All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Upgrade limberframework to version 0.2.0.
- CACHE_PATH environment variable for use with the FileStore class.
- Update limberframework to 0.1.1.
- Application base_path construction.
- Documentation files:; LICENSE.txt;;; and,
- Project files: Pipfile; Pipfile.lock;; .gitignore; .python-version.
- Routing mechanism for API routes.
- Alembic for database migrations.
- User and ApiKey models and migration scripts.
- Configurations for app, cache, and database.
- Add storage and cache folders for caching system.
- Add http folders for handling requests and generating responses.
- Create welcome route.
- Establish main script to setup the application.
- Pipenv to poetry for package management.