This repo provides Repo manifest to setup the Yocto build system for the E10.
Note: If you just want the Synapse layer it is available at:
1. Install Repo
Create bin dir to add to PATH:
$ mkdir -p ~/.bin
Download the Repo script:
$ curl > ~/.bin/repo
Make it executable:
$ chmod +x ~/.bin/repo
Add ~/.bin to your PATH
$ echo 'export PATH=$HOME/.bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
2. Initialize our project
Create an empty directory:
$ mkdir yocto
$ cd yocto
To setup your repo initially:
$ repo init -u git://
Change branches:
$ repo init -b something_other_than_master
3. Pull down the latest repos
Updates all local repos to the branch you have selected:
$ repo sync
4. Initialize Yocto
$ export TEMPLATECONF=meta-synapse/conf
$ source poky/oe-init-build-env
5. Build images
$ bitbake synapse-image-e10-rescue
$ bitbake synapse-image-e10-ota