alpine is small image, but golang:x.x.x-alpine is too big.
Golang's single binary and Docker's multi stage build solves problem with image size,
But another problem with the timezone occurs.
When you call time.LoadLocation(zone)
, an error occurs.
$ make run_alpine
panic: open /usr/local/go/lib/time/ no such file or directory
goroutine 1 [running]:
/go/src/ +0x22b
make: *** [run_alpine] Error 2
You can solve this problem by adding the following to Dockerfile.
RUN apk --no-cache add tzdata
$ make run_alpine_tz
utc:2017-10-24 05:50:30.540154873 +0000 UTC m=+0.000416296
jst:2017-10-24 14:50:30.540154873 +0900 JST
Image size is increased about 1.5MB.
This is acceptable to me.
takecy/tz-alpine latest d9000684ec07 6 minutes ago 5.91MB
takecy/tz-alpine-tz latest 2edd086d69e0 10 minutes ago 7.23MB
takecy/tz latest 95d22869b20b 11 minutes ago 272MB