Data visualization that allows time travelling through the Berlin business landscape of the past 50 years.
This project uses the latest open dataset provided by IHK Berlin.
There are no requirements, simply start a local dev server, e.g. via:
npx live-server
You will now have a live-reloading server available at http://localhost:8080. Please substitute localhost
with your local IP address and make sure it is included in the allowed origins for the basemap in Maptiler and in the CORS settings of the S3 bucket for the vector tileset.
Now you can start developing at
This project is vanilla HTML, CSS and JavaScript. We merely use Maplibre GL JS for the map view and Stimulus for organizing JavaScript and making it reactive to DOM interactions (e.g. via selecting branches or moving the year slider.)
If you want to add new JavaScript, take a look at the Stimulus conventions and if you decide to add a new controller, add it in ./js/controllers/
and register it in ./js/stimulus-controllers.js
Note: This step is only necessary once and will most likely already be done if you start working on this repository. However, you might need to do this again if you want to update the vector tileset, e.g. because new IHK data is available or because you want to include more data in the vector tiles.
We create a PMTiles tile archive that we host on Amazon S3. In order to upload the required .pmtiles
format, we need to generate it using Tippecanoe.
Note that you will need to install the latest version of Tippecanoe first if you don't have it.
Create a directory for temporary files if you haven't yet (this is gitignored):
mkdir tmp
Download the latest IHK dataset as a CSV:
curl -s -L -o tmp/data.csv
We want to only include businesses that are "im Handelsregister eingetragen", so need to do some filtering. First, add CSV headers into a filtered file:
awk 'NR==1{print $1}' tmp/data.csv > tmp/data-filtered.csv
Then, only keep the businesses that are registered in the Handelsregister:
grep -e 'im Handelsregister eingetragen' tmp/data.csv >> tmp/data-filtered.csv
Feed the CSV into Tippecanoe, using some flags to ensure we display all business as dots and only include the properties necessary for the vector tileset:
tippecanoe -f -o tiles/data.pmtiles \
-b0 -r1 -pk -pf \
-y branch_top_level_desc \
-y business_age \
-y ihk_branch_desc \
-l ihk \
Now you can upload the tileset tiles/data.pmtiles
to the S3 bucket, making sure that correct permissions are set.
TODO: This could become a bash script to make it less manual work.