git submodule add git@github.com:thadikari/utilities.git
git submodule update --init --recursive
Prepare environment:
ln -s ~/SCRATCH ~/scratch mkdir ~/scratch/DATASETS ln -s ~/scratch/DATASETS ~/tensorflow_datasets
Download datasets:
python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("mnist")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("fashion_mnist")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("cifar10")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("imagenet_resized/8x8")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("imagenet_resized/16x16")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("imagenet_resized/32x32")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("imagenet_resized/64x64")' python -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load("imagenet2012")
May need to delete the directories in
before the commands. -
Some downloading and unpacking errors can be fixed by prefixing
to download commands. OnCedar
login nodes the GPUs are disabled so the commands may produce errors. In such cases execute commands on a compute node. It may help to hold a node by first executingsubmitjob ghold
. Or, submit a download job on Compute Canada (requires internet connectivity on compute nodes):submitjob single -d nodes=1 mem=30G time=0-04:00 ntasks-per-node=1 cpus-per-task=4 -D email -e "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=\"\" python3 -c 'import tensorflow_datasets as tfds; tfds.load(\"imagenet_resized/32x32\")'"
May have to try bothpython
as alias may not work when running jobs submitted throughsubmitjob
. -
dataset requires manually downloading original data totensorflow_datasets/downloads/manual
from http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/2012/downloads as instructed in https://www.tensorflow.org/datasets/catalog/imagenet2012.