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Using Intern with PhantomJS

Colin Snover edited this page Jul 2, 2013 · 15 revisions

While PhantomJS is not a suitable replacement for testing in real browsers, it is often quicker and easier to test with PhantomJS when writing your tests and then let your CI service handle running tests across all platforms.

Using a local PhantomJS installation with Intern is very simple:

  1. In your Intern configuration, set environments: [ { browserName: 'phantom' } ] and useSauceConnect: false
  2. Run phantomjs --webdriver=4444
  3. Run node runner.js config=path/to/config

Note: Due to PhantomJS issue #10522, you must either use the geezer edition of Intern, apply PhantomJS PR #11225, or wait for PhantomJS 2.