install the required software on it.
Our labs are build and verified using CentOS7. Our recommendations is to use CentOS7.
Setup your Jumpbox VM in Azure
Browse to
Click on "Create a resource" and search for "CentOS-based 7.5"
Deploy the CentOS-based 7.5 VM
Size: D2s_v3
Publisher: Rogue Wave Software
NSG Rule: Allow inbound on SSH port
After the CentOS jumbbox is provisioned in Azure, you can connect to it using SSH (PuTTY or MobaXTerm)
Connect to your newly created jumpbox
Goto Jumpbox Setup to install the required software
Setup Azure Cloud Shell:
Browse to
Login with the Azure credentials
Click on the cloud shell icon to start your session.
Bash (Linux)
If you are using CloudShell for the first time, you will be prompted to setup storage for your cloud shell. Click
Show advanced settings
Provide a unique value for Storage account name. This must be all lower case and no punctuation. Use "cloudshell" for File share name. See example below.
Create storage
Note: You can also use the dedicated Azure Cloud Shell URL: