- About
- Brief information about Pmod OLED
- Interface Description
- Description
- Ports
- Character Mapping
- Utilization
- Description
- Ports
- Utilization
- Simulation
- Tests
- Status Information
- Licence
Simple interface for the Digilent Pmod OLED or any other module with Solomon Systech SSD1306.
The Digilent Pmod OLED is 128 x 32 Pixel Monochromatic OLED Display module. The Pmod OLED utilizes a Solomon Systech SSD1306 display controller to receive information from the host board and display the desired information on the OLED screen. Module communicates with the host board via SPI protocol.
An alternative breakout board that can be used with modules here is Adafruit 128x32 SPI OLED display.
The Pmod OLED needs Start-up sequence. Implemented Start-up sequence follows as:
- Power up VDD
- 100 ms wait
- Power up VBAT
- 4µs Reset
- 1 ms wait
- Send display off command
- 2 ms wait
- Send initilization commands
- Charge pump enable (0x8D-0x14)
- Set pre-charge period (0xD9-0xF1)
- Column inversion enable (0xA1)
- Invert COM Output Scan Direction (0xC8)
- COM pins configuration (0xDA-0x22)
- Set addressing mode to Horizontal (0x20-0x00)
- 100 ms wait
Similarly there is a shutdown sequance:
- Power down VBAT
- 100 ms wait
- Power down VDD
Before refreshing screen contents following commands are send:
- Set Column Address (0x21-0x00-0x7F)
- Set Page Address (0x22-0x00-0x03)
- Set High Column to 0 (0x10)
With 2,5 MHz SPI clock, screen refresh takes 1,66 ms.
Module oled
provides a basic screen interface with coded characters, easily selectable line count and a cursor. This modules rely on an external decoder, such as oled_decoder
, to generate 8x8 bitmap from 8 bit code.
Ports of oled
Port | Type | Width | Description |
clk |
I | 1 | System Clock |
rst |
I | 1 | System Reset |
ext_spi_clk |
I | 1 | External SPI Clock |
character_code |
O | 1 | Character code to be decoded |
current_bitmap |
I | 64 | Decoded 8x8 bitmap |
CS |
O | 1 | SPI Chip Select |
O | 1 | SPI Data |
O | 1 | SPI Clock |
data_command_cntr |
O | 1 | Data/~Command for Data |
power_rst |
O | 1 | Reset pin of the Display |
vbat_c |
O | 1 | Active low VBAT control |
vdd_c |
O | 1 | Active low VDD control |
power_on |
I | 1 | Power on module |
display_reset |
I | 1 | Reset display |
display_off |
I | 1 | Turn off display |
update |
I | 1 | Update display content |
display_data |
I | 512 | Display data |
line_count |
I | 2 | Number of display lines |
contrast |
I | 8 | DisplayContrast |
cursor_enable |
I | 1 | Enable cursor |
cursor_flash |
I | 1 | Cursor flashes |
cursor_pos |
I | 6 | Position of cursor |
I: Input O: Output
frequency should be the double of desired SPI clock frequency. During testing 5 MHz ext_spi_clk
is used.
line_count |
Line Count |
2'b11 | 4 |
2'b10 | 3 |
2'b01 | 2 |
2'b00 | 1 |
current_bitmap |
[63] | ... | [56] |
... | ... | ... |
[7] | ... | [0] |
display_data |
[511:504] | ... | [391:384] |
... | ... | ... |
[127:120] | ... | [7:0] |
Character Mapping for oled_decoder
Full list is available at wiki.
Codes 0x00 - 0x5e corresponds to ASCII table 0x20 - 0x7e.
Unused codes will be displayed as empty.
Mapping can be edited easily via localparameters of oled_decoder
. New characters can be appended by adding a new code as localparameter and bitmap to following case statement. Or compeletly new decoder module can be used.
Character Mapping for oled_decoder_ascii
Decoder oled_decoder_ascii
uses extended ASCII table for character mapping. Non printable characters and unimplemented chracters are displayed as a square, □ .
(Synthesized) Utilization of oled
- On Artix-7:
- Slice LUTs: 301 (as Logic)
- Slice Registers: 117 (as Flip Flop)
- F7 Muxes: 72
- F8 Muxes: 32
(Synthesized) Utilization of oled_decoder
- On Artix-7:
- Slice LUTs: 234 (as Logic)
Module oled_bitmap
provides a basic screen interface to display 128x32 bitmap on screen.
Ports of oled_bitmap
Port | Type | Width | Description |
clk |
I | 1 | System Clock |
rst |
I | 1 | System Reset |
ext_spi_clk |
I | 1 | External SPI Clock |
character_code |
O | 1 | Character code to be decoded |
current_bitmap |
I | 64 | Decoded 8x8 bitmap |
CS |
O | 1 | SPI Chip Select |
O | 1 | SPI Data |
O | 1 | SPI Clock |
data_command_cntr |
O | 1 | Data/~Command for Data |
power_rst |
O | 1 | Reset pin of the Display |
vbat_c |
O | 1 | Active low VBAT control |
vdd_c |
O | 1 | Active low VDD control |
power_on |
I | 1 | Power on module |
display_reset |
I | 1 | Reset display |
display_off |
I | 1 | Turn off display |
update |
I | 1 | Update display content |
contrast |
I | 8 | Display Contrast |
bitmap |
I | 4096 | Bitmap to display |
I: Input O: Output
frequency should be the double of desired SPI clock frequency. During testing 5 MHz ext_spi_clk
is used.
bitmap |
[4095] | ... | [3968] |
... | ... | ... |
[127] | ... | [0] |
(Synthesized) Utilization of oled_bitmap
- On Artix-7:
- Slice LUTs: 1252 (as Logic)
- Slice Registers: 99 (as Flip Flop)
- F7 Muxes: 546
- F8 Muxes: 268
Module oled
simulated on oled_sim.v. In simulation delay times reduced to 1/1000th. Only a simple update and power up sequence is simulated.
Module oled
is tested on Digilent Basys 3 with oled_test.v and Basys3.xdc. Block diagram for this test can be generated via design_1.tcl. Missing utility modules can be found under Utils directory of this repository. Module oled
is tested with the Digilent Pmod OLED and Adafruit 128x32 SPI OLED display.
Testing module in oled_test.v handles the board connections. Display signals are connected to both JB and JC header. Leftmost switch is used as power on switch, second leftmost switch is used as display on switch. Switches 9 and 8 is used to determine line count. 8 right most switches are used to get data. Depending on which button is pressed, data handled diffrently. Up button configures the cursor. Left button changes contrast. Right button saves the current data and shifts it into the next position in display. Down button is used to reset display. Display signals are monitored with Digital Discovery.
A demo module for oled
and oled_decoder
is on oled_demo.v. Demo module is tested on Digilent Arty 7 with Arty-A7-100.xdc. TCL design_oled_demo.tcl generates the demo hardware. The Pmod OLED can be connected either to JA or JD header.
Demo module automatically displays all characters on display. In every half minute next character appears and other characters shift. Line can be changed with button 0. Contrast can be changed with button 1. Cursor position can be increased with button 2. And button 3 reset the display. Switch 3 enables cursor flash and switch 2 enables cursor itself. Switch 1 turns off the display and switch 0 power on the display module.
Module oled_bitmap
is tested on Digilent Arty 7 with oled_bitmap_test.v and Arty-A7-100.xdc. The Pmod OLED can be connected either to JA or JD header. Switch 3 power ups the module. Remainin switches control the display contrast. Four bitmaps are hardcoded to tester module. Displayed bitmap can be changed via push buttons.
Last simulation: 13 May 2021, with Vivado Simulator.
Last test: 20 May 2021, on Digilent Arty A7.
CERN Open Hardware Licence Version 2 - Weakly Reciprocal