Output information around monthly costs.
Scripts to pull information related to budgets and expendature on the AWS accounts.
The AWS Monthly Cost script can provide information for any AWS account you have a profile set up for ( and have authenticated to via aws sso / inserting credentials ). The script accepts parameters or you can interactively be prompted for them if you do not provide them on the command line.
If you do not specify date ranges it will default to: CURRENT MONTH TO CURRENT DAY
You can also request to be prompted for the date by adding the flag: -prompt y
./costs.ps1 -profileName AWSProfileName -startDate YYYY-MM-DD -endDate YYYY-MM-DD -outputType table
Output types available: table (default setting when not specified) / json / text / yaml
Example calls
./costs.ps1 -profileName AWSProfileName -outputType json
./costs.ps1 -profileName AWSProfileName -startDate YYYY-MM-DD -outputType text
./costs.ps1 -profileName AWSProfileName -prompt y
To get a more informative breakdown, utilise the month to date script.