diff --git a/R/accessors-quarter.r b/R/accessors-quarter.r index 6ab8ade8..59a4a4b2 100644 --- a/R/accessors-quarter.r +++ b/R/accessors-quarter.r @@ -9,10 +9,11 @@ NULL #' zoo, zooreg, timeDate, xts, its, ti, jul, timeSeries, fts or anything else that can #' be converted with as.POSIXlt #' @param type the format to be returned for the quarter. Can be one one of "quarter" - -#' return numeric quarter (default), "year.quarter" - return fractional numeric -#' year.quarter, "date_first" or "date_last" - return the date at the quarter's start -#' or end, "year_start/end" - return a full description of the quarter as a string -#' which includes the start and end of the year (ex. "2020/21 Q1"). +#' return numeric quarter (default), "year.quarter" return the ending year and quarter +#' as a number of the form year.quarter, "date_first" or "date_last" - return the date +#' at the quarter's start or end, "year_start/end" - return a full description of the +#' quarter as a string which includes the start and end of the year +#' (ex. "2020/21 Q1"). #' @param fiscal_start numeric indicating the starting month of a fiscal year. #' @param with_year logical indicating whether or not to include the quarter or #' semester's year (deprecated; use the `type` parameter instead). diff --git a/man/quarter.Rd b/man/quarter.Rd index 78ea2a89..98e854ee 100644 --- a/man/quarter.Rd +++ b/man/quarter.Rd @@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ zoo, zooreg, timeDate, xts, its, ti, jul, timeSeries, fts or anything else that be converted with as.POSIXlt} \item{type}{the format to be returned for the quarter. Can be one one of "quarter" - -return numeric quarter (default), "year.quarter" - return fractional numeric -year.quarter, "date_first" or "date_last" - return the date at the quarter's start -or end, "year_start/end" - return a full description of the quarter as a string -which includes the start and end of the year (ex. "2020/21 Q1").} +return numeric quarter (default), "year.quarter" return the ending year and quarter +as a number of the form year.quarter, "date_first" or "date_last" - return the date +at the quarter's start or end, "year_start/end" - return a full description of the +quarter as a string which includes the start and end of the year +(ex. "2020/21 Q1").} \item{fiscal_start}{numeric indicating the starting month of a fiscal year.}