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Tom Longhurst edited this page Apr 27, 2020 · 12 revisions


A testing framework for .NET

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B(ehaviour) D(riven) Test(ing)

BDTest is a testing framework. It can be used with other frameworks (such as MSTest, xUnit or NUnit) or standalone. The examples below will use attributes (such as [Test]) from NUnit.

BDTest is written in .NET Standard - So should work for .NET Framework and .NET Core


  • Fast Test Execution
  • Clean and Organised Tests
  • Tests That Are Clear, Concise and Make Sense
  • Tests That Follow Business Acceptance Criteria
  • Plain Human Readable Test Reports

The purpose of this framework is to write tests in a behaviour driven manner. This involves Given, When, Then. This makes it clear what the test is doing and what it is asserting. It is also business acceptance style language.

It is also to make tests fast, allowing automatic test context construction without worry of sharing or leaking state to other tests, which in turn should allow full parallelisation.

One of the biggest benefits is that it produces a human-readable report that doesn't require the knowledge of code to be able to interpret.

Please use the sidebar in this wiki to explore the concepts and see how to get setup.

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