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MSHP 2023 - [7] now that's xxs!.md

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MSHP 2023 - [7] now that's xxs!

Challenge name: [7] now that's xxs!
Challenge description:

This page is somehow broken. Where's the ?payload?
If you see a base64 - you are on a right track

Challenge URL:
Challenge category: websec/xss
Challenge points: 100

Steps to solve

This challenge website openly said: "Broken XSS Challenge" and "Your goal is to execute an alert using a bypass technique and retrieve the flag.", alright, but how?

Opening Web Developer Tools allowed me to see, that the payload form is hidden. I changed HTML code to unhide and enable it, and sent the following payload:


Of course, I didn't get the alert - it would be too easy. However I received "I don't like this tag" message/hint:

And while observing URL, it now had parameter ?payload= added, which I could later use to quickly send GET requests.

At that time I thought about the hint I received
"I don't like this tag"
Alright! But how can I make you like it?

What are the ways to bypass signature-based filters?

If the filter is naive, then tag character case variation can bypass it:  

Other way is to add NULL byte [%00] in any position:  

One can also use trick with space (or equiv char) following tag name:  

And lastly, it is nice to check whether HTML-encoding bypasses the filter:  
# This obfuscation technique could work, as browser HTML-decodes attributes before processing them  

# Or if you are mental (&lt; = &#x003c; and &gt; = &#x003e;):  

However, the above trickery did not work for me, meaning that organizers allowed specific tag only.
I tried couple, but found out that <img> is the one I was looking for:

But what's that? Yet another error? Yet another hint?
Payload I tried was:

<img src="foo" onerror="alert(1)">  

which basically tries to load image with source foo (non-existent), and if it cannot be loaded - it executes alert(1).

You want base64 encoded payload bro? You get base64 encoded payload... bro:

<img src="foo" onerror="alert(1)"> = PGltZyBzcmM9ImZvbyIgb25lcnJvcj0iYWxlcnQoMSkiPg==  

I sent above base64 payload in GET request, and received the flag:

I see base64 which I like!  

Flag: chr(84)||chr(86)||chr(78)||chr(73)||chr(85)||chr(70)||chr(57)||chr(55)||chr(81)||chr(71)||chr(89)||chr(107)||chr(81)||chr(69)||chr(119)||chr(122)||chr(78)||chr(69)||chr(100)||chr(107)||chr(83)||chr(68)||chr(70)||chr(53)||chr(99)||chr(107)||chr(108)||chr(52)||chr(102)||chr(81)||chr(61)||chr(61)  

I used find and replace to concatenate those characters with plus # python, and then printed flag:

flag = chr(84)+chr(86)+chr(78)+chr(73)+chr(85)+chr(70)+chr(57)+chr(55)+chr(81)+chr(71)+chr(89)+chr(107)+chr(81)+chr(69)+chr(119)+chr(122)+chr(78)+chr(69)+chr(100)+chr(107)+chr(83)+chr(68)+chr(70)+chr(53)+chr(99)+chr(107)+chr(108)+chr(52)+chr(102)+chr(81)+chr(61)+chr(61)  
$ python3  

But what is that? Another layer of encoding...?
It's clearly base64, so let's CyberChef it! (you may of course pick or similiar):

FLAG: MSHP_{@f$@L34GdH1yrIx}

Additional comments

This challenge was really interesting and allowed me to discover various techniques on how to bypass signature-based filters. PortSwigger was one of the best.