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Self Hosted Runners on Managed Instance Group

This module handles the opinionated creation of infrastructure necessary to deploy Github Self Hosted Runners on MIG.

This includes:

  • Enabling necessary APIs
  • VPC
  • NAT & Cloud Router
  • Service Account for MIG
  • MIG Instance Template
  • MIG Instance Manager
  • FW Rules
  • Secret Manager Secret

Below are some examples:

This example shows how to deploy a MIG Self Hosted Runner bootstrapped using startup scripts.

This example shows how to deploy a MIG Self Hosted Runner with an image pre-baked using Packer.


Name Description Type Default Required
cooldown_period The number of seconds that the autoscaler should wait before it starts collecting information from a new instance. number 60 no
create_network When set to true, VPC,router and NAT will be auto created bool true no
create_subnetwork Whether to create subnetwork or use the one provided via subnet_name bool true no
custom_metadata User provided custom metadata map(any) {} no
gh_runner_labels GitHub runner labels to attach to the runners. Docs: set(string) [] no
gh_token Github token that is used for generating Self Hosted Runner Token string n/a yes
instance_tags Additional tags to add to the instances list(string) [] no
machine_type The GCP machine type to deploy string "n1-standard-1" no
max_replicas Maximum number of runner instances number 10 no
min_replicas Minimum number of runner instances number 2 no
network_name Name for the VPC network string "gh-runner-network" no
project_id The project id to deploy Github Runner string n/a yes
region The GCP region to deploy instances into string "us-east4" no
repo_name Name of the repo for the Github Action string "" no
repo_owner Owner of the repo for the Github Action string n/a yes
service_account Service account email address string "" no
shutdown_script User shutdown script to run when instances shutdown string "" no
source_image Source disk image. If neither source_image nor source_image_family is specified, defaults to the latest public CentOS image. string "" no
source_image_family Source image family. If neither source_image nor source_image_family is specified, defaults to the latest public Ubuntu image. string "ubuntu-1804-lts" no
source_image_project Project where the source image comes from string "ubuntu-os-cloud" no
startup_script User startup script to run when instances spin up string "" no
subnet_ip IP range for the subnet string "" no
subnet_name Name for the subnet string "gh-runner-subnet" no
subnetwork_project The ID of the project in which the subnetwork belongs. If it is not provided, the project_id is used. string "" no


Name Description
mig_instance_group The instance group url of the created MIG
mig_instance_template The name of the MIG Instance Template
mig_name The name of the MIG
network_name Name of VPC
service_account Service account email for GCE
subnet_name Name of VPC


Before this module can be used on a project, you must ensure that the following pre-requisites are fulfilled:

  1. Required APIs are activated
