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Checklist for Uli Browser extension

Maanas edited this page Mar 5, 2025 · 4 revisions

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The following tests will be performed on the ULI browser extension after loading it in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

The prerequisite for the following testing is that the uli-community server is up and running.

The following tests are for the development bundle of the extension.

To test out the production bundle, load it in the browsers and repeat the same steps.


  • While testing in the production bundle, if any slur is crowdsourced, delete it after checking that the contribution functionality works.
  • For the production bundle, while testing the 7th step, just check the logs after clicking on the "Download slurs" button. Further checking for syncing (by adding and deleting entries in the database) testing would not be possible.

1. Open service worker console

On loading the extension, open the service worker console and check the logs. If everything was set up properly, the logs related to database initialization and the addition of new entries (if any) will be shown.

2. Check DOM features

Next, check the "Enable Slur Replacement" and "Enable Slur Metadata" features.

Check for the words present in the database (plugin_slur_metadata and plugin_slurs tables). For testing purposes, a new common word can also be added to the local database.

For example, the word "crazy" is present in the seeding script for both tables, so these features can be tested for this word.

In case, if new changes were made in the functionalities of these features (for example any style-related change or DOM-related change), please test these features on multiple different websites. Some of the links for the testing are:






6) AND

7) AND


Apart from these URLs, testing on different websites can also be done. A new common word can also be added to the database locally to make the testing easier.

3. Test Personal Slur list

Try adding some words to the personal slur list. Save the list and then enable the slur-replacement feature. Test for the added words if the slur-replacement feature is working or not.

Close the extension and open it again. Go to the personalized slur list to see if the previously added words still exist or not. If everything works as expected, the previously added words should appear.

4. Try contributing from the context menu without login

This step requires that the user is not logged in.

Select a word on the webpage, and right-click on it to open the context menu. On context-menu select the "Add slur to Uli" option.

If everything works properly, an alert should appear with the following message: "Please login to Uli Browser Extension to contribute"

In the extension, go to the "My Contributions" section. There, a button with the text Login to Contribute should appear instead of anything else.

5. Login

This step requires an account in the uli-community (here, it means in the local setup). If an account hasn't been created, a new account can be created at http://localhost:4000/users/register.

In the extension, go to the "Account" section and log in with the uli-community credentials.

Next, go to the "My Contributions" section again. Now, adding a new slur would be allowed and the past contributions (if any) would also be visible.

Try adding a new slur from the context menu once again. Select a word and right-click on it, then select "Add Slur to Uli". Now, the contribution should be done successfully. An alert message would also be shown confirming the contribution. Check this contribution in the "My Contributions" section.

6. Test Crowdsourcing

In "My Contributions", try to add new contributions, edit previous contributions and check if everything is updating correctly or not.

7. Syncing Data and Other IndexedDB-related testing

To test the syncing, keep the service worker's console open on the side to observe all the logs while syncing.

Click on the "Download New Crowdsourced Slurs" button in the "Preferences" section and observe the logs.

If no new slurs were added since the installation, the logs "No new slurs to add" and "No new slur metadata entries added" would be shown.

To test the syncing further in case there have been changes in the background script or other indexedDB-related changes, please add some new entries in the “plugin_slur_metadata” and “plugin_slurs” tables in the database locally. Then do the sync again to see if new entries were added.

Try to test the features on the new entries. For example, if a new word "abc" is added to the database, try searching for this word and see after syncing, if the feature works for this word or not.

To further confirm the new entries, the IndexedDb can also be checked. In Chrome, it can be seen by inspecting the popup. In Firefox, it is visible in the service worker developer tools itself.

Additionally, try deleting some words from the database and then after syncing, see if the features still work on the deleted words or not. After deletion, the features should not work for the deleted words.

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