Status | Accepted |
RFC # | 162 |
Author(s) | Zhuo Peng (, Kester Tong ( |
Sponsor | Konstantinos Katsiapis ( |
Updated | 2019-10-03 |
- To define a common in-memory data representation that:
- is powerful enough to encode the following logical training data format:
), sequence (tf.SequenceExample
) or structured data (e.g. Protocol Buffers or Apache Avro). - all TFX components can understand and can support their own unique use cases with.
- is powerful enough to encode the following logical training data format:
- To define an I/O abstraction layer that produces the above in-memory representation from supported physical storage formats, while hiding TFX’s choice of such storage formats from TFX users.
- To define a bridge from the above in-memory representation to TF feedables (i.e. Tensors and certain CompositeTensors).
TFX offers a portfolio of libraries, including TFT, TFDV and TFMA. These libraries can be used in a standalone manner (i.e. a user can run TFDV without/outside TFX) while on the other hand, one TFX component (a program orchestrated by TFX) may use multiple TFX libraries under the hood. For example, there could be a TFX component that transforms the training data by invoking TFT and collects pre-transform and post-transform statistics of the data by invoking TFDV.
Currently, each TFX library accepts different in-memory data representation:
TFDV | TFT | TFMA | BulkInference | |
In-memory data representation | Arrow RecordBatches | Dict[str, np.ndarray] | str (raw data records), Dict[str, np.ndarray] | str (raw data records) |
Understand the data and conduct analysis | input data is encoded losslessly as RecordBatches. | the in-mem representation may be lossy. | Relies on the model’s input layer, and the format is Dict[str, np.ndarray]. | N/A |
Feed TF | N/A | the in-mem representation is TF feedable. | Feed “raw data” to the model. | Feed “raw data” to the model |
When a TFX component needs to invoke multiple TFX libraries, it may need to decode the data into one of the libraries’ in-memory representations, and translate that into the other library’s. For example, in the “Transform” component mentioned above:
Note that TFDV is invoked twice, with different data. Thus the translation needs to happen twice.
This has created several issues:
- The translation is computationally expensive. In a real world set-up, such translation could take as many CPU cycles as the core TFT and TFDV logic takes in total.
- More such translation logic may need to be implemented to support expanding TFX use cases -- imagine that TFMA needs to invoke TFDV to compute statistics over slices of data identified by model evaluation.
- The complexity of adding new logical data representations scales with the number of components. For example, to add SequenceExample support in TFX, one may need to come up with an in-memory representation for each of the components, to keep the consistency within the component.
- TFX library users whose data format is not supported natively by TFX would have to implement the decoding logic for each of the libraries they want to use. For example, had TFX not supported the CSV format, a user would have to implement one CSV decoder for TFT, and another CSV decoder for TFDV
A common in-memory data representation would address the issues.
Currently TFX (mostly) assumes tf.Example on TFRecord. However because TFX is a managed environment, it is desired that its choice of physical format of data is an implementation detail and is opaque to the components and the users. TFX would like to explore switching to a columnar physical format like Apache Parquet and it can be imagined that there will be a migration at some point. Such a migration must happen in either of the following two ways:
- Change every single TFX library and component that needs to read data to add support for reading the new physical format (into each library’s own in-memory representation)
- Rely on an indirection through tf.Example and give up some performance because of the translation.
Beyond easier migrations (which could arguably be one-time efforts), a good I/O abstraction would allow TFX to choose the optimal storage format based on user’s workload, in a user-transparent manner.
While this change is transparent to end users, it will facilitate the design and implementation of many user-facing features, for example:
- Columnar storage format in TFX.
- Structured training examples.
We use TFXIO to refer to the proposed I/O abstraction layer. All TFX components will start using TFXIO to ingest the data and have a unified way of representing the data. Individual TFX component users would be able to implement TFXIO for their own data formats / storage formats that are not supported by TFX. By design, any such implementation will be readily accessible by all TFX components.
Developers working on TFX infrastructure will not have to understand the internals of each component any more in order to make changes to I/O and parsing (for example, adding support for a new storage format for the training examples).
Developers working on TFX components would benefit from sharing common operations against the unified in-memory representation, or even higher-level computations. For instance, suppose that we implement a sketch-based algorithm to compute approximate heavy hitters over this in-memory representation. We can now share this implementation inside both TFDV and TFT for their top-K feature value computation.
The in-memory representation should:
Be columnar.
A columnar in-memory representation works better than a row based on under typical workload of TFX libraries:
- Compute statistics over a column.
- Feed a batch of rows to TensorFlow.
Be able to losslessly encode the logical data format. Specifically, it should be able to distinguish a null (unpopulated) value from an empty list.
TFDV produces distinct statistics for nulls and empty lists.
Provide for efficient integration with TF computation. Ideally, using the in-memory representation with TensorFlow should not require a data copy.
Feeding TF is a significant TFX workload, both in terms of CPU cycles and number of examples processed.
Have efficient Python APIs to slice, filter and concatenate. Or more generally, have efficient Python APIs for data analysis type of workload.
For example, TFMA may group the examples by “geo_location” and “language” and evaluate the model for each of the slices. This operation would require efficient slicing a batch of examples, and concatenation of slices that belong to the same slice key (because the slices could be very small, and inefficient for feeding TF). TFDV has similar use cases where statistics of a certain slice of data needs to be collected.
This type of workload is also significant in TFX, both in terms of CPU cycles and number of examples processed.
Note that TFX libraries don't always need to run TF graphs. For example, TFDV, despite of its name, only analyzes the training data and (almost) does not call any TF API. Another example, TFMA, will support "blackbox" evaluation where the model being evaluated does not have to be a TF model. Therefore a TF-neutral in-memory representation that works well with plain Python code is desirable.
Be interoperable with the rest of the world.
The OSS world should be able to use TFX components with little effort on data conversion. This aligns with TFX’s long term vision.
This design proposes a common in-memory data representation, a way to translate that into TF feedables (np.ndarray or EagerTensors) and a set of APIs each component can use to get both.
Apache Arrow will be used as the common in-memory
data representation. Beam-based TFX components will accept
Each logical data format will have its own encoding convention, discussed in the detailed design.
We chose Apache Arrow because:
- It’s Expressive enough.
- Lossless encoding of (conformant) tf.Example, tf.SequenceExample
- Can encode structured data (proto)
- It’s a columnar format. It works well with common TFX workloads:
- Column (feature)-wise analysis
- Feed a batch of columns (features) to TensorFlow.
- It’s OSS friendly.
- Community support for more storage format I/O (e.g. Apache Parquet)
- Friendly to other OSS data formats, both in-memory and on disk (e.g. Pandas)
- Friendly to numpy / TF: many Arrow array types share the same memory layout with numpy ndarrays and certain type of TF (composite) Tensors.
- TF neutral.
- Leaves the possibility of supporting other ML libraries open.
The analogy to this is parsing tf.Examples into TF feedables -- extra
information is needed in this translation because a
can be converted to a Tensor, a SparseTensor or a
RaggedTensor depending on the
feature specs.
Currently this extra information is implicitly contained in the pipeline schema
(an instance of the
TFMD Schema)
Similarly, an Arrow column can be translated to various TF feedables. An extension to the pipeline schema is proposed to for a user to express the intention for conversion.
The conversion can be efficient (zero-copy) in certain cases. It is discussed in the detailed design.
We propose a set of APIs that TFX components will call, and need to be implemented for each of the supported combination of {physical, logical} format.
class TFXIO(object):
"""Abstract basic class of all Standardized TFX inputs API implementations."""
def __init__(
schema: Optional[tfmd.Schema]=None
def BeamSource(self,
projections: Optional[List[Text]]=None
) -> beam.PTransform:
"""Returns a beam PTransform that produces PCollection[pa.RecordBatch].
May NOT raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.
projections: if not None, only the specified subset of columns will be
def TensorAdapter(self) -> TensorAdapter:
"""Returns a TensorAdapter that converts pa.RecordBatch to TF inputs.
May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.
def ArrowSchema(self) -> pyarrow.Schema:
"""Returns the schema of the Arrow RecordBatch generated by BeamSource().
May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.
def TFDataset(self, ...) ->
"""Returns a Dataset of TF inputs.
May raise an error if the TFMD schema was not provided at construction time.
Where TensorAdapter
class TensorAdapter(object):
def __init__(
arrow_schema: pyarrow.Schema,
tensor_representations: Dict[str, TensorRepresentation]):
arrow_schema: the schema of the RecordBatches this adapter is to receive
in ToBatchTensors().
tensor_representations: keys are the names of the output tensors; values
describe how an output tensor should be derived from a RecordBatch.
def TypeSpecs(self) -> Dict[str, tf.TypeSpec]:
"""Returns tf.TypeSpec for each tensor in `tensor_representation`.
TypeSpecs can be used to construct placeholders or tf.function signatures.
def ToBatchTensors(
self, record_batch: pyarrow.RecordBatch,
projections: Optional[List[TensorName]]=None
) -> Dict[str, TFFeedable]: # TFFeedable: np.ndarrays or tf.EagerTensor
# (or compositions of them, i.e.
# CompositeTensors).
"""Converts a RecordBatch to batched TFFeedables per `tensor_representation`
Each will conform to the corresponding TypeSpec / TensorRepresentation.
projections: a set of names of TFFeedables (mentioned in
`tensor_representation`). If not None, only TFFeedables of those names
will be converted.
Note that we will provide a default implementation of TensorAdapter
, but TFXIO
implementations can implement their own TensorAdapter
. A custom
would allow a TFXIO
implmentation to rely on a TF graph to
do parsing -- the same graph can be used in both BeamSource
The default TensorAdapter
can be constructed out of the Arrow schema (which
is required for any TFXIO implementation) and TensorRepresentations
. The
latter is part of the TFMD schema. See this section
for details.
On a high level, a batch of logical entities (“examples”) is encoded into a
Features or fields (from structured records) are encoded as columns in the
Note that
an abstraction similar to RecordBatch with the key difference being that a
column in a Table might contain multiple chunks of contiguous memory regions
while a column in a RecordBatch contains only one chunk. RecordBatch is chosen
because we want to enforce that TFXIO implementations produce batched data in
the most efficient way (one chunk per batch). Users of TFXIO may construct a
Table from one or more RecordBatches since easy conversion from one to the other
is supported by Apache Arrow.
This design aims to support the logical structure of tf.Example, tf.SequenceExample or structured data like Protocol Buffers. Thus only a subset of Arrow array types are needed. All TFX components will guarantee to understand those types, but no more. Below is a summary of supported encodings:
Logical representation | Arrow encoding |
Feature with no value | NullArray |
Univalent feature (one value per example) | FixedSizeListArray (list_size = 1) |
Multivalent feature (multiple values per example) | [FixedSize]ListArray |
Sequence feature (list of lists of values per example) | [FixedSize]ListArray<[FixedSize]ListArray> |
Proto-like structured data | ListArray<StructArray<{subfield:ListArray<recursion>}>> |
However the design is flexible to support more complicated logical structures, for example, k-nested sequences (tf.SequenceExample is 2-nested).
Next we show that these encodings cover the logical data formats we aim to support:
Conformant tf.Examples are assumed. I/O + parsing should throw an error upon non-conformant instances.
A key requirement derived from the conformant-ness is for the encoding to be able to distinguish the following two cases:
a feature is present, but it’s value list is empty
{ features { "my_feature": { bytes_list { } } }
a feature is not present
{ features { } }
{ features { "my_feature": {} # none of the oneof is set } }
Each feature can be encoded as:
Then, the feature value in case a) is encoded as an empty sub-list, while the feature value in case b) is encoded as null.
If we know that all the lists in a ListArray
are of equal length (from the
schema of the data, see below sections), FixedSizeListArray
can be used to
obviate the O(N)
space overhead for lengths of lists.
Conformant tf.SequenceExamples are assumed. I/O + parsing should throw an error upon non-conformant instances.
A context feature will be encoded similarly to a feature in tf.Example. A sequence feature will be encoded as:
To avoid name conflicts with context features, all the sequence features can be
grouped into one StructArray
StructArray<{'sequence_feature1': ListArray<ListArray<int64|float32|binary>>, ...}>
A batch of structured records can be encoded as follows:
Each direct leaf field of the structure can be encoded similarly to tf.Example. (
of primitive types). -
Each sub-message can be encoded as:
One or more Arrow columns can potentially be converted to multiple types of TF feedables.
For example, a ListArray<int64>
can be converted to:
- a Tensor, if given a default value to pad
- a SparseTensor to represent a ragged array
- a RaggedTensor
The choice depends on user’s intents, which currently is implicitly expressed in the pipeline schema.
We propose to create a new TFMD
(TensorFlow MetaData) Proto, TensorRepresentation
to carry those intents implicitly:
message TensorRepresentation {
oneof {
DenseTensor { … } // column_name, dtype, shape, default_value
VarLenSparseTensor { … } // column_name, dtype
SparseTensor { } // dtype, value_column_name, indice_column_names
VarLenRaggedTensor { … } // dtype
RaggedTensor { } // dtype, value_column_name, row_partition_column_names, ...
StructuredTensor { } // column_names
This proto is used in two places:
It’s part of TFMD schema:
message TensorRepresentationGroup { map<string, TensorRepresentation> tensor_representation = 2; }; message Schema { repeated Feature feature = 1; // … map<string, TensorRepresentationGroup> tensor_representation_group = 42; }
Note :
allows different instances of one TFX component to use different sets ofTensorRepresentation
is optional. If the user does not specify any, a default representation will be derived from schema.feature to keep backwards compatibility.- this field is not a sub-message of Schema::Feature, because a TF feedable may comprise multiple columns
Being part of the schema makes it possible to serialize and materialize the intents for other components to use, which allows TFT’s materialization functionality to have its own TFXIO implementation that hides the data/physical format from the user.
When generating the initial schema from the statistics of the data, TFDV can propose a default set of
. The user may revise the proposal and TFDV can validateTensorRepresentationGroup
s in a continuous manner. -
The default implementation of TensorAdapter takes an optional
Dict[str, TensorRepresentation]
at construction time. If a TFXIO implementation choose to use the default TensorAdapter, it needs to provide them (may come directly from the Schema).
The key to efficient conversions is to avoid copying of data. The prerequisites to do so are:
- Same memory alignment
- Same memory layout
Currently 64-byte alignment is the standard in both Tensorflow's TensorBuffer
and Apache Arrow's Buffer
. Forthermore, it can be guaranteed by implementing
our own version of arrow::MemoryPool
that is backed by a
The memory layout will be the same if right types are chosen at both ends thus zero-copy conversion can be done, for example:
of equal-length lists) -> dense Tensors.ListArray<ListArray<...>>
-> RaggedTensors.ListArray<StructArray<... recursion>>
-> StructuredTensors
In other cases, copies can be avoided for the values, but some computation is needed:
- Need to compute the sparse indices from
's list offsets.
- Need to compute the sparse indices from
The remaining cases require a copy:
(of non-equal-length lists) -> dense Tensors
With TensorRepresentation available in the Schema, a TFXIO implementation may optimize its decoder to choose the most efficient Arrow type.
Arrow’s string arrays (BinaryArray
) have a different memory layout than
TensorFlow’s string Tensors, even with
There is always some overhead in conversion, but with tensorflow::tstring
Tensor of string_view
s is possible, thus the overhead will be a function of
the number of strings being converted, instead of the lengths of the strings.
In TF 1.x we will use np.ndarray as a bridge as Arrow has zero-copy conversion to numpy’s ndarrays. (not for string arrays).
Starting from TF 2.x, we will be able to create EagerTensors from Python memoryview(s) so that strings can be covered.
The TFMD Schema is a pipeline-level artifact and in the scope of this proposal, it may serve two purposes:
- To provide optional inputs to the parsing logic for optimizations.
- To carry user’s intents of converting data to TF feedables.
The two purposes don’t have to be served in the following cases:
- TFDV should not require a schema to work and it does not need TF feedables.
- Some TFXIO implementation may not need the schema for either purposes.
Therefore the TFMD schema is optional, and a TFXIO implementation:
- should guarantee that the
can return a validPCollection[RecordBatch]
without a schema.- Other interfaces may raise an error when a schema was not provided.
- does not have to require a TFMD schema for all its interfaces to work.
For TFX to freely choose the storage format for training examples for a user, we cannot expose file-based or record-based interface to that user in the TF trainer, because:
- the user might not know how to open those files.
- there might not be an efficient representation of a “record” (this is true for columnar storage formats like Apache Parquet) but only an efficient representation of a batch of records.
Thus we propose that to most users, the TF Trainer only exposes a handle to a
of parsed (composite) Tensors.
implementation will implement a TFDataset()
interface to return
such a
. This dataset contains logically a set of batched
(composite) Tensors that are of the same type as the corresponding
would return for a RecordBatch
. See
this section about how to minimize
the code needs to be written for a new TFXIO
The TFDataset()
interface will accept common knobs that a user may need to
- Batch size
- Random shuffle
TFXIO will be used by all TFX components as well as the TFX framework, making it
be almost at the bottom of the dependency chain. Moreover, a lot of
implementations details will be in C++, with python wrapping around, and we want
to make sure our TFX components pip packages remain pure Python for easy
maintenance. Therefore we propose a new python package
tfx_bsl (TFX Shared Basic Libraries) to
contain the implementations of TFXIO
and other libraries shared across TFX
To maximize code sharing, the following way of implementing a TFXIO
One would only need to implement the IO+Parsing-to-arrow in C++ once, and reuse it in the BeamSource() and a format-specific Dataset Op that produces a DT_VARIANT tensor that points to the parsed Arrow RecordBatch. Then we provide one C++ library that translates the Arrow RecordBatch to Tensors, which can also be reused in a TF op (as the downstream of the Dataset, or in a Python wrapper).
We’ve considered an alternative where StructuredTensor is the unified in-memory representation, but it does not meet all of the requirements:
Arrow RecordBatch | StructuredTensor | |
Columnar | Yes | Yes |
Lossless encoding (nullity) | Yes | No (see remark 1) |
Efficient translatable to Tensors | Yes (see remark 2) | Yes |
Efficient slicing, filtering and concatenation | Yes | No (see remark 3) |
Interoperability with the rest of the world | Good through Apache Arrow | Needs adaptation (see remark 4) |
- We could revise the design of StructuredTensor to include the nullibility support.
- Only when the backing buffers are aligned correctly. Currently both TF and Apache Arrow has 64-byte alignment. And this can be enforced by implementing our own Arrow MemoryPool wrapping a TF allocator. This colab notebook shows that as long as the memory alignment is the same, feeding TF with an Arrow Array has very little overhead.
- See the comparison in this colab notebook.
- It’s worth calling out that Arrow is meant to be a data analysis library and better data analysis support (for example, support for a “group-by” clause) will be added over time.
- We may gain similar interoperability by creating an Arrow to
StructuredTensor adapter.
- Beyond the technical aspects, we believe by having all the TFX libraries directly adopting a popular OSS in-memory format will send a positive message that TFX is meant to work well with the rest of the world.
We’ve also considered tf.Data as the unified I/O abstraction. tf.Data has support for a good number of data formats through tensorflow-io.
It's faily straightforward to implement a Beam PSource that wraps a file-backed DatasetSource, and have that PSource produce Arrow RecordBatches, but due to lack of support for dynamic work rebalancing in, such an implementation would not match the performance of existing beam PSources.
While we cannot rely solely on as the I/O abstraction, the proposed TFXIO interface does not disallow such a based implementation. So we can still gain support for many other formats through tensorflow-io while still using existing beam PSources for formats that have native support.
This has led to some issues. For example, the PyPI/Wheel packaging for pyarrow currently is unfunded and lacks volunteers, and the pyarrow wheel sometimes had issues with TensorFlow (example).
The OSS library, tfx_bsl will depend on Arrow and TensorFlow’s DSOs (dynamic shared objects). Because both libraries currently expose C++ APIs, there are always risks of incompatible ABIs as TensorFlow and Arrow are likely to be built using different toolchains, we cannot completely eliminate the risks.
With Modular TensorFlow, which replaced all the C++ APIs with C-APIs, we will be able to eliminate the risk by using the same toolchain that builds Arrow.
Furthermore, the Apache Arrow community is discussing about an ABI-stable C-struct that describes Arrow Arrays. This will allow to build Apache Arrow from source and link statically with our code, and only talk with pyarrow through that ABI-stable interface.
Since in Google we build everything from HEAD, using the same toolchain, there are no risks.
We would have to convert from Apache Arrow dataframes to TF feedables / Tensors. Sometimes this conversion cannot happen efficiently (requires copying out the data or other computation).