Now works with Amazon Echo :) (
This is a Django project a provides a basic control webpage for current state info and main socket control buttons. It is designed for use with the Raspberry Pi and the Energenie Pi Hat (ENER314\ENER314-RT). The default is to use a local SQLLite DB file but this can be changed (
It checks the schedules at an interval set by the variable CHECKINTER in the run_config file (see setup below) and modifies the state of the socket accordingly. You can apply a random deviation the the schedule to mimic variations in turning the sockets on and off. For example, if a schedule is set to turn a socket on at 16:30 and has a random minute value of 10 minutes then the light will turn on between 16:20 and 16:40.
The on\off time can be controlled by the following day time based on a selected city: manually(default), dawn, dusk, sunrise, sunset, noon. This uses the astral python module to control the times.
- Credit to for the multiselectfield
Basic useful feature list:
- Setup and modify sockets for control
- Setup multiple schedules and control multiple sockets via each schedule
- Add multiple time slots to each schedule
- Basic web page for control and sockets current status
- Randomly changes the on\off time based on a deviation value in minutes
- Can set the on\off time based on sunrise\sunset\etc...
- Django 1.8
- Raspberry Pi with Networking
- Energenie Raspberry Pi Hat (ENER314\ENER314-RT) # See Note1
yum install MySQL-python
yum install python-devel
pip install django==1.8.7
pip install astral
I have created a startup script for this as there are 2 processes required for this to fully function but it is basic and doesn't control the django server properly as it spawns other subprocesses and the main process ends:
If you want to manually run the 2 services then run these from the energenie directory:
Django server - This provides the main django framwork admin page and the basic web management page
$ python runserver
Scheduling python service - this is just a basic python loop that calls the schedule check view in the main django powersocket app:
$ python
To access the control page: <host>:8000/powersocket
To access the admin pages: <host>:8000/admin
You will need to modify the run script to match your own working directory. To get this to work on boot in my setup i just placed this script in rc.local, adding the & at the end to force it to run in the background. You will also need to modify the DATABASES details in energenie_pi/ to match your own MySQL\SQLite server setup.
You will also need to change your 'ALLOWED_HOSTS' in energenie_pi/ to the URL you are calling for your local setup. This is required if you set DEBUG to false in the same file.
you will need to place a file in the main directory with your run configuration settings. An example is shown below:
[root@rpi-energenie energenie-pi]# cat run_config
- A Rapberry Pi or the Energenie Hat is not required as the code catches this and disables the control for testing purposes.