Introducing TeledroidRAT: A Multifunctional Telegram-Based Android RAT Without Port Forwarding
- 🔴 Real-Time Monitoring
- 🌐 Custom Web View
- 🔔 Notification Reader
- 🔔 Notification Sender (Send custom notifications to the target device with a clickable link)
- 🗨️ Toast Messages (Display messages at the bottom of the target device)
- 📡 SIM Card Provider Information
- 📳 Vibration Control
- 🛰️ Location Tracking
- ✉️ Message Retrieval (Receive all messages from the target)
- ✉️ SMS Sending (Send messages from the target device to any number or all contacts)
- 👤 Contact List Retrieval
- 💻 Installed Apps List
- 📷 Camera Capture (Access both main and front cameras)
- 🎙 Microphone Capture (Customizable duration)
- 📋 Clipboard Text Retrieval
- ✅ Auto Start After Boot
- 🔐 Keylogger
- ✨ User-Friendly Telegram Bot Interface
- APK Editor
- Any VPS (Recommended hosting options)
Note: These sites may suspend projects, consider hosting on your own computer for better stability.
- Follow these steps:
1. Download the files from the repository.
2. Create a GitHub account.
3. Create a private repository and upload all files (server.js, package.json, data.json).
4. Visit, # with GitHub, and confirm your account.
5. Click on "Neweb Service," select "Free Trial," and name your service.
6. Choose your newly created repository for deployment.
7. Copy the URL of your deployed service.
8. Edit data.json in your GitHub repository, entering your bot token, chat ID, and the copied URL.
9. Save data.json.
10. Return to, open your project, and deploy the latest commits.
11. Wait for the terminal confirmation that your service is live.
12. Go to Telegram and start your bot. Enjoy!
- Open Apk editor
- select apk
- choose full edit
- select decode all files
- go to assets folder
- open host.json
- and enter url
- build apk ,start the bot Enjoy
Important Note: The developer offers no warranty for this software and cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from its use. TeledroidRAT is intended for educational and internal purposes only.
Attention: This tool must not be used for illegal or unethical activities. The user accepts full responsibility for its use.
Important: To avoid fraud, verify that the Instagram username is @THE_DEEPNET
and the Telegram handle is @THE_DEEPNET
. Be wary of scams or phishing attempts using similar usernames.
Thank you for choosing TeledroidRAT! We hope it helps you achieve your goals.
If you appreciate my work, consider sponsoring me. Your contributions will support ongoing development and inspire new projects.
Special thanks to the following supporters: