✔ General
- Global Find
- Show Command Palette
- Quick Open, Go to File…
- New window/instance
- Close window/instance
- User Settings
- Keyboard Shortcuts
✔ Basic Editing
Cut line (empty selection)Ctrl+C
Copy line (empty selection)Alt+ ↑ / ↓
Move line up/downShift+Alt + ↓ / ↑
Copy line up/downCtrl+Shift+K
Delete lineCtrl+Enter
Insert line belowCtrl+Shift+Enter
Insert line aboveCtrl+Shift+\
Jump to matching bracketCtrl+] / [
Indent/outdent lineHome / End
Go to beginning/end of lineCtrl+Home
Go to beginning of fileCtrl+End
Go to end of fileCtrl+↑ / ↓
Scroll line up/downAlt+PgUp / PgDn
Scroll page up/downCtrl+Shift+[
Fold (collapse) regionCtrl+Shift+]
Unfold (uncollapse) regionCtrl+K Ctrl+[
Fold (collapse) all subregionsCtrl+K Ctrl+]
Unfold (uncollapse) all subregionsCtrl+K Ctrl+0
Fold (collapse) all regionsCtrl+K Ctrl+J
Unfold (uncollapse) all regionsCtrl+K Ctrl+C
Add line commentCtrl+K Ctrl+U
Remove line commentCtrl+/
Toggle line commentShift+Alt+A
Toggle block commentAlt+Z
Toggle word wrap
✔ Navigation Shortcuts
Show all SymbolsCtrl+G
Go to Line...Ctrl+P
Go to File...Ctrl+Shift+O
Go to Symbol...Ctrl+Shift+M
Show Problems panelF8
Go to next error or warningShift+F8
Go to previous error or warningCtrl+Shift+Tab
Navigate editor group historyAlt+ ← / →
Go back / forwardCtrl+M
Toggle Tab moves focus
✔ Search and replace
ReplaceF3 / Shift+F3
Find next/previousAlt+Enter
Select all occurences of Find matchCtrl+D
Add selection to next Find matchCtrl+K
Move last selection to next Find matchAlt
Toggle case-sensitive OR regex OR whole word
✔ Multi-cursor & Selection
Insert cursorCtrl
Insert cursor above / belowCtrl
Undo last cursor operationShift
Insert cursor at end of each line selectedCtrl
Select current lineCtrl
Select all occurrences of current selectionCtrl
Select all occurrences of current wordShift
Expand selectionShift
Shrink selectionShift
+(drag mouse)
Column (box) selectionCtrl
+(arrow key)
Column (box) selectionCtrl
Column (box) selection page up/down
✔ Rich languages editing
Trigger suggestionCtrl
Trigger parameter hintsShift+Alt+F
Format documentCtrl+K
Format selectionF12
Go to DefinitionAlt+F12
Peek DefinitionCtrl+K
Open Definition to the sideCtrl+.
Quick FixShift
Show ReferencesF2
Rename SymbolCtrl+K
Trim trailing whitespaceCtrl+K
Change file language
✔ Editor management
Close editorCtrl
Close folderCtrl
Split editorCtrl
Focus into 1st, 2nd or 3rd editor groupCtrl
Focus into previous/next editor groupCtrl
Move editor left/rightCtrl
Move active editor group
✔ File management
New FileCtrl
Open File...Ctrl
Save As...Ctrl
Save AllCtrl
+W``` Close AllCtrl
Reopen closed editorCtrl
Enter Keep preview mode editor openCtrl
Open nextCtrl
Open previousCtrl
Copy path of active fileCtrl
Reveal active file in ExplorerCtrl
Show active file in new window/instance
✔ Display
Toggle full screenShift+Alt+0
Toggle editor layout (horizontal/vertical)Ctrl+ = / -
Zoom in/outCtrl+B
Toggle Sidebar visibilityCtrl+Shift+E
Show Explorer / Toggle focusCtrl+Shift+F
Show SearchCtrl+Shift+G
Show Source ControlCtrl+Shift+D
Show DebugCtrl+Shift+X
Show ExtensionsCtrl+Shift+H
Replace in filesCtrl+Shift+J
Toggle Search detailsCtrl+Shift+U
Show Output panelCtrl+Shift+V
Open Markdown previewCtrl+K
Open Markdown preview to the sideCtrl+K
Zen Mode (Esc Esc to exit)
✔ Debug
Toggle breakpointF5
Step into/outF10
Step overCtrl+K
Show Hover
✔ Integrated Terminal
Show integrated terminalCtrl
Create new terminalCtrl
Copy selectionCtrl
Paste into active terminalCtrl
Scroll up/downShift
Scroll page up/downCtrl
Scroll to top/bottom-
- Ctrl + Shift + A => Toggle Block Comment
- Ctrl + L => Select Current Line
- Ctrl + Space => Trigger Suggestion
- Alt + Up arrow / Alt + Down Arrow => Move line up /down
- Ctrl + . => Quick fix
- F3 / Shift F3 = > Find Next / Previous
- Ctrl + ` => Show / Hide Integrated Terminal
- Ctrl + Shift +M => Show Problems panel
- Ctrl + B => Toggle Sidebar visibility
- Ctrl + W => Close File / Close Editor
- Ctrl + G => Go to Line/Column
- Ctrl + / => Add line comment
- Ctrl + Shift + S => Save as
- Ctrl + X => Undo
- Ctrl + Y => Redo
- Ctrl + Scroll Up => Zoom in
- Ctrl + Scroll Down => Zoom out
- Ctrl + Enter => Place Cursor to new line
- VSCode is one of the most popular editors for web development. When writing code, we often require certain formatting actions, and a lot of them are supported by VSCode itself.
(Windows/Linux: CTRL + P)
- Navigating through files is one of the most common options and this command can come in pretty handy. You can type the name of the file in the search box and select the file by clicking or by pressing enter on the search result to open the file
(Windows/Linux: CTRL + SHIFT + L)
One of my favorite features of VSCode is multi cursors. They allow you to replace text or append more text without copy-pasting or requiring you to change it one at a time.
Using this command, you can add cursors to all matching selections in the document
(Windows/Linux: CTRL + D)
- Like the above command, this is also used to add cursors but with this, you can add the cursor to the next matching selection. This is especially helpful when you don't want to select all occurrences together
(Windows/Linux: CTRL + U)
- If you need to undo cursor selection in a case where you selected more cursors than required or reset the cursor to a previous position, you can use this command to undo the last cursor action
(Windows/Linux: CTRL + L)
- Often we use mouse drag to select the text, but if we want to select entire lines, we can use this command
Windows: Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+Shift+Space Mac: CMD+Space, CMD+Shift+Space
Trigger suggestions and parameter hints are useful when you are working on Visual Studio Code.
However, this can be often frustrating as the suggestion box covers the previous code line. A simple way is to quickly show or remove trigger suggestions and trigger parameter hints through keyboard shortcuts.