From fd1d13be91e5da726c9bedeaa4f6c91822af4be3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Karneades Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2017 16:23:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] Fix more issues with credential mockup --- test/Pester/PowerGRR.Tests.ps1 | 108 ++++++++++++++++----------------- 1 file changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/test/Pester/PowerGRR.Tests.ps1 b/test/Pester/PowerGRR.Tests.ps1 index ca2cb6a..f933a55 100644 --- a/test/Pester/PowerGRR.Tests.ps1 +++ b/test/Pester/PowerGRR.Tests.ps1 @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntResult' { It 'has no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntResult' { #It 'Read hunt results when with exception in web request' { # Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {throw "pester test"} -ModuleName PowerGRR - # $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:CA0E68E9" -Credential $creds + # $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:CA0E68E9" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials # $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty # {$ret.total_count} | should throw #} @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntResult' { ($EmptyReturnObject).Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should not BeNullOrEmpty $ret.total_count | should be 0 } @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntResult' { $ValidHuntResults.substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntResult -HuntId "H:aaaaaaaa" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should not BeNullOrEmpty $ret.total_count | should be 1 } @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntInfo' { It 'has no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntInfo -HuntId "H:11111111" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntInfo -HuntId "H:11111111" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntInfo' { $ValidHuntInfo.substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntInfo -HuntId "H:11111111" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntInfo -HuntId "H:11111111" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should not BeNullOrEmpty $ret.description | should be "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" } @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "C.1111222233334444" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "C.1111222233334444" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'convert clientid to hostname' { - $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "C.1111222233334444" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "C.1111222233334444" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should be @("AABBCCDD","AABBCCDD") } It 'Convert clientid with aff4 prefix to hostname' { - $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "aff4:/C.1111222233334444" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRComputerNameFromClientId -clientid "aff4:/C.1111222233334444" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should be @("AABBCCDD","AABBCCDD") } } @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName -computername "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName -computername "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'Get clientid from computername' { - $ret = Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName -computername "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientIdFromComputerName -computername "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | select -expandproperty clientid | should be @("C.1234567890123456","C.1234567890123456") ($ret | measure).count | Should Be 2 } @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ Describe 'Find-GRRClient' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Find-GRRClient -SearchString "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $creds + $ret = Find-GRRClient -SearchString "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ Describe 'Find-GRRClient' { } It 'find specific client' { - $ret = Find-GRRClient -SearchString "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $creds + $ret = Find-GRRClient -SearchString "hostname-aabbcc" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.items | should not BeNullOrEmpty ($ret | measure).count | Should Be 1 ($ret.items | measure).count | Should Be 2 @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ Describe 'Find-GRRClientByLabel' { Context 'when there are errors.' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Find-GRRClientByLabel -SearchString "LabelX" -Credential $creds + $ret = Find-GRRClientByLabel -SearchString "LabelX" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ Describe 'Set-GRRLabel' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Set-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $creds + $ret = Set-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ Describe 'Set-GRRLabel' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Set-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $creds + $ret = Set-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ Describe 'Remove-GRRLabel' { It 'No web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Remove-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $creds + $ret = Remove-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ Describe 'Remove-GRRLabel' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Remove-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $creds + $ret = Remove-GRRLabel -ComputerName XY -Label "LabelX" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } @@ -368,26 +368,26 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRFlow' { Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'no web response in RegistryFinder' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "RegistryFinder" -Key "HKCM" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "RegistryFinder" -Key "HKCM" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } It 'no web response in FileFinder' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "FileFinder" -Path "C:\dummy" -Action Hash -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "FileFinder" -Path "C:\dummy" -Action Hash -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } It 'no web response in ExecutePythonHack' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ExecutePythonHack" -HackName "powershell" -PyArgsName cmd -PyArgsValue "get-process" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ExecutePythonHack" -HackName "powershell" -PyArgsName cmd -PyArgsValue "get-process" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } It 'no web response in ListProcesses' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ListProcesses" -FileNameRegex ".*shell.*" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ListProcesses" -FileNameRegex ".*shell.*" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRFlow' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'invoke a valid RegistryFinder flow' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "RegistryFinder" -Key "Key" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "RegistryFinder" -Key "Key" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.flowid | Should Be F:22222222 } @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRFlow' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'invoke a valid ExecutePythonHack flow' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ExecutePythonHack" -HackName "hack" -PyArgsName "argsname" -PyArgsValue "argsvalue" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ExecutePythonHack" -HackName "hack" -PyArgsName "argsname" -PyArgsValue "argsvalue" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.flowid | Should Be F:AAAAAAAA } @@ -437,12 +437,12 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRFlow' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR It 'invoke a valid FileFinder flow' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "FileFinder" -Path "C:\dummy" -Action Hash -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "FileFinder" -Path "C:\dummy" -Action Hash -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.flowid | Should Be F:AAAAAAAA } It 'invoke a valid ListProcesses flow' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ListProcesses" -FileNameRegex ".*shell.*" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ListProcesses" -FileNameRegex ".*shell.*" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.flowid | Should Be F:AAAAAAAA } @@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRFlow' { $info.Name="WindowsAutorun" New-Object PSObject -Property $info } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ArtifactCollectorFlow" -Artifact "WindowsAutorun" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRFlow -ComputerName XY -Flow "ArtifactCollectorFlow" -Artifact "WindowsAutorun" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret.flowid | Should Be F:AAAAAAAA } @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRFlowResult' { Context 'when there are errors.' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRFlowResult -ComputerName XY -FlowId "F:111111" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRFlowResult -ComputerName XY -FlowId "F:111111" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRFlowResult' { $EmptyItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRFlowResult -ComputerName XY -FlowId "F:111111" -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRFlowResult -ComputerName XY -FlowId "F:111111" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } @@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRLabel' { Context 'when there are errors.' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRLabel' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty } @@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRLabel' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRLabel -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $ret[0] | should be "label1" } @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHunt' { Context 'when there are errors.' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHunt -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHunt -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHunt' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHunt -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHunt -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty } } @@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRRequest' { $params = @{ 'Url' = "/clients/C.1111111111111111/flows"; - 'Credential' = $creds; + 'Credential' = $PesterTestCredentials; 'Body' = $Body; 'Headers' = $Headers; 'Websession' = $Websession @@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRRequest' { } It 'returning converted JSON object' { - $ret = Invoke-GRRRequest -Url "hunts/myurl" -Credential $creds + $ret = Invoke-GRRRequest -Url "hunts/myurl" -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should not BeNullOrEmpty $ret.total_count | should be 0 $ret.items | should BeNullOrEmpty @@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ Describe 'Invoke-GRRRequest' { $params = @{ 'Url' = "/clients/C.1111111111111111/flows"; - 'Credential' = $creds; + 'Credential' = $PesterTestCredentials; 'Body' = $Body; 'Headers' = $Headers; 'Websession' = $Websession @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRFlowDescriptor' { Context 'when there are errors' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRFlowDescriptor' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty $ret.items | Should BeNullOrEmpty } @@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRFlowDescriptor' { } -ModuleName PowerGRR Mock Get-GRRSession {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRFlowDescriptor -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $ret | select -expandproperty category | Should Be "Processes" $ret | select -expandproperty name | Should Be "ListProcesses" @@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRArtifact' { Context 'when there are errors' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRArtifact' { $EmptyItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRArtifact' { $NoItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRArtifact' { $ValidArtifacts.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRArtifact -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $ret | measure | select -expandproperty count | should be 2 $ret | select -expandproperty name -first 1 | should be "APTSources" @@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntApproval' { Context 'when there are errors' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntApproval' { $EmptyItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntApproval' { $NoItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntApproval' { $HuntApprovalValid.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw $ | Should Be "approval:AAAAAAAA" @@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRHuntApproval' { $HuntApprovalInvalid.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRHuntApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw $ | Should Be "approval:AAAAAAAA" @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientApproval' { Context 'when there are errors' { It 'no web response' { Mock Invoke-GRRRequest {} -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | should BeNullOrEmpty {$ret.total_count} | should throw } @@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientApproval' { $EmptyItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientApproval' { $NoItem.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw } @@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientApproval' { $ClientApprovalValid.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw $ | Should Be "approval:AAAAAAAA" @@ -983,7 +983,7 @@ Describe 'Get-GRRClientApproval' { $ClientApprovalInvalid.Substring(5) | ConvertFrom-Json } -ModuleName PowerGRR - $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $creds + $ret = Get-GRRClientApproval -Credential $PesterTestCredentials $ret | Should not BeNullOrEmpty { $ret.items } | Should Throw $ | Should Be "approval:AAAAAAAA"