To install the environment and the package, follow the installation instructions in the README and activate the conda environment
conda activate point-eo
The scripts in this demo are formatted to the Anaconda Prompt (CMD) on Windows. They also work in PowerShell and UNIX command lines similarly, but the break character needs to be changed to backtick (`
) in PowerShell, backslash (\
) in UNIX.
In this demo, we use the data in the data directory. It consists of georeferenced points points_clc.geojson
that have a single value corine
, corresponding to the CLC class in this point. This value could be any class from any source, for example field measurements etc.
The raster s2_2018_lataseno.tif
is a geotiff with 9 bands from Sentinel 2.
The sample_raster
command samples points from a raster, saving a chosen value (here corine
, corresponding to the CLC class) and the raster values in that point to a table.
point-eo sample_raster ^
--input data\\points_clc.geojson ^
--input_raster data\\s2_2018_lataseno.tif ^
--target corine ^
--out_folder test_project\\samples
This produces a table of form
variable | band0 | band1 |
class A | 123 | 67.7 |
class B | 456 | 23.3 |
to a .csv
and .geojson
file in the --out_folder
If you want to specify the channel names in the raster, you can pass a .txt
-file to the --band_names
argument. The file should have each band name on their own row:
This would result in a table
variable | height | NDVI |
class A | 123 | 67.7 |
class B | 456 | 23.3 |
With the parameter --shp
, output is a shapefile instead of geojson.
See point-eo sample_raster --help
for all parameters.
The analysis
-command fits a Random Forest to the data, and evaluates the model with cross-validation.
point-eo analysis ^
--input test_project\\samples\\s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine.csv ^
--out_prefix demo_rf ^
--out_folder test_project\\analysis ^
--separator , ^
--decimal . ^
--remove_classes_smaller_than 6
Evaluation metrics are printed to the command line, as well as to a log file in the output directory. Evaluation graphs are saved (confusion matrx, class accuracies, channel permutation importances). Permutation importance tells how important the different channels are to the final classification.
The fonts of the output graphs can be changed with the parameters
--confusion_matrix_fonts "22,20,20"
--classification_report_fonts "22,20,20"
This script produces a .pkl
file that contains the model. This is used in the final raster classification.
If your dataset has a lot of classes, the output rasters can be very large, as they have as many channels as your training data has classes. You can reduce the number of classes by removing classes that have less than X samples with the parameter --remove_classes_smaller_than X
With our test dataset the graphs look like this:
See point-eo analysis --help
for all parameters.
A more thorough approach for finding a model can be done with the TPOT AutoML library, which finds and tunes a model configuration with generic algorithms
point-eo tpot_train ^
--input test_project\\samples\\s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine.csv ^
--out_prefix tpot_demo ^
--out_folder test_project\\tpot_out_test ^
--generations 2 ^
--population_size 10 ^
--scoring f1_weighted
Set the genrations and population size as high as your computer budget allows. Finding the model can take a long time, and it's not guaranteed that it performs better than a plain random forest.
See point-eo tpot_train --help
for all parameters.
To produce a pkl
file and evaluation figures, pass the TPOT model output to the analysis
point-eo analysis ^ --input test_project\samples\s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine.csv ^ --out_prefix tpot_demo ^ --out_folder tpot_analysis ^ --tpot_model test_project\tpot_out_test\ ^ --separator , ^ --decimal . ^ --remove_classes_smaller_than 6
Classifying the entire raster is done with the predict
point-eo predict ^
--model test_project\\analysis\\demo_rf__s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine__2023-10-02T14-57-21_model.pkl ^
--input_raster data\\s2_2018_lataseno.tif ^
--cell_size 3000 ^
--cell_buffer 2 ^
--out_folder test_project\\predictions
If your raster is not rectangular, it is adviced to pass a geometry file to the --extent
parameter. This way the only areas in the geometry are calculated, saving time.
See point-eo predict --help
for all parameters.
The output is saved as patches to the --out_folder
. The virtual raster can be changed to a normal raster with GDAL. You have to change the
path to the path on your system.
python C:\\Users\\E1007914\\AppData\\Local\\miniconda3\\envs\\point-eo\\Scripts\\ ^
-o test_project\\predictions\\demo.tif ^
-co "TILED=YES" ^
-ot "UInt16" ^
The prediction output is a raster with the (uncalibrated) class probabilities of the classifier. So if your dataset has N classes, the output raster has N channels. For example, the channel for CLC class 23 (broad-leaved forests) looks like this:
and CLC class 32 (sparsely vegetated areas) looks like this:
Raster channels can be renamed from the class map that was created with the analysis
point-eo set_band_description ^
--input_raster test_project\\predictions\\demo.tif ^
--label_map test_project\\analysis\\demo_rf__s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine__2023-10-02T14-57-21_label_map.txt
Finally, we can calculate two single-channel rasters: the most probable class, and it's confidence with the command
point-eo postprocess_prediction ^
--input_raster test_project\\predictions\\demo.tif ^
--out_folder test_project\\predictions ^
--label_map test_project\\analysis\\demo_rf__s2_2018_lataseno__points_clc__corine__2023-10-02T14-57-21_label_map.txt
The files are named demo_S.tif
for the classification and demo_M.tif
for the maximum confidence raster.
Final classification with paletted values corresponding to the most probable class:
With quality source rasters and a well-curated class taxonomy, Random Forest classifiers can perform very well.