======================================== */
- Force graph
- Styling svgs -outlining a g
- Many small challenges working with d3 - just had to read the docs and examine the code
Primary directives
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- Code clarity
- Application architecture
- UI + UX decisions
- Create a short document explaining the architecture and any assumptions you made.
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- The DNA Sequence will contain standard A, C, T, G bases, possibly N (any base), in the 5'-to-3' direction.
- The 2D notation will contain only dots and parentheses (e.g. no pseudo knots).
======================================== */ x Each base of the sequence should be colored. x The DBN should be visible. x Label bases x Annotate 5' and 3' end x Visually differentiate edges for phosphate backbone and base-pair complementarity x Save and share link
======================================== */ x colors of each base x size of the base representation x font for the label *(maybe not so good) - have it scaling with node size x line width (did length instead. imo width is not useful, but trivial if necessary) x drag bases in the graph to modify the layout x When hovering a base in either the sequence or graph, the corresponding base should be highlighted in the sequence. x create connections by connecting two unpaired and complementary bases (e.g. C and G, or A and T) x DBN should update
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- Home / explaination / tutorial page
- Highlight connections as well
- Differentiate types of connections with colors
- Sharelink icon
- Canvas mouse events
- Scroll to zoom
- Click to drag
- Webpack/grunt Build
- Sockets/live updates/collaborative
- Save display data to server in addition to DNA data
- Fix Bad ux not saving invalid edits
- Did it for input validity reasons
- Responsiveness
- Respond to window resize
- Create "DNA builder" where you can add one node at a time and make connections
- When creating links, show selectable bases
- Edit links and nodes instead of redraw
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- Error notification persists even though bad data doesn't save
- Infobox spans aren't created on load
- New links created over other elements
- Adjacent base pairs double up on links and end up being too close (need to remove non-bp link)
Example DNA
======================================== */ 1: { dbn: '...(((((.(...).)))))........(((((.....((..(.((((((..(((.((...)).)))..)))))).).)))))))...............', sequence: 'TTGGGGAGACTGGGGCTCCCATTCGTTGCCTTTATAAATCCTCGCAAGCCAATCAACAGGTTGGTGAGGGGCTTGGGTGAAAAGGTGCTTAAGACTCCGT' }
2: { dbn: '..(((((..(((...)))..)))))...', sequence: 'TTGGAGTACACAACCTGTACACTCCTTC', }