import { AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';

import { BaseRestClient } from './lib/BaseRestClient.js';
import {
} from './lib/requestUtils.js';
import {
} from './types/request/coinbase-prime.js';

 * REST client for Coinbase Prime API:
export class CBPrimeClient extends BaseRestClient {
    restClientOptions: RestClientOptions = {},
    requestOptions: AxiosRequestConfig = {},
  ) {
    super(restClientOptions, requestOptions);
    return this;

  getClientType(): RestClientType {

   * Allocation Endpoints

   * Create Portfolio Allocations
   * Create allocation for a given portfolio.
    params: CreatePrimePortfolioAllocationsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    return this.postPrivate('/v1/allocations', { body: params });

   * Create Portfolio Net Allocations
   * Create net allocation for a given portfolio.
    params: CreatePrimePortfolioNetAllocationsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    return this.postPrivate('/v1/allocations/net', { body: params });

   * List Portfolio Allocations
   * Retrieve historical allocations for a given portfolio.
    params: GetPrimePortfolioAllocationsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/allocations`, query);

   * Get Allocation By ID
   * Retrieve an allocation by allocation ID.
  getAllocationById(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    allocation_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, allocation_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Get Net Allocations By Netting ID
   * Retrieve an allocation by netting ID.
  getNetAllocationsByNettingId(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    netting_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, netting_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Invoice Endpoints

   * List Invoices
   * Retrieve a list of invoices belonging to an entity.
  getInvoices(params: GetPrimeInvoicesRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { entity_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/entities/${entity_id}/invoices`, query);

   * Assets Endpoints

   * List Assets
   * List all assets available for a given entity.
  getAssets(params: { entity_id: string }): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/entities/${params.entity_id}/assets`);

   * Payment Methods Endpoints

   * List Entity Payment Methods
   * Retrieve all payment methods for a given entity.
  getEntityPaymentMethods(params: { entity_id: string }): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/entities/${params.entity_id}/payment-methods`);

   * Get Entity Payment Method
   * Get payment method details by id for a given entity.
  getEntityPaymentMethod(params: {
    entity_id: string;
    payment_method_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { entity_id, payment_method_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Users Endpoints

   * List Users
   * List all users associated with a given entity.
  getUsers(params: GetPrimeUsersRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { entity_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/entities/${entity_id}/users`, query);

   * List Portfolio Users
   * List all users associated with a given portfolio.
  getPortfolioUsers(params: GetPrimePortfolioUsersRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/users`, query);

   * Portfolios Endpoints

   * List Portfolios
   * List all portfolios for which the current API key has read access.
  getPortfolios(): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate('/v1/portfolios');

   * Get Portfolio by Portfolio ID
   * Retrieve a given portfolio by its portfolio ID.
  getPortfolioById(params: { portfolio_id: string }): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${params.portfolio_id}`);

   * Get Portfolio Credit Information
   * Retrieve a portfolio's post-trade credit information.
  getPortfolioCreditInformation(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${params.portfolio_id}/credit`);

   * Activities Endpoints

   * List Activities
   * List all activities associated with a given entity.
  getActivities(params: GetPrimeActivitiesRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/activities`, query);

   * Get Activity by Activity ID
   * Retrieve an activity by its activity ID.
  getActivityById(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    activity_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, activity_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Address Book Endpoints

   * Get Address Book
   * Gets a list of address book addresses.
  getAddressBook(params: GetPrimeAddressBookRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Create Address Book Entry
   * Creates an entry for a portfolio's trusted addresses.
    params: CreatePrimeAddressBookEntryRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/address_book`, {
      body: body,

   * Balances Endpoints

   * List Portfolio Balances
   * List all balances for a specific portfolio.
  getPortfolioBalances(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    symbols?: string[];
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/balances`, query);

   * Get Wallet Balance
   * Query balance for a specific wallet.
  getWalletBalance(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    wallet_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * List Web3 Wallet Balances
   * Query balances for a specific web3 wallet.
    params: GetPrimeWeb3WalletBalancesRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Commission Endpoints

   * Get Portfolio Commission
   * Retrieve commission associated with a given portfolio.
  getPortfolioCommission(params: { portfolio_id: string }): Promise<any> {
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${params.portfolio_id}/commission`);

   * Orders Endpoints

   * List Portfolio Fills
   * Retrieve fills on a given portfolio.
   * Note: This endpoint requires a start_date and returns a payload with a default
   * limit of 100 if not specified. The maximum allowed limit is 3000.
  getPortfolioFills(params: GetPrimePortfolioFillsRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/fills`, query);

   * List Open Orders
   * List all open orders for a given portfolio.
  getOpenOrders(params: GetPrimeOpenOrdersRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/open_orders`, query);

   * Create Order
   * Create an order for a given portfolio.
  submitOrder(params: SubmitPrimeOrderRequest): Promise<any> {
    this.validateOrderId(params, 'client_order_id');
    const { portfolio_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/order`, {
      body: body,

   * Get Order Preview
   * Retrieve an order preview for a given portfolio.
  getOrderPreview(params: GetPrimeOrderPreviewRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/order_preview`, {
      body: body,

   * List Portfolio Orders
   * List historical orders for a given portfolio.
  getPortfolioOrders(params: GetPrimePortfolioOrdersRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/orders`, query);

   * Get Order by Order ID
   * Retrieve an order by order ID.
  getOrderById(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    order_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, order_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/orders/${order_id}`);

   * Cancel Order
   * Cancel an order. (Filled orders cannot be canceled.)
  cancelOrder(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    order_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, order_id } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(

   * List Order Fills
   * Retrieve fills on a given order.
  getOrderFills(params: GetPrimeOrderFillsRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, order_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Products Endpoints

   * List Portfolio Products
   * List tradable products for a given portfolio.
  getPortfolioProducts(params: GetPrimePortfolioProductsRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/products`, query);

   * Transactions Endpoints

   * List Portfolio Transactions
   * List transactions for a given portfolio (only transactions that affect balances are accessible).
    params: GetPrimePortfolioTransactionsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Get Transaction by Transaction ID
   * Retrieve a specific transaction by its transaction ID (only transactions that affect balances are accessible).
  getTransactionById(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    transaction_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, transaction_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Create Conversion
   * Perform a conversion between 2 assets.
  createConversion(params: CreatePrimeConversionRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(
      { body: body },

   * List Wallet Transactions
   * Retrieve transactions for a given wallet (only transactions that affect balances are accessible).
    params: GetPrimeWalletTransactionsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Create Transfer
   * Create a wallet transfer.
  createTransfer(params: CreatePrimeTransferRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(
      { body: body },

   * Create Withdrawal
   * Create a withdrawal.
  createWithdrawal(params: CreatePrimeWithdrawalRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(
      { body: body },

   * Wallets Endpoints

   * List Portfolio Wallets
   * List all wallets associated with a given portfolio.
  getPortfolioWallets(params: GetPrimePortfolioWalletsRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/wallets`, query);

   * Create Wallet
   * Create a wallet.
  createWallet(params: CreatePrimeWalletRequest): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, ...body } = params;
    return this.postPrivate(`/v1/portfolios/${portfolio_id}/wallets`, {
      body: body,

   * Get Wallet by Wallet ID
   * Retrieve a specific wallet by Wallet ID.
  getWalletById(params: {
    portfolio_id: string;
    wallet_id: string;
  }): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(

   * Get Wallet Deposit Instructions
   * Retrieve a specific wallet's deposit instructions.
    params: GetPrimeWalletDepositInstructionsRequest,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const { portfolio_id, wallet_id, ...query } = params;
    return this.getPrivate(