* EL0 mode handlers.
.align 6
kernel_entry 0
mrs x25, esr_el1 // read the syndrome register
lsr x24, x25, #ESR_EL1_EC_SHIFT // exception class
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SVC64 // SVC in 64-bit state
b.eq el0_svc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_DABT_EL0 // data abort in EL0
b.eq el0_da
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_IABT_EL0 // instruction abort in EL0
b.eq el0_ia
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_FP_ASIMD // FP/ASIMD access
b.eq el0_fpsimd_acc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_FP_EXC64 // FP/ASIMD exception
b.eq el0_fpsimd_exc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SYS64 // configurable trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SP_ALIGN // stack alignment exception
b.eq el0_sp_pc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_PC_ALIGN // pc alignment exception
b.eq el0_sp_pc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_UNKNOWN // unknown exception in EL0
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_BREAKPT_EL0 // debug exception in EL0
b.ge el0_dbg
b el0_inv
.align 6
kernel_entry 0, 32
mrs x25, esr_el1 // read the syndrome register
lsr x24, x25, #ESR_EL1_EC_SHIFT // exception class
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_SVC32 // SVC in 32-bit state
b.eq el0_svc_compat
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_DABT_EL0 // data abort in EL0
b.eq el0_da
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_IABT_EL0 // instruction abort in EL0
b.eq el0_ia
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_FP_ASIMD // FP/ASIMD access
b.eq el0_fpsimd_acc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_FP_EXC32 // FP/ASIMD exception
b.eq el0_fpsimd_exc
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_UNKNOWN // unknown exception in EL0
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_CP15_32 // CP15 MRC/MCR trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_CP15_64 // CP15 MRRC/MCRR trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_CP14_MR // CP14 MRC/MCR trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_CP14_LS // CP14 LDC/STC trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_CP14_64 // CP14 MRRC/MCRR trap
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_EL1_EC_BREAKPT_EL0 // debug exception in EL0
b.ge el0_dbg
b el0_inv
* AArch32 syscall handling
adr stbl, compat_sys_call_table // load compat syscall table pointer
uxtw scno, w7 // syscall number in w7 (r7)
mov sc_nr, #__NR_compat_syscalls
b el0_svc_naked
.align 6
kernel_entry 0, 32
b el0_irq_naked
* Data abort handling
mrs x26, far_el1
// enable interrupts before calling the main handler
clear_address_tag x0, x26
mov x1, x25
mov x2, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_mem_abort
* Instruction abort handling
mrs x26, far_el1
// enable interrupts before calling the main handler
mov x0, x26
orr x1, x25, #1 << 24 // use reserved ISS bit for instruction aborts
mov x2, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_mem_abort
* Floating Point or Advanced SIMD access
mov x0, x25
mov x1, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_fpsimd_acc
* Floating Point or Advanced SIMD exception
mov x0, x25
mov x1, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_fpsimd_exc
* Stack or PC alignment exception handling
mrs x26, far_el1
// enable interrupts before calling the main handler
mov x0, x26
mov x1, x25
mov x2, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_sp_pc_abort
* Undefined instruction
// enable interrupts before calling the main handler
mov x0, sp
adr lr, ret_to_user
b do_undefinstr
* Debug exception handling
tbnz x24, #0, el0_inv // EL0 only
mrs x0, far_el1
mov x1, x25
mov x2, sp
bl do_debug_exception
b ret_to_user
mov x0, sp
mov x1, #BAD_SYNC
mrs x2, esr_el1
bl bad_el0_sync
b ret_to_user
static struct fault_info {
int (*fn)(unsigned long addr, unsigned int esr, struct pt_regs *regs);
int sig;
int code;
const char *name;
} fault_info[] = {
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "ttbr address size fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "level 1 address size fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "level 2 address size fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "level 3 address size fault" },
{ do_translation_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_MAPERR, "input address range fault" },
{ do_translation_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_MAPERR, "level 1 translation fault" },
{ do_translation_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_MAPERR, "level 2 translation fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_MAPERR, "level 3 translation fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "reserved access flag fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 1 access flag fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 2 access flag fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 3 access flag fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "reserved permission fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 1 permission fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 2 permission fault" },
{ do_page_fault, SIGSEGV, SEGV_ACCERR, "level 3 permission fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous external abort" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "asynchronous external abort" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 18" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 19" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous abort (translation table walk)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous abort (translation table walk)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous abort (translation table walk)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous abort (translation table walk)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous parity error" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "asynchronous parity error" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 26" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 27" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous parity error (translation table walk" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous parity error (translation table walk" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous parity error (translation table walk" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "synchronous parity error (translation table walk" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 32" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, BUS_ADRALN, "alignment fault" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "debug event" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 35" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 36" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 37" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 38" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 39" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 40" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 41" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 42" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 43" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 44" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 45" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 46" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 47" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 48" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 49" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 50" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 51" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "implementation fault (lockdown abort)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 53" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 54" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 55" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 56" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 57" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "implementation fault (coprocessor abort)" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 59" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 60" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 61" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 62" },
{ do_bad, SIGBUS, 0, "unknown 63" },