Unsafe echo of filename in phpMyFAQ\phpmyfaq\admin\attachments.php leading to allow execute JavaScript code in client side (XSS)
On that snippet code of rendering the file attachments from user tables
<?php foreach ($crumbs as $item) : ?>
<tr id="attachment_<?= $item->id ?>" title="<?= $item->thema ?>">
<td><?= $item->id ?></td>
<td><?= $item->filename ?></td>
<td><?= $item->record_lang ?></td>
<td><?= Utils::formatBytes($item->filesize) ?></td>
<td><?= $item->mime_type ?></td>
The data directly rendering with short hand echo without any sanitation first, its recommend to use existing class of Strings::htmlentities
on use phpMyFAQ\Strings;
<td><?= Strings::htmlentities($item->filename); ?></td>
<td><?= Strings::htmlentities($item->record_lang); ?></td>
<td><?= Utils::formatBytes($item->filesize) ?></td>
<td><?= Strings::htmlentities($item->mime_type); ?></td>
Propose fixing on that pull request #2827
- An attacker with permission will upload the attachments image on http://{base_url}/admin/?action=editentry
- On endpoint of ajax upload image POST /admin/index.php?action=ajax&ajax=att&ajaxaction=upload
- Change the originally name file on parameters filename to a XSS payload
- The XSS will trigger on attachment pages /admin/?action=attachments
Trigger XSS
Payload XSS
This vulnerability will allow an attacker with a permissions of uploading an attachment to storing the payload of XSS on database specific table faqattachment
columns filename.
The XSS payload could be rendering on page that listing the file on tables, and impact to others user that on the hierarchy.
The payload XSS have several attack scenario such like
- Stealing the cookies (isn’t possible since HttpOnly)
- Crashing the application with a looping javascript payload
Unsafe echo of filename in phpMyFAQ\phpmyfaq\admin\attachments.php leading to allow execute JavaScript code in client side (XSS)
On that snippet code of rendering the file attachments from user tables
The data directly rendering with short hand echo without any sanitation first, its recommend to use existing class of
on usephpMyFAQ\Strings;
Propose fixing on that pull request #2827
Trigger XSS
Payload XSS
This vulnerability will allow an attacker with a permissions of uploading an attachment to storing the payload of XSS on database specific table
The XSS payload could be rendering on page that listing the file on tables, and impact to others user that on the hierarchy.
The payload XSS have several attack scenario such like