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Onboarding of a TIS cluster in Hosted Management Plane



  1. Download tetrate controlplane images - [Doc:]
    • Requires Tetrate provided credentials
    • Then follow this script :- ./controlplane/
  2. Download tetrate tctl utility


Follow onboarding Doc for detailed guide:

We'll install tetrate controlplane components in a separate namespace. Make sure kubectl is pointing to the right k8s cluster that you want to onboard in management plane.

  1. If you have tctl utility available follow below steps or skip to point 2 -

    MP_HOST="" MP_PASSWORD='mp_password' TCTL="./tctl-bin/tctl-amd64" CLUSTER="test-cluster" ./controlplane/
    • CLUSTER - It doesn't need to be app k8s cluster name, it can be any. Your app k8s cluster will be referenced with this name in managed MP.

    • MP_HOST - management plane hostname, exclude htpp/s and port number.

    Now run -

    CLUSTER="test-cluster" HUB='docker_hub' MP_HOST=""   ./controlplane/
    • CLUSTER - same as you earlier provided
    • HUB - Your docker image registry where Tetrate images have been stotred
  2. When you don't have tctl utlity available -

    • Login to Tetrate hosted MP UI.
    • In clusters list , add one cluster object. Download Helm values file and place it here at root directory.
    • Make note of the cluster name you just provided.
    • Execute -
    CLUSTER="<cluster_name_just_provided>" HUB='<docker_hub>' MP_HOST="" IMAGE_PULL_SECRET=''  ./controlplane/
    • CLUSTER - same as you just provided
    • HUB - Your docker image registry where Tetrate images have been stored
  3. In tis-plus-system namespace, there must run following pods -

    k get po -n tis-plus-system

    NAME                                         READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
    edge-5f564cc56f-4vmrr                        1/1     Running   0             28h
    oap-deployment-58786c7675-vjtr6              2/2     Running   0             28h
    otel-collector-7d887b47cb-rd9gd              2/2     Running   0             28h
    tsb-operator-control-plane-895f7f47f-87cvg   1/1     Running   0             28h
    xcp-operator-edge-65b756545d-kzkj7           1/1     Running   0             28h
  4. Make sure all above pods are in READY state


Note: If you have opted for "Default: Automatic Tis+ sink" option [this is default option in step 1], you can skip this step-2.

Now, we'll customize existing istio observability and tracing configuration to point to newly deployed controlplane components.

  1. Existing istio config should have customized configurations as mentioned in file -
  1. Once istio config is in place, istiod pod must be restarted.

  2. Now restart all of your app pods.

  3. Verification in MP UI -

    • Login TSB management plane
    • Select Clusters and select newly onboarded cluster.
    • Verify its services
  4. Verification in config-

    • Check envoy filter-chain for any service listener, it'll have following as part of http_connection_manager filter chain and tracing -

    istioctl proxy-config listener <any_app_pod> -n --port <service_port> -oyaml

    Example snippet -

    - filters:
        - name:
            - name: envoy.access_loggers.http_grpc
                - wasm.upstream_peer
                - wasm.upstream_peer_id
                - wasm.downstream_peer
                - wasm.downstream_peer_id
                    authority: oap.tis-plus-system.svc.cluster.local
                    clusterName: outbound|11800||oap.tis-plus-system.svc.cluster.local
                logName: http_envoy_accesslog
                transportApiVersion: V3
            forwardClientCertDetails: SANITIZE_SET


            name: envoy.tracers.zipkin
                collectorCluster: outbound|9411||zipkin.tis-plus-system.svc.cluster.local
                collectorEndpoint: /api/v2/spans
                collectorEndpointVersion: HTTP_JSON
                collectorHostname: zipkin.tis-plus-system.svc.cluster.local
                sharedSpanContext: false
                traceId128bit: true


Services visibility in Managementplane Dashboard

You need to create Tetrate heirarchy resources to organize all onboarded clusters and their services. Tetrate heirarchy -

ORG -> Tenant -> Workspaces

  • ORG - Org name is fixed, you can get it from MP UI right hand side user profile section.
  • Tenant - It represents one Team.
  • Workspace - It represents logically grouped applications namespaces across clusters.
  1. Login to MP UI
  2. Under Tenants, create one tenant
  3. Under workspace, first select your tenant and create a new workspace.
    • It'll ask to select cluster and namespaces to include. Here we keep logically connected namespaces where we want them in a single view of topology.
    • We can create as many workspaces as we want under one tenant.

Note - To automate above heirarchy creation steps, you can follow -


Known Issues
