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The TF-GNN Beam Sampler


TensorFlow GNN (TF-GNN) provides the tfgnn_sampler tool to facilitate local neighborhood learning and convenient batching for graph datasets. It provides a scalable and distributed means to sample even the largest publicly-available graph datasets.

The Graph Sampler takes a sampling configuration, graph data, and optionally a list of seed nodes as its inputs and produces sampled subgraphs as its output. The graph data comes as tf.Examples in sharded files for graph edges and node features. The generated subgraphs are as serialized tf.Examples that can be parsed as tfgnn.GraphTensor using tfgnn.parse_example().

The Graph Sampler is written in Apache Beam, an open-source SDK for expressing Dataflow-Model data processing pipelines with support for multiple infrastructure backends. A client writes an Apache Beam Pipeline and, at runtime, specifies a Runner to define the compute environment in which the pipeline will execute.

The two main abstractions defined by Apache Beam of concern are:

  • Pipelines: computational steps expressed as a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)
  • Runners: Environments for running Beam Pipelines

The simplest Beam runner is the DirectRunner which allows to test Beam pipelines on local hardware. It requires all data to fit in memory on a single machine and runs user code with extra debug checks enabled. It is slow and should be used only for small-scale testing or prototyping.

DataflowRunner that enables clients to connect to a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and execute a Beam pipeline on GCP hardware through the Dataflow service. It enables horizontal scaling which allows to sample graphs even with billions of edges.

Getting Started - Direct Runner

NOTE: Only use the DirectRunner for small-scale testing.

To successfully use the Graph Sampler, we need a few items set up. In particular, we need a schema for the graph, a specification for the sampling operations, and available data. As a motivating example, we can use a dataset of fake credit card data in the examples/sampler/creditcard directory.

In particular, let's use the following graph schema, with a graph of customers, credit cards, and ownership linking them. For any node sets with features, there should also be a feature called #id, and edge sets should contain #source and #target features that correspond to node #ids. These special features should not be explicitly specified in the graph schema. For more information, see the data prep guide. Here, both node sets have features besides simple #ids, so we need to specify the files that map the #ids to features.

node_sets {
  key: "customer"
  value {
    features {
      key: "name"
      value: {
        description: "Name"
        dtype: DT_STRING
    features {
      key: "address"
      value: {
        description: "address"
        dtype: DT_STRING
    features {
      key: "zipcode"
      value: {
        description: "Zipcode"
        dtype: DT_INT64
    features {
      key: "score"
      value: {
        description: "Credit score"
        dtype: DT_FLOAT
    metadata {
      filename: "customer.csv"

node_sets {
  key: "creditcard"
  value {
    metadata {
      filename: "creditcard.csv"
    features {
      key: "number"
      value: {
        description: "Credit card number"
        dtype: DT_INT64
    features {
      key: "issuer"
      value: {
        description: "Credit card issuer institution"
        dtype: DT_STRING

edge_sets {
  key: "owns_card"
  value {
    description: "Owns and uses the credit card."
    source: "customer"
    target: "creditcard"
    metadata {
      filename: "owns_card.csv"

We also need to create a sampling spec to indicate how we want to create the subgraphs. Here, we'll treat the customer as the seed node, and sample up to 3 associated credit cards at random.

seed_op <
  op_name: "seed"
  node_set_name: "customer"
sampling_ops <
  op_name: "seed->creditcard"
  input_op_names: "seed"
  edge_set_name: "owns_card"
  sample_size: 3
  strategy: RANDOM_UNIFORM

We can run the sampler on this data via the following command, using the Apache Beam direct runner.

cd <path-to>/gnn/examples/sampler/creditcard
tfgnn_sampler \
  --data_path="." \
  --graph_schema graph_schema.pbtxt \
  --sampling_spec sampling_spec.pbtxt \
  --output_samples outputs/examples.tfrecords \
  --runner DirectRunner

Larger-scale Sampling with the Beam DataFlow runner

The examples/sampler/mag directory contains some of the components needed to run the sampler for OGBN-MAG described in detail in the data prep guide

The directory should contain the following:

  • The graph_schema.pbtxt is a Graph Schema with filenames in the metadata for all edge sets and all node sets with features.

  • The sampling_spec.pbtxt is a sampling specification.

  • The script has the command to start the DataFlow pipeline run. This script configures location, machine types to use, sets desired parallelism as minimum/maximum number of workers and the number of threads for each worker.

  • The file is used by the pipeline workers to install their dependencies, e.g., the apache-beam[gcp], tensorflow and tensorflow_gnn libraries.

This example further assumes that OGB data is converted to the unigraph format, e.g. using tfgnn_convert_ogb_dataset, and stored cloud storage as sharded files for edges and node features:


The sampler currently supports CSV files and TFRecord files corresponding to each graph piece. For TFRecords, the filename should be a glob pattern that identifies the relevant shards. The sampler also supports shorthand for a common sharding pattern, where <filename>.tfrecords@<shard-count> is read as filename.tfrecords-?????-of-<5-digit shard-count>.

Before running, users must edit the GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT and DATA_PATH variables in the script.

Performance and Cost Comparisons

The sampler has achieved the following performance and costs with GCP DataFlow on the following datasets. The costs here reflect GCP # in June 2023, and may change in the future.

Dataset Generated Subgraphs Input Data Size Subgraph Data Size Machine Type Min/Max Workers Threads per Worker Execution Time Estimated Cost
OGBN-Arxiv 169k 1.4GB 1.2GB n1-highmem-2 5/15 2 18min $0.18
OGBN-MAG 736k 2.4GB 108GB n1-highmem-2 30/100 2 45min $11
MAG-240M (MAG240m LSC contest requirements) 1.4M 502GB 945GB n1-highmem-2 100/300 2 47min $47

Scalability Examples

To demonstrate the scalability of this distributed sampler, we have also generated subgraphs for all 121M papers in the OGB LSC dataset.

Dataset Generated Subgraphs Input Data Size Subgraph Data Size Machine Type Min/Max Workers Threads per Worker Execution Time Estimated Cost
MAG-240M (sampling subgraphs for all 121M papers) 121M 502GB 67TB n1-highmem-4 300/1000 1 4h $4100