- 🌟 MarkerPoint componnet for Line Chart(055ca32)
- 🌟 Pie Chart label support adjustPosition config(75e323c)
- 🌟 enrich Gauge style configration(fd9d7f0)
- 📃 update Gauge Chart docs & site examples' title support english verison(1ddba79)
- 🚧 label components refactor(75e323c)
- 🐞 fix: Liquid Chart position error (8781ba)
- 🐞 fix: Donut Chart statistic auto size (6ce2a11)
- 🐞 fix: line & area types(d60146d)
- 🐞 fix: stackedArea type(62c6ed9)
- 🐞 fix: column types(165b00c)
- 🐞 fix: rangeColumn types(17f582f)
- 🐞 fix: waterfall types(d60942c)
- 🐞 fix: bar types(daa3070)
- 🐞 fix: pie types(7e05b77)
- 🐞 fix: rardar types(f646a35)
- 🐞 fix: rose types(ec45ef9)
- 🐞 fix: liquid types(d666629)
- 🐞 fix: funnel types(0cb8f7b)
- 🐞 fix: bullet types(ded949f)
- 🐞 fix: treemap types(2180bd2)
- 🐞 fix: sparkline types(d715a56)
- 更新readme (c2dbdd0)
- 🐞 gauge去除lodash依赖 (8bf22bc)
- 🐞 修复changeData不重新渲染 (c7bd150)
- 🐞 折线图自动设置min为0值时导致数据更新scale错误 (70b0b2e)
- 🐞 fix denpendency import(491e498)
- 🌟 tooltip content formatter(1d6264c)
- 🐞 修复 progress 类型定义错误(4942ea3)
- 🐞 修复area的lineLabel和areaLabel无法配置样式(132892b)
- 🐞 clean up webpack config(a48a7dd)
- 🐞 修复多图表实例时tooltip位置错误(d202f12)
- 🐞 修复area丢失pointLabel(31e97d6)
- 🐞 修复pie chart配置meta失效(0f15569)
- 🐞 fix coverage badage(d50abc8)
- 🐞 fix barStyle callback config(8d7b0d3)
- 🌟add tooltip style doc (f8879c9)
- 🌟release 1.0.0 (e6d2a37)
- 🐞Liquid & process 必选数据类型判断
- 🐞修复一些类型定义问题 (e6d2a37)
- 🐞移除饼图label中的lodash依赖
- 🌟重新发布版本
- 🌟更新 g2 依赖版本 (51b3df)
- 🌟修复词云图透明背景问题 (51b3df)
- 🌟Sunburst (5692ca6)
- 🐞 饼图 tooltip 与 label 对外透出 percent (365fd0f)
- 🐞 修复瀑布图必需设置meta的问题 (3669511)
- 🐞 temporary remove geomCliper for svg rendering (be69918)
- 🐞 fix g version (03a33d7)
- 🐞 panelCliper => geomCliper (52cc285)
- 🌟 update scale to 3.0 (6538cfd)
- 🐞 fix word-cloud not found error(1ad5d4c)
- 🌟 add word-cloud chart (2f1baa9)
- 🌟 add rose chart (f99aaf8)
- 🌟 add treemap chart (703fba7)
- 🌟 对比漏斗图 (fa411f2)
- 🌟 transposed funnel chart (f9cbf5b)
- 🐞 fix guideLine error (d310520)
- 🐞 修复miniChart-column time scale绘制错误 (b00163b)
- 🐞 label参与auto-padding计算 (0c566c1)
- 🐞 修改条形图legend和tooltip顺序颠倒问题 (e4f8f68)
- 🐞 update dependency version: g2 scale component (23ca0ec)
🌟 add quadrant and trendline components to Scatter Plot and Bubble Plot (2f6c8a0)
🌟 update documents and demos (f33071c)
🐞 fix dependency version (1369b34)
🌟 pie label enhancement (52e77c0)
🌟 column & bar chart label add adjustPosition option (e0bbc53)
- 🐞 miniChart-progress 使用代理shape解决mouseenter & mouseleave问题(63253c6)
- 🐞 column chart无法正确绘制timecat数据(2950739)
- 🌟 miniChart-progress 更强大的update()方法 (b77d489)
- 🌟 export declaration file (6f73e29)
- 🐞 优化 tinyChart-progress 的 mouseleave 事件 (52512d8)
- 🌟tinyChart-progress update 方法支持第二个参数:更新时的样式配置,增加动画配置 (b10719c)
- 🌟tinyChart-progress 增加 marker 组件 (afe05e7)
- 🌟 相关文档更新 (e214f83)
- feat: add legend margin to theme (4dba674)
- feat: canvas events as plot events (9bdc754)
- feat: general configration dpcument english version (e607292)
- feat: general-config-doc en (7626d12)
- feat: getting-started-en (d0d58e9)
- feat: unbind event (122812f)
- feat: update general-config docs (c523986)
- feat: view 事件透传 (e7ae72a)
- feat: 增加图层事件,支持嵌套 (01835f1)
- feat: 字符串转数字 (d594655)
- feat: 自定义组件事件 (219ec11)
- feat: 自定义组件的 mouseenter & mouseleave 事件分发 (04c6894)
- fix: cdn link in getting-started doc (fa7a40e)
- fix: color setting error in progress & support size option (c31d91e)
- fix: correct data range for vertical scrollbar (e2a02ac)
- fix: dblClick event name (f24b57b)
- fix: eventController 类型定义 (f67f744)
- fix: fixed scale ranges for percentage stacked bar/column/area (4383eb2)
- fix: homepage link (a24b7ee)
- fix: layer & viewLayer eventParser 命名统一 (fbcf212)
- fix: line layer event parser name (e92a91e)
- fix: minichart docs typo (0fbea36)
- fix: optimize scrollbar range calculate (2ab4201)
- fix: position is not supported for axisLabel (6872f57)
- fix: readme typo (2c532b9)
- fix: remove console log (c79af35)
- fix: remove sideEffects flag for now (5f80695)
- fix: reverse data for percentage stack bar (36adb84)
- fix: 修复 Pie Ring 的 labelLine 以及 area 的透明度 (7af0ccd)
- fix: 类型声明 (7ec6cc8)
- fix: 类型定义 (7f8eab3)
- chore: 0.11.1 => 0.11.2 (625af38)
- chore: fix lint (d2f76c5)
- chore: remove canvas event (2888446)
- chore: update github release action (df14c84)
- chore: update links & site-en (4ad6b4d)
- chore: update readme (4e40699)
- chore: update readme (4aadd5c)
- chore: update readme (247ae84)
- chore: use ACCESS_TOKEN for release action (e0545e0)
- docs: update changelog for v0.11.1 (be6d94d)
- docs: 更新资源地址 (14271f0)
- docs(readme): optimize readme style, and fix typo (86db2cf)
- 🔥 官网文档和图表示例大量更新 #287, #298
- 🌟 默认隐藏条形图、和百分比条形图 X 轴的刻度线 #297
- 🐞 修复折线图数据标签中某些配置项不生效问题 #290
- 🐞 修复折线图轴样式在响应式布局下可能不生效的问题 #299
- 🐞 修复鼠标悬浮提示在图形边缘时可能出现位置错误的问题 #302
- 🌟G2Plot 0.11.0