The code generates a discrete Gaussian free field on a periodic square lattice. From this field a discrete Liouville measure can be constructed, using a regularization method if desired. Geodesic distances can be computed w.r.t. the Liouville measure using either a simple Dijkstra algorithm or a Fast Marching solution to the Eikonal equation.
For more information check:
- J. Ambjorn, T. Budd, Geodesic distances in quantum Liouville gravity, arXiv:1405.3424
- Timothy Budd's academic webpage
- BOOST C++ libraries (tested with versions 1.41 and 1.55)
- FFTW 3 (see
- FFTW++ (tested with version 1.13, see
- g++ or Visual C++ compiler
To compile with g++ on linux:
g++ shortest_cycle.cpp liouville.cpp -lfftw3 -o CYCLE
When running ./CYCLE a several of inputs are requested. All inputs can also be given as command line arguments. For example:
width = 512 // 512 x 512 lattice
gamma = 1.412 // scaling exponent
delta min = 0.0001 // perform measurements for values delta = 0.0001, 0.0002, ..., 0.0064
delta max = 0.0064
delta factor = 2.0
normalize volume (1=yes,0=no) = 0
measurements per delta per output = 50 // determines how often the program writes its output
output path = output // puts the data in folder ./output/
This source code may be reused without limitations according to the MIT license. If you use this code in your scientific publication, please cite the accompanying paper:
J. Ambjorn, T. Budd, Geodesic distances in quantum Liouville gravity, preprint, arXiv:1405.3424