This feature allows to log the payload and header values of requests.
Use the LoggingResourceManager class to configure the logging configuration resource. The logging configuration resource is a json resource with the following content:
A string array of headers to log. When no headers property is provided, ALL headers are logged. When no headers should be logged, add an empty array. See examples below:
//log no headers
headers: []
//log specified headers only
headers:["x-user-zip", "x-user-tour", "x-rp-lang"]
An optional array called destinations which contains destination objects specifying the type of the destination (e.g. file or eventBus) and the filename in case of a file or the address in case of a eventBus.
Property | Required | Description |
name | yes | The name of the object, used in the filters to reference the destination. |
type | yes | Specifies the type of the destination. This can be a file (file) or an address from the eventBus (address). |
file | Used to specify the name of the file, where the filtered content should be logged. | |
address | Used to specify the address in the eventBus, where the filtered content should be logged. | |
metadata | Used to specify additional data to be sent over the eventBus. The metadata will be added to the DeliveryOptions headers. Used only when type is 'eventBus' | |
transmission | Used to specify the transmission type ('publish', 'send') for the eventBus. Default value is 'publish'. Used only when type is 'eventBus'. When transmission type 'send' is used, the log will be sent to a single consumer only. When transmission type 'publish' is used, the log will be sent to all consumers. |
Attention: You have to set the property org.swisspush.logging.dir to configure the path where the log files should be stored.
"payload" : {
"destinations" : [
"name" : "requestLog",
"type" : "file",
"file" : "requests.log"
"name" : "default",
"type" : "file",
"file" : "recording.log"
"name" : "rec2",
"type" : "eventBus",
"address" : "event/request-test",
"metadata" : "someMoreData",
"transmission" : "publish"
An array called filters of filter entries to specify from what requests the payload should be logged. The filter entries can have the following values:
Property | Description |
url | A string containing the URL to log. Regex can be used to define a pattern |
method | A string containing the HTTP method to log. Regex can be used to define a pattern |
header name | An arbitrary header name. The request must contain the defined header to be logged |
reject | Set to "true" in order to not log the corresponding request. |
destination | An optional reference to a destination specified in the property destinations. The filtered content will be logged to the referenced destination. |
All filter values inside a filter entry have to match in order to log the request payload. Example of a payload filters configuration:
"payload" : {
"filters" : [
"url" : "/gateleen/resources/.*",
"x-rp-mail" : ""
"url" : "/gateleen/anotherres/.*"
"url" : "/gateleen/someres/v1/.*"
"url" : "/gateleen/server/tests/res/.*"
"url" : "/gateleen/(?!schemas/|apps/|server/(?!tests/res/.*)|img/).+"
Example of a payload filters configuration using the reject property and the method property:
"payload" : {
"filters" : [
"url" : "/gateleen/server/test/sub/.*",
"method" : "PUT|POST|DELETE"
"url" : "/gateleen/server/test/.*",
"reject" : "true"
Logs all PUT, POST and DELETE Requests to /gateleen/server/test/sub/... and below but does not log requests to /gateleen/server/test/...
Attention: Be aware of the order you define the payload filter configurations. Define "more" specific URLs before "less" specific URLs!
Example of a payload filters configuration using destinations to redirect the logging:
"payload" : {
"destinations" : [
"name" : "requestLog",
"type" : "file",
"file" : "requests.log"
"name" : "default",
"type" : "file",
"file" : "recording.log"
"name" : "rec2",
"type" : "eventBus",
"address" : "event/request-test"
"filters" : [
"url" : "/gateleen/audit/log",
"destination" : "requestLog"
"url" : "/gateleen/navigation/.*"
"url" : "/gateleen/trip/.*",
"destination" : "rec2"
Updating the logging configuration resource requires a validation against a schema to be positive. Check the schema gateleen_logging_schema_logging
Use LoggingResourceManager.handleLoggingResource(final HttpServerRequest request) method to update the logging configuration.
To log requests, create a new LoggingHandler(LoggingResourceManager loggingResourceManager, HttpServerRequest request) and use the log() method. The LoggingHandler will decide on whether to log the request or not with the guidance of the provided LoggingResourceManager.
Examples of logged request payloads and headers:
{"url":"/gateleen/server/test/r1","method":"GET","statusCode":304,"statusMessage":"Not Modified","request":{"headers":{"x-server-timestamp":"2015-01-21T15:12:21.392+01:00"}},"response":{"headers":{}}}
{"url":"/gateleen/server/test/r1","method":"GET","statusCode":304,"statusMessage":"Not Modified","request":{"headers":{"if-none-match":"adafffea-cc94-4cf0-b138-9420f9c4fa27"}},"response":{"headers":{}}}
{"url":"/gateleen/server/test/r1","method":"GET","statusCode":304,"statusMessage":"Not Modified","request":{"headers":{"connection":"keep-alive","cache-control":"max-age=0","accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8","user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.99 Safari/537.36","accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate, sdch","accept-language":"de-DE,de;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.6,en;q=0.4,fr;q=0.2,it;q=0.2","cookie":"JSESSIONID=ljv80nz7bmfz1wynkwpf5lte5","if-none-match":"adafffea-cc94-4cf0-b138-9420f9c4fa27","x-rp-unique_id":"5edb1d7c7ee93b3dd65779d39171c02c","x-server-timestamp":"2015-01-21T13:49:47.172+01:00","x-rp-unique-id":"5edb1d7c7ee93b3dd65779d39171c02c","host":"localhost:8989","transfer-encoding":"chunked"}},"response":{"headers":{"etag":"adafffea-cc94-4cf0-b138-9420f9c4fa27","content-length":"0"}}}