Nexus RPC is a modern open-source service framework for arbitrary-length operations whose lifetime may extend beyond a traditional RPC. Nexus was designed with durable execution in mind, as an underpinning to connect durable executions within and across namespaces, clusters and regions – with a clean API contract to streamline multi-team collaboration. Any service can be exposed as a set of sync or async Nexus operations – the latter provides an operation identity and a uniform interface to get the status of an operation or its result, receive a completion callback, or cancel the operation.
Temporal is leveraing the Nexus RPC protocol to facilitate calling across namespace and cluster and boundaries.
This proposal discusses exposing Nexus concepts in the Temporal Go SDK, reusing definitions from the Nexus Go SDK.
NOTE: The proposed APIs will all be marked experimental until we get user feedback and we feel they've matured enough.
Due to limitation in the SDK package structure, some of the types shown in this proposal are aliases to types defined in the
package. We define them inline here for brevity.
creates a synchronous operation, passing the client the worker was created with as an argument to the
handler. Sync operations are useful for exposing short-lived Temporal client requests, such as signals, queries, sync
update, list workflows, etc...
package temporalnexus
import ""
func NewSyncOperation[I any, O any](
name string,
handler func(context.Context, client.Client, I, nexus.StartOperationOptions) (O, error),
) nexus.Operation[I, O]
NOTE: this is a simple wrapper around the Nexus Go SDK's NewSyncOperation, which can be used in sync operations that don't require a Temporal client.
import (
opGetStatus := temporalnexus.NewSyncOperation("get-status", func(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, id string, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (int, error) {
res, err := c.QueryWorkflow(ctx, id, "", "some-query", nil)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var ret int
return ret, res.Get(&ret)
// Operations don't have to return values.
opContinue := temporalnexus.NewSyncOperation("continue-processing", func(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, id string, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (nexus.NoValue, error) {
return nil, c.SignalWorkflow(ctx, id, "", "continue-processing", nil)
package temporalnexus
import (
// NewWorkflowRunOperation maps an operation to a workflow run.
func NewWorkflowRunOperation[I, O any](
name string,
workflow func(internal.Context, I) (O, error),
getOptions func(context.Context, I, nexus.StartOperationOptions) (client.StartWorkflowOptions, error),
) nexus.Operation[I, O]
type WorkflowRunOperationOptions[I, O any] struct {
// Operation name.
Name string
// Workflow function to map this operation to. The operation input maps directly to workflow input.
// The workflow name is resolved as it would when using this function in client.ExecuteOperation.
// GetOptions must be provided when setting this option. Mutually exclusive with Handler.
Workflow func(workflow.Context, I) (O, error)
// Options for starting the workflow. Must be set if Workflow is set. Mutually exclusive with Handler.
GetOptions func(context.Context, I, nexus.StartOperationOptions) (client.StartWorkflowOptions, error)
// Handler for starting a workflow with a different input than the operation. Mutually exclusive with Workflow
// and GetOptions.
Handler func(context.Context, I, nexus.StartOperationOptions) (WorkflowHandle[O], error)
// NewWorkflowRunOperation map an operation to a workflow run with the given options.
func NewWorkflowRunOperationWithOptions[I, O any](opts WorkflowRunOperationOptions[I, O]) nexus.Operation[I, O]
type WorkflowHandle[T any] interface {
ID() string
RunID() string
// ExecuteWorkflow starts a workflow run for a [WorkflowRunOperationOptions.Handler], linking the execution chain to a
// Nexus operation (subsequent runs started from continue-as-new and retries).
// Automatically propagates the callback and request ID from the nexus options to the workflow.
func ExecuteWorkflow[I, O any, WF func(internal.Context, I) (O, error)](
ctx context.Context,
nexusOptions nexus.StartOperationOptions,
startWorkflowOptions client.StartWorkflowOptions,
workflow WF,
arg I,
) (WorkflowHandle[O], error)
// ExecuteUntypedWorkflow starts a workflow with by function reference or string name, linking the execution chain to a
// Nexus operation.
// Useful for invoking workflows that don't follow the single argument - single return type signature.
// See [ExecuteWorkflow] for more information.
func ExecuteUntypedWorkflow[R any](
ctx context.Context,
nexusOptions nexus.StartOperationOptions,
startWorkflowOptions client.StartWorkflowOptions,
workflow any,
args ...any,
) (WorkflowHandle[R], error)
import (
func MyHandlerWorkflow(workflow.Context, MyInput) (MyOutput, error)
func MyHandlerWorkflowWithAlternativeInput(workflow.Context, MyWorkflowInput) (MyOutput, error)
// Alternative 1 - shortest form, for workflows that have input and outputs that map 1:1 with the operation's I/O.
opStartTransactionAlt1 := temporalnexus.NewWorkflowRunOperation(
func(ctx context.Context, input MyInput, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (client.StartWorkflowOptions, error) {
return client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: input.ID,
}, nil
// Alternative 2 - same as above but using the "WithOptions" method.
opStartTransactionAlt2 := temporalnexus.NewWorkflowRunOperationWithOptions(
temporalnexus.WorkflowRunOperationOptions[MyInput, MyOutput]{
Name: "start-transaction",
Workflow: MyHandlerWorkflow,
GetOptions: func(ctx context.Context, input MyInput, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (client.StartWorkflowOptions, error) {
return client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: input.ID,
}, nil
// Alternative 3 - start a workflow with alternative inputs.
opStartTransactionAlt3 := temporalnexus.NewWorkflowRunOperationWithOptions(
temporalnexus.WorkflowRunOperationOptions[MyInput, MyOutput]{
Name: "start-transaction",
Handler: func(ctx context.Context, input MyInput, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (temporalnexus.WorkflowHandle[MyOutput], error) {
// Workflows started with this API must take a single input and return single output.
return temporalnexus.ExecuteWorkflow(ctx, opts, client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: input.ID,
}, MyHandlerWorkflowWithAlternativeInput, MyWorkflowInput{})
// Alternative 4 - start a workflow with an arbitrary number of inputs (either using a string or workflow function for
// the name).
opStartTransactionAlt4 := temporalnexus.NewWorkflowRunOperationWithOptions(
temporalnexus.WorkflowRunOperationOptions[MyInput, MyOutput]{
Name: "start-transaction",
Handler: func(ctx context.Context, input MyInput, opts nexus.StartOperationOptions) (temporalnexus.WorkflowHandle[MyOutput], error) {
// Run any arbitrary workflow.
return temporalnexus.ExecuteUntypedWorkflow[MyOutput](ctx, opts, client.StartWorkflowOptions{
ID: input.ID,
}, "SomeOtherWorkflow", input1, input2, input3)
We define a NexusServiceRegistry
interface with a single method RegisterNexusService
and embed it in the Registry
import ""
Registry interface {
NexusServiceRegistry // <-- New
NexusServiceRegistry interface {
// RegisterNexusService registers a service with a worker. Panics if a service with the same name has already
// been registered on this worker or if the worker has already been started. A worker will only poll for
// Nexus tasks if any services are registered on it.
RegisterNexusService(service *nexus.Service)
service := nexus.NewService("payments")
err := service.Register(myOperation, myOtherOperation)
if err != nil {
The ExecuteNexusOperation
API is modelled after ExecuteChildWorkflow
, leveraging futures that can be used with the
SDK's selectors.
NOTE: In the future, as the Go SDK adds support for typed futures, we will add a strongly typed variant of this API.
// NexusOperationOptions are options for starting a Nexus Operation from a Workflow.
type NexusOperationOptions struct {
ScheduleToCloseTimeout time.Duration
// NexusOperationExecution is the result of [NexusOperationFuture.GetNexusOperationExecution].
type NexusOperationExecution struct {
OperationID string
// NexusOperationFuture represents the result of a Nexus Operation.
type NexusOperationFuture interface {
// GetNexusOperationExecution returns a future that is resolved when the operation reaches the STARTED state.
// For synchronous operations, this will be resolved at the same as the containing [NexusOperationFuture]. For
// asynchronous operations, this future is resolved independently.
// If the operation is unsuccessful, this future will contain the same error as the [NexusOperationFuture].
// Use this method to extract the Operation ID of an asynchronous operation. OperationID will be empty for
// synchronous operations.
GetNexusOperationExecution() Future
// NexusClient is a client for executing Nexus Operations from a workflow.
type NexusClient interface {
// ExecuteOperation executes a Nexus Operation.
// The operation argument can be a string, a [nexus.Operation] or a [nexus.OperationReference].
ExecuteOperation(ctx Context, operation any, input any, options NexusOperationOptions) NexusOperationFuture
// Create a [NexusClient] from an endpoint name and a service name.
func NewNexusClient(endpoint, service string) NexusClient
import (
func MyCallerWorkflow(ctx workflow.Context) (MyOutput, error) {
client := workflow.NewNexusClient(ctx, "prod-payments", "payments")
fut := client.ExecuteOperation(ctx, "start-transaction", MyInput{ID: "tx-deadbeef"}, workflow.NexusOperationOptions{
ScheduleToCloseTimeout: time.Hour,
var exec workflow.NexusOperationExecution
_ = fut.GetNexusOperationExecution().Get(ctx, &exec)
fmt.Println(exec.OperationID) // May be empty if the operation completed synchronously.
var result MyOutput
return result, fut.Get(ctx, &result)
NOTE: To cancel a Nexus Operation, cancel the context used to execute it.
For now we'll only intercept outbound APIs from a workflow, extending the WorkflowOutboundInterceptor
More interceptors are likely to come later.
type WorkflowOutboundInterceptor interface {
ExecuteNexusOperation(ctx workflow.Context, client workflow.NexusClient, operation any, input any, options NexusOperationOptions)
RequestCancelNexusOperation(ctx workflow.Context, client workflow.NexusClient, operation any, id string, options nexus.CancelOperationOptions) error
CallerWorkflow->>CallerWorker: ExecuteNexusOperation
CallerWorker->>CallerTemporal: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted<br>(ScheduleNexusOperation)
CallerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: Record NexusOperationScheduled
loop Until Succeeded
CallerTemporal->>HandlerTemporal: StartNexusOperation(requestID, callback, input, ...)
HandlerWorker->>HandlerTemporal: PollNexusTaskQueue
HandlerTemporal-->>HandlerWorker: Nexus Task
HandlerWorker->>UserHandler: StartNexusOperation
UserHandler->>HandlerTemporal: StartWorkflowExecution
HandlerTemporal-->>UserHandler: OK
UserHandler-->>HandlerWorker: OperationID
HandlerWorker-->>HandlerTemporal: RespondNexusTaskCompleted(OperationID)
HandlerTemporal-->>CallerTemporal: OperationID
CallerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: Record NexusOperationStarted(OperationID)
CallerWorker->>CallerTemporal: PollWorkflowTaskQueue
CallerTemporal-->>CallerWorker: Workflow Task (NexusOperationStarted)
CallerWorker-->>CallerWorkflow: Unblock "started" future
Note right of HandlerTemporal: Some time later...
ArbitraryHandlerWorker->>HandlerTemporal: PollWorkflowTaskQueue
HandlerTemporal-->>ArbitraryHandlerWorker: Workflow Task (start workflow from UserHandler)
ArbitraryHandlerWorker->>HandlerTemporal: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted<br>(WorkflowExecutionCompleted)
HandlerTemporal-->>ArbitraryHandlerWorker: OK
HandlerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: POST callback with operation (workflow) result
CallerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: Record NexusOperationCompleted
CallerTemporal-->>HandlerTemporal: OK
CallerWorker->>CallerTemporal: PollWorkflowTaskQueue
CallerTemporal-->>CallerWorker: Workflow Task (NexusOperationCompleted)
CallerWorker-->>CallerWorkflow: Unblock "completed" future
CallerWorkflow->>CallerWorker: ExecuteNexusOperation
CallerWorker->>CallerTemporal: RespondWorkflowTaskCompleted<br>(ScheduleNexusOperation)
CallerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: Record NexusOperationScheduled
loop Until Succeeded
CallerTemporal->>HandlerTemporal: StartNexusOperation(requestID, callback, input, ...)
HandlerWorker->>HandlerTemporal: PollNexusTaskQueue
HandlerTemporal-->>HandlerWorker: Nexus Task
HandlerWorker->>UserHandler: StartNexusOperation
UserHandler->>HandlerTemporal: Signal/Query/List
HandlerTemporal-->>UserHandler: OK
UserHandler-->>HandlerWorker: Result
HandlerWorker-->>HandlerTemporal: RespondNexusTaskCompleted(Result)
HandlerTemporal-->>CallerTemporal: Result
CallerTemporal->>CallerTemporal: Record NexusOperationCompleted
CallerWorker->>CallerTemporal: PollWorkflowTaskQueue
CallerTemporal-->>CallerWorker: Workflow Task (NexusOperationCompleted)
CallerWorker-->>CallerWorkflow: Unblock "started" + "completed" futures