diff --git a/.env.testing.example b/.env.testing.example index cbe4134..5ba4d38 100644 --- a/.env.testing.example +++ b/.env.testing.example @@ -1,3 +1,2 @@ -STRIPE_TEST_KEY= -STRIPE_TEST_SECRET= +STRIPE_TEST_SECRET=sk_test_123 STRIPE_API_BASE="stripemock:12111" diff --git a/.github/workflows/build-test.yml b/.github/workflows/build-test.yml index 86170ff..e06ba59 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build-test.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build-test.yml @@ -13,26 +13,28 @@ jobs: strategy: max-parallel: 1 matrix: - php: [7.3, 7.4, 8.0] - laravel: [6.*, 7.*, 8.*] + php: [ 8.0, 8.1 ] + laravel: [ 8.*, 9.* ] include: - - laravel: 6.* - testbench: 4.* - phpunit: 9.* - - laravel: 7.* - testbench: 5.* - phpunit: 9.* - - laravel: 8.* + - php: 8.0 + laravel: 8.* testbench: 6.* phpunit: 9.* - - php: 8.0 + - php: 8.1 laravel: 8.* testbench: 6.* phpunit: 9.* - + - php: 8.0 + laravel: 9.* + testbench: 7.* + phpunit: 9.* + - php: 8.1 + laravel: 9.* + testbench: 7.* + phpunit: 9.* services: stripemock: - image: stripemock/stripe-mock:latest + image: stripe/stripe-mock:v0.141.0 ports: - 12111 @@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ jobs: - name: Install dependencies run: | - composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_PASSWORD }}" + composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_LICENSE_KEY }}" composer require "laravel/framework:${{ matrix.laravel }}" "orchestra/testbench:${{ matrix.testbench }}" "phpunit/phpunit:${{ matrix.phpunit }}" --no-interaction --no-update composer update --prefer-dist --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest diff --git a/.github/workflows/lint.yml b/.github/workflows/lint.yml index 34f1db2..3fa9db5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/lint.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/lint.yml @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ jobs: - name: Install dependencies run: | - composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_PASSWORD }}" + composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_LICENSE_KEY }}" composer upgrade --no-interaction --no-suggest - name: PHP-8 compatible PHPCS @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ jobs: - name: Install dependencies run: | - composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_PASSWORD }}" + composer config "http-basic.nova.laravel.com" "${{ secrets.NOVA_USERNAME }}" "${{ secrets.NOVA_LICENSE_KEY }}" composer install --no-interaction --no-suggest - name: Tlint Lint diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 29d4a76..63104d3 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -28,9 +28,22 @@ Before submitting a pull request: To run the test suite locally: -- Run `cp .env.testing.example .env.testing` in the terminal -- Update `.env.testing` with your Stripe **test** API keys -- Run `vendor/bin/phpunit` in the terminal +- Copy the test `env` file: + ``` + cp .env.testing.example .env.testing + ``` +- Start the stripe mock docker container: + ``` + docker run -d --rm -it -p 12111-12112:12111-12112 --name nova-stripe-stripe-mock stripe/stripe-mock:v0.141.0 + ``` +- Run tests: + ``` + ./vendor/bin/phpunit + ``` +- When done testing your feature, be sure to stop the stripe mock container: + ``` + docker stop nova-stripe-stripe-mock + ``` ## Requirements diff --git a/charges-detail.png b/charges-detail.png index 21a0281..7b67511 100644 Binary files a/charges-detail.png and b/charges-detail.png differ diff --git a/charges-index.png b/charges-index.png index 634e99a..f3679a4 100644 Binary files a/charges-index.png and b/charges-index.png differ diff --git a/composer.json b/composer.json index 2b6dafd..438fd71 100644 --- a/composer.json +++ b/composer.json @@ -26,12 +26,11 @@ } ], "require": { - "php": ">=7.1.0", + "php": "^8.0|^8.1", "stripe/stripe-php": ">=5.0" }, "require-dev": { - "laravel/framework": ">=6.20.26", - "laravel/nova": "*@dev", + "laravel/nova": "^4.0", "orchestra/testbench": ">=3.6.x-dev", "phpunit/phpunit": "9.5.*", "tightenco/duster": "^0.3.2" @@ -54,7 +53,10 @@ } }, "config": { - "sort-packages": true + "sort-packages": true, + "allow-plugins": { + "dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer": true + } }, "minimum-stability": "dev", "prefer-stable": true diff --git a/customers-detail.png b/customers-detail.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d821863 Binary files /dev/null and b/customers-detail.png differ diff --git a/customers-index.png b/customers-index.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c31c563 Binary files /dev/null and b/customers-index.png differ diff --git a/dist/css/tool.css b/dist/css/tool.css index e69de29..47376b2 100644 --- a/dist/css/tool.css +++ b/dist/css/tool.css @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/*! tailwindcss v3.1.8 | MIT License | https://tailwindcss.com*/*,:after,:before{border:0 solid #e5e7eb;box-sizing:border-box}:after,:before{--tw-content:""}html{-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;font-family:ui-sans-serif,system-ui,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe 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(min-width:768px){.md\:text-2xl{font-size:1.5rem;line-height:2rem}} diff --git a/dist/js/tool.js b/dist/js/tool.js index 967835f..01ea782 100644 --- a/dist/js/tool.js +++ b/dist/js/tool.js @@ -1,4286 +1 @@ -/******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap -/******/ // The module cache -/******/ var installedModules = {}; -/******/ -/******/ // The require function -/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { -/******/ -/******/ // Check if module is in cache -/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { -/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; -/******/ } -/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) -/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { -/******/ i: moduleId, -/******/ l: false, -/******/ exports: {} -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // Execute the module function -/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); -/******/ -/******/ // Flag the module as loaded -/******/ module.l = true; -/******/ -/******/ // Return the exports of the module -/******/ return module.exports; -/******/ } -/******/ -/******/ -/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) -/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; -/******/ -/******/ // expose the module cache -/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; -/******/ -/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports -/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { -/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { -/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { -/******/ configurable: false, -/******/ enumerable: true, -/******/ get: getter -/******/ }); -/******/ } -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules -/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { -/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? -/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : -/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; -/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); -/******/ return getter; -/******/ }; -/******/ -/******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call -/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; -/******/ -/******/ // __webpack_public_path__ -/******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; -/******/ -/******/ // Load entry module and return exports -/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3); -/******/ }) -/************************************************************************/ -/******/ ([ -/* 0 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports) { - -/* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */ - -// IMPORTANT: Do NOT use ES2015 features in this file. -// This module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will -// be included in the final webpack user bundle. - -module.exports = function normalizeComponent ( - rawScriptExports, - compiledTemplate, - functionalTemplate, - injectStyles, - scopeId, - moduleIdentifier /* server only */ -) { - var esModule - var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {} - - // ES6 modules interop - var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default - if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') { - esModule = rawScriptExports - scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default - } - - // Vue.extend constructor export interop - var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function' - ? scriptExports.options - : scriptExports - - // render functions - if (compiledTemplate) { - options.render = compiledTemplate.render - options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns - options._compiled = true - } - - // functional template - if (functionalTemplate) { - options.functional = true - } - - // scopedId - if (scopeId) { - options._scopeId = scopeId - } - - var hook - if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build - hook = function (context) { - // 2.3 injection - context = - context || // cached call - (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful - (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional - // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true - if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') { - context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ - } - // inject component styles - if (injectStyles) { - injectStyles.call(this, context) - } - // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence - if (context && context._registeredComponents) { - context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier) - } - } - // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate - // never gets called - options._ssrRegister = hook - } else if (injectStyles) { - hook = injectStyles - } - - if (hook) { - var functional = options.functional - var existing = functional - ? options.render - : options.beforeCreate - - if (!functional) { - // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook - options.beforeCreate = existing - ? [].concat(existing, hook) - : [hook] - } else { - // for template-only hot-reload because in that case the render fn doesn't - // go through the normalizer - options._injectStyles = hook - // register for functioal component in vue file - options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) { - hook.call(context) - return existing(h, context) - } - } - } - - return { - esModule: esModule, - exports: scriptExports, - options: options - } -} - - -/***/ }), -/* 1 */ -/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) { - -"use strict"; -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_currency_js__ = __webpack_require__(9); -/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_currency_js___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_currency_js__); -var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; - - - -/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__["a"] = (function (currency_code, amount) { - currency_code = currency_code.toUpperCase(); - var decimal_digits = currencies[currency_code] ? currencies[currency_code].decimal_digits : 2; - var currency_divisor = '1'.padEnd(decimal_digits + 1, '0'); - var currency_options = { - precision: decimal_digits - }; - - if (!currencies[currency_code]) { - return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_currency_js___default()(amount / currency_divisor, currency_options).format() + ' ' + currency_code; - } - - return __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_currency_js___default()(amount / currency_divisor, _extends({}, currency_options, { - symbol: currencies[currency_code].symbol_native - })).format(true); -}); - -var currencies = { - "USD": { - "symbol": "$", - "name": "US Dollar", - "symbol_native": "$", - "decimal_digits": 2, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "USD", - "name_plural": "US dollars" - }, - "CAD": { - "symbol": "CA$", - "name": "Canadian Dollar", - "symbol_native": "$", - "decimal_digits": 2, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "CAD", - "name_plural": "Canadian dollars" - }, - "EUR": { - "symbol": "€", - "name": "Euro", - "symbol_native": "€", - "decimal_digits": 2, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "EUR", - "name_plural": "euros" - }, - "AED": { - "symbol": "AED", - "name": "United Arab Emirates Dirham", - "symbol_native": "د.إ.‏", - "decimal_digits": 2, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "AED", - "name_plural": "UAE dirhams" - }, - "AFN": { - "symbol": "Af", - "name": "Afghan Afghani", - "symbol_native": "؋", - "decimal_digits": 0, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "AFN", - "name_plural": "Afghan Afghanis" - }, - "ALL": { - "symbol": "ALL", - "name": "Albanian Lek", - "symbol_native": "Lek", - "decimal_digits": 0, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "ALL", - "name_plural": "Albanian lekë" - }, - "AMD": { - "symbol": "AMD", - "name": "Armenian Dram", - "symbol_native": "դր.", - "decimal_digits": 0, - "rounding": 0, - "code": "AMD", - "name_plural": "Armenian drams" - }, - "ANG": { - "symbol": "ƒ", - 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"Refunded" - : charge.status - ) - ) - ] - ) - : _c("span", [_vm._v(_vm._s(charge[column]))]) - ]) - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("td", [ - _c( - "span", - [ - _c( - "router-link", - { - staticClass: - "cursor-pointer text-70 hover:text-primary mr-3", - attrs: { - to: { - name: "charge-detail", - params: { - chargeId: charge.id - } - }, - title: _vm.__("View") - } - }, - [ - _c("icon", { - attrs: { - type: "view", - width: "22", - height: "18", - "view-box": "0 0 22 16" - } - }) - ], - 1 - ) - ], - 1 - ) - ]) - ], - 2 - ) - ]) - }) - ], - 2 - ) - : _vm._e() - ]), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("ChargesPaginationLinks", { - attrs: { - resource: _vm.charges, - hasMore: _vm.hasMore, - hasPrevious: _vm.hasPrevious - }, - on: { previous: _vm.previousPage, next: _vm.nextPage } - }) - ], - 1 - ) - ], - 1 - ) -} -var staticRenderFns = [] -render._withStripped = true -module.exports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns } -if (false) { - module.hot.accept() - if (module.hot.data) { - 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$$i = _vm._i($$a, $$v) - if ($$el.checked) { - $$i < 0 && - (_vm.checkedColumns = $$a.concat([$$v])) - } else { - $$i > -1 && - (_vm.checkedColumns = $$a - .slice(0, $$i) - .concat($$a.slice($$i + 1))) - } - } else { - _vm.checkedColumns = $$c - } - }, - function($event) { - return _vm.$emit( - "checkedColumns", - _vm.checkedColumns - ) - } - ] - } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c( - "label", - { staticClass: "capitalize", attrs: { for: value } }, - [_vm._v(_vm._s(value.replaceAll("_", " ")))] - ) - ]) - : _vm._e() - }), - 0 - ) - ], - 1 - ) - ], - 1 - ) -} -var staticRenderFns = [] -render._withStripped = true -module.exports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns } -if (false) { - module.hot.accept() - if (module.hot.data) { - require("vue-hot-reload-api") .rerender("data-v-3cd0c6dd", module.exports) - } -} - -/***/ }), -/* 19 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var render = function() { - var _vm = this - var _h = _vm.$createElement - var _c = _vm._self._c || _h - return _c( - "div", - [ - _c("heading", { staticClass: "mb-6" }, [_vm._v("Stripe Dashboard")]), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("BalanceCard"), - _vm._v(" "), - _c( - "card", - [ - _c("ColumnSelect", { - attrs: { resource: _vm.singleCharge }, - on: { - checkedColumns: function($event) { - _vm.selectedColumns = $event - } - }, - model: { - value: _vm.selectedColumns, - callback: function($$v) { - _vm.selectedColumns = $$v - }, - expression: "selectedColumns" - } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("ChargesTable", { - attrs: { columns: _vm.selectedColumns }, - on: { - charge: function($event) { - _vm.singleCharge = $event - } - } - }) - ], - 1 - ) - ], - 1 - ) -} -var staticRenderFns = [] -render._withStripped = true -module.exports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns } -if (false) { - module.hot.accept() - if (module.hot.data) { - require("vue-hot-reload-api") .rerender("data-v-494d9643", module.exports) - } -} - -/***/ }), -/* 20 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, 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undefined, - deleting: false - }; - }, - - methods: { - refund: function refund(chargeId) { - var _this = this; - - this.deleting = true; - - Nova.request().post('/nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' + this.chargeId + '/refund').then(function (response) { - Nova.success('Charge Successfully Refunded!'); - _this.$refs.detail.getCharge(); - }); - - this.deleting = false; - } - } -}); - -/***/ }), -/* 22 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var disposed = false -var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__(0) -/* script */ -var __vue_script__ = __webpack_require__(23) -/* template */ -var __vue_template__ = __webpack_require__(24) -/* template functional */ -var __vue_template_functional__ = false -/* styles */ -var __vue_styles__ = null -/* scopeId */ -var __vue_scopeId__ = null -/* moduleIdentifier (server only) */ -var __vue_module_identifier__ = null -var Component = normalizeComponent( - __vue_script__, - __vue_template__, - __vue_template_functional__, 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__webpack_exports__["default"] = ({ - props: ["chargeId"], - - data: function data() { - return { - initialLoading: true, - charge: { - amount: 0, - currency: "" - } - }; - }, - - - computed: { - amount: function amount() { - return this.formatMoney(this.charge.amount, this.charge.currency); - }, - fee: function fee() { - if (!this.charge.balance_transaction) { - return 0; - } - - return this.formatMoney(this.charge.balance_transaction.fee, this.charge.balance_transaction.currency); - }, - net: function net() { - if (!this.charge.balance_transaction) { - return 0; - } - - return this.formatMoney(this.charge.amount - this.charge.balance_transaction.fee, this.charge.currency); - }, - date: function date() { - return moment.unix(this.charge.created).format("YYYY/MM/DD h:mm:ss a"); - } - }, - - methods: { - moment: moment, - - getCharge: function getCharge() { - var _this = this; - - Nova.request().get("/nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/" + this.chargeId).then(function (response) { - _this.charge = response.data.charge; - _this.initialLoading = false; - _this.$emit('charge-loaded', response.data.charge); - }); - }, - formatMoney: function formatMoney(amount, currency) { - return (amount / 100).toFixed(2) + " " + currency.toUpperCase(); - } - }, - - created: function created() { - this.getCharge(); - } -}); - -/***/ }), -/* 24 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var render = function() { - var _vm = this - var _h = _vm.$createElement - var _c = _vm._self._c || _h - return _c( - "loading-card", - { staticClass: "mb-6 py-3 px-6", attrs: { loading: _vm.initialLoading } }, - [ - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "ID", value: _vm.charge.id } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Amount", value: _vm.amount } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Fee", value: _vm.fee } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Net", value: _vm.net } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Status", value: _vm.charge.status } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Created", value: _vm.date } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Metadata", value: _vm.charge.metadata } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-boolean-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Livemode", value: _vm.charge.livemode } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-boolean-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Captured", value: _vm.charge.captured } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-boolean-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Paid", value: _vm.charge.paid } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-boolean-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Refunded", value: _vm.charge.refunded } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("detail-text-field", { - attrs: { field: { name: "Dispute", value: _vm.charge.dispute } } - }), - _vm._v(" "), - 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rounded", - attrs: { disabled: _vm.deleting }, - on: { - click: function($event) { - return _vm.refund(_vm.charge.id) - } - } - }, - [_vm._v("\n Refund\n ")] - ) - : _vm._e() - ]), - _vm._v(" "), - _c("ChargeDetailCard", { - ref: "detail", - attrs: { "charge-id": _vm.chargeId }, - on: { - "charge-loaded": function($event) { - _vm.charge = $event - } - } - }) - ], - 1 - ) -} -var staticRenderFns = [] -render._withStripped = true -module.exports = { render: render, staticRenderFns: staticRenderFns } -if (false) { - module.hot.accept() - if (module.hot.data) { - require("vue-hot-reload-api") .rerender("data-v-78b841b0", module.exports) - } -} - -/***/ }), -/* 26 */ -/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { - -var disposed = false -var normalizeComponent = __webpack_require__(0) -/* script */ -var __vue_script__ = __webpack_require__(27) -/* template */ -var __vue_template__ = __webpack_require__(36) -/* template functional */ -var __vue_template_functional__ = false -/* 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b/resources/js/pages/Customers.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1782c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/pages/Customers.vue @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ + diff --git a/resources/js/pages/Detail.vue b/resources/js/pages/Detail.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8d15cb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/pages/Detail.vue @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ + + + diff --git a/resources/js/pages/Tool.vue b/resources/js/pages/Tool.vue new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ad8524a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/js/pages/Tool.vue @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + + diff --git a/resources/js/tool.js b/resources/js/tool.js index 75b863b..4308be3 100644 --- a/resources/js/tool.js +++ b/resources/js/tool.js @@ -1,29 +1,27 @@ -Nova.booting((Vue, router) => { - Vue.config.devtools = true; +import moneyFormat from './utils/moneyFormat.js' - router.addRoutes([ - { - name: "nova-stripe", - path: "/nova-stripe", - component: require("./views/Index"), - }, - { - name: "charge-detail", - path: "/nova-stripe/charge/:chargeId", - component: require("./views/Detail"), - props: true, - }, - { - name: "customer-list", - path: "/nova-stripe/customers", - component: require("./views/Customers"), - props: true, +Nova.booting((Vue) => { + const files = require.context('./', true, /\.vue$/i) + files + .keys() + .map((key) => + Vue.component( + key.split('/').pop().split('.')[0], + files(key).default + ) + ) + + Vue.config.globalProperties.$filters = { + money(currency, value) { + return moneyFormat(currency, value) }, - { - name: "customer-detail", - path: "/nova-stripe/customers/:customerId", - component: require("./views/CustomerDetail"), - props: true, + date(value) { + return new Date(value * 1000).toLocaleString() }, - ]); -}); + } + + Nova.inertia('Tool', require('./pages/Tool').default) + Nova.inertia('Detail', require('./pages/Detail').default) + Nova.inertia('Customers', require('./pages/Customers').default) + Nova.inertia('CustomerDetail', require('./pages/CustomerDetail').default) +}) diff --git a/resources/js/utils/moneyFormat.js b/resources/js/utils/moneyFormat.js index 54c03c6..0447c1e 100644 --- a/resources/js/utils/moneyFormat.js +++ b/resources/js/utils/moneyFormat.js @@ -2,1272 +2,1278 @@ import currency from 'currency.js' export default (currency_code, amount) => { currency_code = currency_code.toUpperCase() - let decimal_digits = currencies[currency_code] ? currencies[currency_code].decimal_digits : 2 + let decimal_digits = currencies[currency_code] + ? currencies[currency_code].decimal_digits + : 2 let currency_divisor = '1'.padEnd(decimal_digits + 1, '0') let currency_options = { - precision: decimal_digits + precision: decimal_digits, } - if (! currencies[currency_code]) { - return currency(amount / currency_divisor, currency_options).format() + ' ' + currency_code + if (!currencies[currency_code]) { + return ( + currency(amount / currency_divisor, currency_options).format() + + ' ' + + currency_code + ) } return currency(amount / currency_divisor, { ...currency_options, - symbol: currencies[currency_code].symbol_native + symbol: currencies[currency_code].symbol_native, }).format(true) } const currencies = { - "USD" : { - "symbol" : "$", - "name" : "US Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "USD", - "name_plural" : "US dollars" - }, - "CAD" : { - "symbol" : "CA$", - "name" : "Canadian Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CAD", - "name_plural" : "Canadian dollars" - }, - "EUR" : { - "symbol" : "€", - "name" : "Euro", - "symbol_native" : "€", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "EUR", - "name_plural" : "euros" - }, - "AED" : { - "symbol" : "AED", - "name" : "United Arab Emirates Dirham", - "symbol_native" : "د.إ.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AED", - "name_plural" : "UAE dirhams" - }, - "AFN" : { - "symbol" : "Af", - "name" : "Afghan Afghani", - "symbol_native" : "؋", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AFN", - "name_plural" : "Afghan Afghanis" - }, - "ALL" : { - "symbol" : "ALL", - "name" : "Albanian Lek", - "symbol_native" : "Lek", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ALL", - "name_plural" : "Albanian lekë" - }, - "AMD" : { - "symbol" : "AMD", - "name" : "Armenian Dram", - "symbol_native" : "դր.", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AMD", - "name_plural" : "Armenian drams" - }, - "ANG" : { - "symbol" : "ƒ", - "name" : "Netherlands Antillean guilder", - "symbol_native" : "ƒ", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ANG", - "name_plural" : "Netherlands Antillean guilder" - }, - "AOA" : { - "symbol" : "Kz", - "name" : "Angolan Kwanza", - "symbol_native" : "Kz", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AOA", - "name_plural" : "Angolan Kwanzas" - }, - "ARS" : { - "symbol" : "AR$", - "name" : "Argentine Peso", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ARS", - "name_plural" : "Argentine pesos" - }, - "AUD" : { - "symbol" : "AU$", - "name" : "Australian Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AUD", - "name_plural" : "Australian dollars" - }, - "AZN" : { - "symbol" : "man.", - "name" : "Azerbaijani Manat", - "symbol_native" : "ман.", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "AZN", - "name_plural" : "Azerbaijani manats" - }, - "BAM" : { - "symbol" : "KM", - "name" : "Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark", - "symbol_native" : "KM", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BAM", - "name_plural" : "Bosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks" - }, - "BDT" : { - "symbol" : "Tk", - "name" : "Bangladeshi Taka", - "symbol_native" : "৳", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BDT", - "name_plural" : "Bangladeshi takas" - }, - "BGN" : { - "symbol" : "BGN", - "name" : "Bulgarian Lev", - "symbol_native" : "лв.", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BGN", - "name_plural" : "Bulgarian leva" - }, - "BHD" : { - "symbol" : "BD", - "name" : "Bahraini Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.ب.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BHD", - "name_plural" : "Bahraini dinars" - }, - "BIF" : { - "symbol" : "FBu", - "name" : "Burundian Franc", - "symbol_native" : "FBu", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BIF", - "name_plural" : "Burundian francs" - }, - "BND" : { - "symbol" : "BN$", - "name" : "Brunei Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BND", - "name_plural" : "Brunei dollars" - }, - "BMD" : { - "symbol" : "$", - "name" : "Bermudian Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BMD", - "name_plural" : "Bermudian Dollar" - }, - "BOB" : { - "symbol" : "Bs", - "name" : "Bolivian Boliviano", - "symbol_native" : "Bs", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BOB", - "name_plural" : "Bolivian bolivianos" - }, - "BRL" : { - "symbol" : "R$", - "name" : "Brazilian Real", - "symbol_native" : "R$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BRL", - "name_plural" : "Brazilian reals" - }, - "BTN" : { - "symbol" : "Nu.", - "name" : "Bhutanese Ngultrum", - "symbol_native" : "Nu.", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BTN", - "name_plural" : "Bhutanese Ngultrum" - }, - "BWP" : { - "symbol" : "BWP", - "name" : "Botswanan Pula", - "symbol_native" : "P", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BWP", - "name_plural" : "Botswanan pulas" - }, - "BYR" : { - "symbol" : "BYR", - "name" : "Belarusian Ruble", - "symbol_native" : "BYR", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BYR", - "name_plural" : "Belarusian rubles" - }, - "BZD" : { - "symbol" : "BZ$", - "name" : "Belize Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "BZD", - "name_plural" : "Belize dollars" - }, - "CDF" : { - "symbol" : "CDF", - "name" : "Congolese Franc", - "symbol_native" : "FrCD", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CDF", - "name_plural" : "Congolese francs" - }, - "CHF" : { - "symbol" : "CHF", - "name" : "Swiss Franc", - "symbol_native" : "CHF", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0.05, - "code" : "CHF", - "name_plural" : "Swiss francs" - }, - "CLP" : { - "symbol" : "CL$", - "name" : "Chilean Peso", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CLP", - "name_plural" : "Chilean pesos" - }, - "CNY" : { - "symbol" : "CN¥", - "name" : "Chinese Yuan", - "symbol_native" : "CN¥", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CNY", - "name_plural" : "Chinese yuan" - }, - "COP" : { - "symbol" : "CO$", - "name" : "Colombian Peso", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "COP", - "name_plural" : "Colombian pesos" - }, - "CRC" : { - "symbol" : "₡", - "name" : "Costa Rican Colón", - "symbol_native" : "₡", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CRC", - "name_plural" : "Costa Rican colóns" - }, - "CVE" : { - "symbol" : "CV$", - "name" : "Cape Verdean Escudo", - "symbol_native" : "CV$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CVE", - "name_plural" : "Cape Verdean escudos" - }, - "CZK" : { - "symbol" : "Kč", - "name" : "Czech Republic Koruna", - "symbol_native" : "Kč", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "CZK", - "name_plural" : "Czech Republic korunas" - }, - "DJF" : { - "symbol" : "Fdj", - "name" : "Djiboutian Franc", - "symbol_native" : "Fdj", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "DJF", - "name_plural" : "Djiboutian francs" - }, - "DKK" : { - "symbol" : "Dkr", - "name" : "Danish Krone", - "symbol_native" : "kr", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "DKK", - "name_plural" : "Danish kroner" - }, - "DOP" : { - "symbol" : "RD$", - "name" : "Dominican Peso", - "symbol_native" : "RD$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "DOP", - "name_plural" : "Dominican pesos" - }, - "DZD" : { - "symbol" : "DA", - "name" : "Algerian Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.ج.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "DZD", - "name_plural" : "Algerian dinars" - }, - "EEK" : { - "symbol" : "Ekr", - "name" : "Estonian Kroon", - "symbol_native" : "kr", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "EEK", - "name_plural" : "Estonian kroons" - }, - "EGP" : { - "symbol" : "EGP", - "name" : "Egyptian Pound", - "symbol_native" : "ج.م.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "EGP", - "name_plural" : "Egyptian pounds" - }, - "ERN" : { - "symbol" : "Nfk", - "name" : "Eritrean Nakfa", - "symbol_native" : "Nfk", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ERN", - "name_plural" : "Eritrean nakfas" - }, - "ETB" : { - "symbol" : "Br", - "name" : "Ethiopian Birr", - "symbol_native" : "Br", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ETB", - "name_plural" : "Ethiopian birrs" - }, - "FKP" : { - "symbol" : "£", - "name" : "Falkland Island Pound", - "symbol_native" : "£", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "FKP", - "name_plural" : "Falkland Island Pounds" - }, - "GBP" : { - "symbol" : "£", - "name" : "British Pound Sterling", - "symbol_native" : "£", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GBP", - "name_plural" : "British pounds sterling" - }, - "GEL" : { - "symbol" : "GEL", - "name" : "Georgian Lari", - "symbol_native" : "GEL", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GEL", - "name_plural" : "Georgian laris" - }, - "GHS" : { - "symbol" : "GH₵", - "name" : "Ghanaian Cedi", - "symbol_native" : "GH₵", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GHS", - "name_plural" : "Ghanaian cedis" - }, - "GIP" : { - "symbol" : "£", - "name" : "Gibraltar Pound", - "symbol_native" : "£", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GHS", - "name_plural" : "Gibraltar pound" - }, - "GNF" : { - "symbol" : "FG", - "name" : "Guinean Franc", - "symbol_native" : "FG", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GNF", - "name_plural" : "Guinean francs" - }, - "GTQ" : { - "symbol" : "GTQ", - "name" : "Guatemalan Quetzal", - "symbol_native" : "Q", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "GTQ", - "name_plural" : "Guatemalan quetzals" - }, - "HKD" : { - "symbol" : "HK$", - "name" : "Hong Kong Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "HKD", - "name_plural" : "Hong Kong dollars" - }, - "HNL" : { - "symbol" : "HNL", - "name" : "Honduran Lempira", - "symbol_native" : "L", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "HNL", - "name_plural" : "Honduran lempiras" - }, - "HRK" : { - "symbol" : "kn", - "name" : "Croatian Kuna", - "symbol_native" : "kn", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "HRK", - "name_plural" : "Croatian kunas" - }, - "HUF" : { - "symbol" : "Ft", - "name" : "Hungarian Forint", - "symbol_native" : "Ft", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - 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"Iranian rials" - }, - "ISK" : { - "symbol" : "Ikr", - "name" : "Icelandic Króna", - "symbol_native" : "kr", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ISK", - "name_plural" : "Icelandic krónur" - }, - "JMD" : { - "symbol" : "J$", - "name" : "Jamaican Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "JMD", - "name_plural" : "Jamaican dollars" - }, - "JOD" : { - "symbol" : "JD", - "name" : "Jordanian Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.أ.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "JOD", - "name_plural" : "Jordanian dinars" - }, - "JPY" : { - "symbol" : "¥", - "name" : "Japanese Yen", - "symbol_native" : "¥", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "JPY", - "name_plural" : "Japanese yen" - }, - "KES" : { - "symbol" : "с", - "name" : "Kyrgyzstani som", - "symbol_native" : "с", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KES", - "name_plural" : "Kyrgyzstani som" - }, - "KGS" : { - "symbol" : "Ksh", - "name" : "Kyrgyzstani Som", - "symbol_native" : "Ksh", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KES", - "name_plural" : "Kenyan shillings" - }, - "KHR" : { - "symbol" : "KHR", - "name" : "Cambodian Riel", - "symbol_native" : "៛", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KHR", - "name_plural" : "Cambodian riels" - }, - "KMF" : { - "symbol" : "CF", - "name" : "Comorian Franc", - "symbol_native" : "FC", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KMF", - "name_plural" : "Comorian francs" - }, - "KRW" : { - "symbol" : "₩", - "name" : "South Korean Won", - "symbol_native" : "₩", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KRW", - "name_plural" : "South Korean won" - }, - "KWD" : { - "symbol" : "KD", - "name" : "Kuwaiti Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.ك.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KWD", - "name_plural" : "Kuwaiti dinars" - }, - "KYD" : { - "symbol" : "$", - "name" : "Cayman Islands dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$‏", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KYD", - "name_plural" : "Cayman Islands dollarS" - }, - "KZT" : { - "symbol" : "KZT", - "name" : "Kazakhstani Tenge", - "symbol_native" : "тңг.", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "KZT", - "name_plural" : "Kazakhstani tenges" - }, - "LAK" : { - "symbol" : "₭", - "name" : "Lao kip", - "symbol_native" : "₭‏", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LAK", - "name_plural" : "Lao kip" - }, - "LBP" : { - "symbol" : "LB£", - "name" : "Lebanese Pound", - "symbol_native" : "ل.ل.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LBP", - "name_plural" : "Lebanese pounds" - }, - "LKR" : { - "symbol" : "SLRs", - "name" : "Sri Lankan Rupee", - "symbol_native" : "SL Re", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LKR", - "name_plural" : "Sri Lankan rupees" - }, - "LRD" : { - "symbol" : "$", - "name" : "Liberian Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LRD", - "name_plural" : "Liberian Dollars" - }, - "LTL" : { - "symbol" : "Lt", - "name" : "Lithuanian Litas", - "symbol_native" : "Lt", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LTL", - "name_plural" : "Lithuanian litai" - }, - "LVL" : { - "symbol" : "Ls", - "name" : "Latvian Lats", - "symbol_native" : "Ls", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LVL", - "name_plural" : "Latvian lati" - }, - "LYD" : { - "symbol" : "LD", - "name" : "Libyan Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.ل.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "LYD", - "name_plural" : "Libyan dinars" - }, - "MAD" : { - "symbol" : "MAD", - "name" : "Moroccan Dirham", - "symbol_native" : "د.م.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "MAD", - "name_plural" : "Moroccan dirhams" - }, - "MDL" : { - "symbol" : "MDL", - "name" : "Moldovan Leu", - "symbol_native" : "MDL", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "MDL", - "name_plural" : "Moldovan lei" - }, - "MGA" : { - 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"rounding" : 0, - "code" : "NGN", - "name_plural" : "Nigerian nairas" - }, - "NIO" : { - "symbol" : "C$", - "name" : "Nicaraguan Córdoba", - "symbol_native" : "C$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "NIO", - "name_plural" : "Nicaraguan córdobas" - }, - "NOK" : { - "symbol" : "Nkr", - "name" : "Norwegian Krone", - "symbol_native" : "kr", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "NOK", - "name_plural" : "Norwegian kroner" - }, - "NPR" : { - "symbol" : "NPRs", - "name" : "Nepalese Rupee", - "symbol_native" : "नेरू", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "NPR", - "name_plural" : "Nepalese rupees" - }, - "NZD" : { - "symbol" : "NZ$", - "name" : "New Zealand Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "NZD", - "name_plural" : "New Zealand dollars" - }, - "OMR" : { - "symbol" : "OMR", - "name" : "Omani Rial", - "symbol_native" : "ر.ع.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "OMR", - 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- "name_plural" : "Sao Tomean Dobra" - }, - "SYP" : { - "symbol" : "SY£", - "name" : "Syrian Pound", - "symbol_native" : "ل.س.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "SYP", - "name_plural" : "Syrian pounds" - }, - "SZL" : { - "symbol" : "L", - "name" : "Swazi Lilangeni", - "symbol_native" : "L‏", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "SZL", - "name_plural" : "Swazi Lilangeni" - }, - "THB" : { - "symbol" : "฿", - "name" : "Thai Baht", - "symbol_native" : "฿", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "THB", - "name_plural" : "Thai baht" - }, - "TJS" : { - "symbol" : "ЅМ", - "name" : "Tajikistani Somoni", - "symbol_native" : "ЅМ", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "THB", - "name_plural" : "Tajikistani Somoni" - }, - "TND" : { - "symbol" : "DT", - "name" : "Tunisian Dinar", - "symbol_native" : "د.ت.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 3, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TND", - "name_plural" : "Tunisian dinars" - }, - "TOP" : { - "symbol" : "T$", - "name" : "Tongan Paʻanga", - "symbol_native" : "T$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TOP", - "name_plural" : "Tongan paʻanga" - }, - "TRY" : { - "symbol" : "TL", - "name" : "Turkish Lira", - "symbol_native" : "TL", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TRY", - "name_plural" : "Turkish Lira" - }, - "TTD" : { - "symbol" : "TT$", - "name" : "Trinidad and Tobago Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TTD", - "name_plural" : "Trinidad and Tobago dollars" - }, - "TWD" : { - "symbol" : "NT$", - "name" : "New Taiwan Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "NT$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TWD", - "name_plural" : "New Taiwan dollars" - }, - "TZS" : { - "symbol" : "TSh", - "name" : "Tanzanian Shilling", - "symbol_native" : "TSh", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "TZS", - "name_plural" : "Tanzanian shillings" - }, - "UAH" : { - "symbol" : "₴", - "name" : "Ukrainian Hryvnia", - "symbol_native" : "₴", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "UAH", - "name_plural" : "Ukrainian hryvnias" - }, - "UGX" : { - "symbol" : "USh", - "name" : "Ugandan Shilling", - "symbol_native" : "USh", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "UGX", - "name_plural" : "Ugandan shillings" - }, - "UYU" : { - "symbol" : "$U", - "name" : "Uruguayan Peso", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "UYU", - "name_plural" : "Uruguayan pesos" - }, - "UZS" : { - "symbol" : "UZS", - "name" : "Uzbekistan Som", - "symbol_native" : "UZS", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "UZS", - "name_plural" : "Uzbekistan som" - }, - "VEF" : { - "symbol" : "Bs.F.", - "name" : "Venezuelan Bolívar", - "symbol_native" : "Bs.F.", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "VEF", - "name_plural" : "Venezuelan bolívars" - }, - "VND" : { - "symbol" : "₫", - "name" : "Vietnamese Dong", - "symbol_native" : "₫", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "VND", - "name_plural" : "Vietnamese dong" - }, - "VUV" : { - "symbol" : "Vt", - "name" : "Ni-Vanuatu Vatu", - "symbol_native" : "Vt", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "VUV", - "name_plural" : "Ni-Vanuatu Vatu" - }, - "XAF" : { - "symbol" : "FCFA", - "name" : "CFA Franc BEAC", - "symbol_native" : "FCFA", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "XAF", - "name_plural" : "CFA francs BEAC" - }, - "XCD" : { - "symbol" : "$", - "name" : "East Caribbean Dollar", - "symbol_native" : "$", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "XCD", - "name_plural" : "East Caribbean Dollars" - }, - "XOF" : { - "symbol" : "CFA", - "name" : "CFA Franc BCEAO", - "symbol_native" : "CFA", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "XOF", - "name_plural" : "CFA francs BCEAO" - }, - "XPF" : { - "symbol" : "Fr", - "name" : "CFP franc", - "symbol_native" : "Fr", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "XPF", - "name_plural" : "CFP franc" - }, - "YER" : { - "symbol" : "YR", - "name" : "Yemeni Rial", - "symbol_native" : "ر.ي.‏", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "YER", - "name_plural" : "Yemeni rials" - }, - "ZAR" : { - "symbol" : "R", - "name" : "South African Rand", - "symbol_native" : "R", - "decimal_digits" : 2, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ZAR", - "name_plural" : "South African rand" - }, - "ZMK" : { - "symbol" : "ZK", - "name" : "Zambian Kwacha", - "symbol_native" : "ZK", - "decimal_digits" : 0, - "rounding" : 0, - "code" : "ZMK", - "name_plural" : "Zambian kwachas" - } + USD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'US Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'USD', + name_plural: 'US dollars', + }, + CAD: { + symbol: 'CA$', + name: 'Canadian Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CAD', + name_plural: 'Canadian dollars', + }, + EUR: { + symbol: '€', + name: 'Euro', + symbol_native: '€', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'EUR', + name_plural: 'euros', + }, + AED: { + symbol: 'AED', + name: 'United Arab Emirates Dirham', + symbol_native: 'د.إ.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AED', + name_plural: 'UAE dirhams', + }, + AFN: { + symbol: 'Af', + name: 'Afghan Afghani', + symbol_native: '؋', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AFN', + name_plural: 'Afghan Afghanis', + }, + ALL: { + symbol: 'ALL', + name: 'Albanian Lek', + symbol_native: 'Lek', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ALL', + name_plural: 'Albanian lekë', + }, + AMD: { + symbol: 'AMD', + name: 'Armenian Dram', + symbol_native: 'դր.', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AMD', + name_plural: 'Armenian drams', + }, + ANG: { + symbol: 'ƒ', + name: 'Netherlands Antillean guilder', + symbol_native: 'ƒ', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ANG', + name_plural: 'Netherlands Antillean guilder', + }, + AOA: { + symbol: 'Kz', + name: 'Angolan Kwanza', + symbol_native: 'Kz', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AOA', + name_plural: 'Angolan Kwanzas', + }, + ARS: { + symbol: 'AR$', + name: 'Argentine Peso', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ARS', + name_plural: 'Argentine pesos', + }, + AUD: { + symbol: 'AU$', + name: 'Australian Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AUD', + name_plural: 'Australian dollars', + }, + AZN: { + symbol: 'man.', + name: 'Azerbaijani Manat', + symbol_native: 'ман.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'AZN', + name_plural: 'Azerbaijani manats', + }, + BAM: { + symbol: 'KM', + name: 'Bosnia-Herzegovina Convertible Mark', + symbol_native: 'KM', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BAM', + name_plural: 'Bosnia-Herzegovina convertible marks', + }, + BDT: { + symbol: 'Tk', + name: 'Bangladeshi Taka', + symbol_native: '৳', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BDT', + name_plural: 'Bangladeshi takas', + }, + BGN: { + symbol: 'BGN', + name: 'Bulgarian Lev', + symbol_native: 'лв.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BGN', + name_plural: 'Bulgarian leva', + }, + BHD: { + symbol: 'BD', + name: 'Bahraini Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ب.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BHD', + name_plural: 'Bahraini dinars', + }, + BIF: { + symbol: 'FBu', + name: 'Burundian Franc', + symbol_native: 'FBu', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BIF', + name_plural: 'Burundian francs', + }, + BND: { + symbol: 'BN$', + name: 'Brunei Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BND', + name_plural: 'Brunei dollars', + }, + BMD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'Bermudian Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BMD', + name_plural: 'Bermudian Dollar', + }, + BOB: { + symbol: 'Bs', + name: 'Bolivian Boliviano', + symbol_native: 'Bs', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BOB', + name_plural: 'Bolivian bolivianos', + }, + BRL: { + symbol: 'R$', + name: 'Brazilian Real', + symbol_native: 'R$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BRL', + name_plural: 'Brazilian reals', + }, + BTN: { + symbol: 'Nu.', + name: 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', + symbol_native: 'Nu.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BTN', + name_plural: 'Bhutanese Ngultrum', + }, + BWP: { + symbol: 'BWP', + name: 'Botswanan Pula', + symbol_native: 'P', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BWP', + name_plural: 'Botswanan pulas', + }, + BYR: { + symbol: 'BYR', + name: 'Belarusian Ruble', + symbol_native: 'BYR', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BYR', + name_plural: 'Belarusian rubles', + }, + BZD: { + symbol: 'BZ$', + name: 'Belize Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'BZD', + name_plural: 'Belize dollars', + }, + CDF: { + symbol: 'CDF', + name: 'Congolese Franc', + symbol_native: 'FrCD', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CDF', + name_plural: 'Congolese francs', + }, + CHF: { + symbol: 'CHF', + name: 'Swiss Franc', + symbol_native: 'CHF', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0.05, + code: 'CHF', + name_plural: 'Swiss francs', + }, + CLP: { + symbol: 'CL$', + name: 'Chilean Peso', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CLP', + name_plural: 'Chilean pesos', + }, + CNY: { + symbol: 'CN¥', + name: 'Chinese Yuan', + symbol_native: 'CN¥', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CNY', + name_plural: 'Chinese yuan', + }, + COP: { + symbol: 'CO$', + name: 'Colombian Peso', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'COP', + name_plural: 'Colombian pesos', + }, + CRC: { + symbol: '₡', + name: 'Costa Rican Colón', + symbol_native: '₡', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CRC', + name_plural: 'Costa Rican colóns', + }, + CVE: { + symbol: 'CV$', + name: 'Cape Verdean Escudo', + symbol_native: 'CV$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CVE', + name_plural: 'Cape Verdean escudos', + }, + CZK: { + symbol: 'Kč', + name: 'Czech Republic Koruna', + symbol_native: 'Kč', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'CZK', + name_plural: 'Czech Republic korunas', + }, + DJF: { + symbol: 'Fdj', + name: 'Djiboutian Franc', + symbol_native: 'Fdj', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'DJF', + name_plural: 'Djiboutian francs', + }, + DKK: { + symbol: 'Dkr', + name: 'Danish Krone', + symbol_native: 'kr', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'DKK', + name_plural: 'Danish kroner', + }, + DOP: { + symbol: 'RD$', + name: 'Dominican Peso', + symbol_native: 'RD$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'DOP', + name_plural: 'Dominican pesos', + }, + DZD: { + symbol: 'DA', + name: 'Algerian Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ج.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'DZD', + name_plural: 'Algerian dinars', + }, + EEK: { + symbol: 'Ekr', + name: 'Estonian Kroon', + symbol_native: 'kr', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'EEK', + name_plural: 'Estonian kroons', + }, + EGP: { + symbol: 'EGP', + name: 'Egyptian Pound', + symbol_native: 'ج.م.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'EGP', + name_plural: 'Egyptian pounds', + }, + ERN: { + symbol: 'Nfk', + name: 'Eritrean Nakfa', + symbol_native: 'Nfk', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ERN', + name_plural: 'Eritrean nakfas', + }, + ETB: { + symbol: 'Br', + name: 'Ethiopian Birr', + symbol_native: 'Br', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ETB', + name_plural: 'Ethiopian birrs', + }, + FKP: { + symbol: '£', + name: 'Falkland Island Pound', + symbol_native: '£', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'FKP', + name_plural: 'Falkland Island Pounds', + }, + GBP: { + symbol: '£', + name: 'British Pound Sterling', + symbol_native: '£', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GBP', + name_plural: 'British pounds sterling', + }, + GEL: { + symbol: 'GEL', + name: 'Georgian Lari', + symbol_native: 'GEL', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GEL', + name_plural: 'Georgian laris', + }, + GHS: { + symbol: 'GH₵', + name: 'Ghanaian Cedi', + symbol_native: 'GH₵', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GHS', + name_plural: 'Ghanaian cedis', + }, + GIP: { + symbol: '£', + name: 'Gibraltar Pound', + symbol_native: '£', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GHS', + name_plural: 'Gibraltar pound', + }, + GNF: { + symbol: 'FG', + name: 'Guinean Franc', + symbol_native: 'FG', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GNF', + name_plural: 'Guinean francs', + }, + GTQ: { + symbol: 'GTQ', + name: 'Guatemalan Quetzal', + symbol_native: 'Q', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'GTQ', + name_plural: 'Guatemalan quetzals', + }, + HKD: { + symbol: 'HK$', + name: 'Hong Kong Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'HKD', + name_plural: 'Hong Kong dollars', + }, + HNL: { + symbol: 'HNL', + name: 'Honduran Lempira', + symbol_native: 'L', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'HNL', + name_plural: 'Honduran lempiras', + }, + HRK: { + symbol: 'kn', + name: 'Croatian Kuna', + symbol_native: 'kn', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'HRK', + name_plural: 'Croatian kunas', + }, + HUF: { + symbol: 'Ft', + name: 'Hungarian Forint', + symbol_native: 'Ft', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'HUF', + name_plural: 'Hungarian forints', + }, + IDR: { + symbol: 'Rp', + name: 'Indonesian Rupiah', + symbol_native: 'Rp', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'IDR', + name_plural: 'Indonesian rupiahs', + }, + ILS: { + symbol: '₪', + name: 'Israeli New Sheqel', + symbol_native: '₪', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ILS', + name_plural: 'Israeli new sheqels', + }, + INR: { + symbol: 'Rs', + name: 'Indian Rupee', + symbol_native: 'টকা', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'INR', + name_plural: 'Indian rupees', + }, + IQD: { + symbol: 'IQD', + name: 'Iraqi Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ع.‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'IQD', + name_plural: 'Iraqi dinars', + }, + IRR: { + symbol: 'IRR', + name: 'Iranian Rial', + symbol_native: '﷼', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'IRR', + name_plural: 'Iranian rials', + }, + ISK: { + symbol: 'Ikr', + name: 'Icelandic Króna', + symbol_native: 'kr', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ISK', + name_plural: 'Icelandic krónur', + }, + JMD: { + symbol: 'J$', + name: 'Jamaican Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'JMD', + name_plural: 'Jamaican dollars', + }, + JOD: { + symbol: 'JD', + name: 'Jordanian Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.أ.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'JOD', + name_plural: 'Jordanian dinars', + }, + JPY: { + symbol: '¥', + name: 'Japanese Yen', + symbol_native: '¥', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'JPY', + name_plural: 'Japanese yen', + }, + KES: { + symbol: 'с', + name: 'Kyrgyzstani som', + symbol_native: 'с', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KES', + name_plural: 'Kyrgyzstani som', + }, + KGS: { + symbol: 'Ksh', + name: 'Kyrgyzstani Som', + symbol_native: 'Ksh', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KES', + name_plural: 'Kenyan shillings', + }, + KHR: { + symbol: 'KHR', + name: 'Cambodian Riel', + symbol_native: '៛', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KHR', + name_plural: 'Cambodian riels', + }, + KMF: { + symbol: 'CF', + name: 'Comorian Franc', + symbol_native: 'FC', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KMF', + name_plural: 'Comorian francs', + }, + KRW: { + symbol: '₩', + name: 'South Korean Won', + symbol_native: '₩', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KRW', + name_plural: 'South Korean won', + }, + KWD: { + symbol: 'KD', + name: 'Kuwaiti Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ك.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KWD', + name_plural: 'Kuwaiti dinars', + }, + KYD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'Cayman Islands dollar', + symbol_native: '$‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KYD', + name_plural: 'Cayman Islands dollarS', + }, + KZT: { + symbol: 'KZT', + name: 'Kazakhstani Tenge', + symbol_native: 'тңг.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'KZT', + name_plural: 'Kazakhstani tenges', + }, + LAK: { + symbol: '₭', + name: 'Lao kip', + symbol_native: '₭‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LAK', + name_plural: 'Lao kip', + }, + LBP: { + symbol: 'LB£', + name: 'Lebanese Pound', + symbol_native: 'ل.ل.‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LBP', + name_plural: 'Lebanese pounds', + }, + LKR: { + symbol: 'SLRs', + name: 'Sri Lankan Rupee', + symbol_native: 'SL Re', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LKR', + name_plural: 'Sri Lankan rupees', + }, + LRD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'Liberian Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LRD', + name_plural: 'Liberian Dollars', + }, + LTL: { + symbol: 'Lt', + name: 'Lithuanian Litas', + symbol_native: 'Lt', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LTL', + name_plural: 'Lithuanian litai', + }, + LVL: { + symbol: 'Ls', + name: 'Latvian Lats', + symbol_native: 'Ls', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LVL', + name_plural: 'Latvian lati', + }, + LYD: { + symbol: 'LD', + name: 'Libyan Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ل.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'LYD', + name_plural: 'Libyan dinars', + }, + MAD: { + symbol: 'MAD', + name: 'Moroccan Dirham', + symbol_native: 'د.م.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MAD', + name_plural: 'Moroccan dirhams', + }, + MDL: { + symbol: 'MDL', + name: 'Moldovan Leu', + symbol_native: 'MDL', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MDL', + name_plural: 'Moldovan lei', + }, + MGA: { + symbol: 'MGA', + name: 'Malagasy Ariary', + symbol_native: 'MGA', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MGA', + name_plural: 'Malagasy Ariaries', + }, + MKD: { + symbol: 'MKD', + name: 'Macedonian Denar', + symbol_native: 'MKD', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MKD', + name_plural: 'Macedonian denari', + }, + MMK: { + symbol: 'MMK', + name: 'Myanma Kyat', + symbol_native: 'K', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MMK', + name_plural: 'Myanma kyats', + }, + MOP: { + symbol: 'MOP$', + name: 'Macanese Pataca', + symbol_native: 'MOP$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MOP', + name_plural: 'Macanese patacas', + }, + MUR: { + symbol: 'MURs', + name: 'Mauritian Rupee', + symbol_native: 'MURs', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MUR', + name_plural: 'Mauritian rupees', + }, + MWK: { + symbol: 'MK', + name: 'Malawian Kwacha', + symbol_native: 'MK', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MWK', + name_plural: 'Malawian Kwacha', + }, + MXN: { + symbol: 'MX$', + name: 'Mexican Peso', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MXN', + name_plural: 'Mexican pesos', + }, + MYR: { + symbol: 'RM', + name: 'Malaysian Ringgit', + symbol_native: 'RM', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MYR', + name_plural: 'Malaysian ringgits', + }, + MZN: { + symbol: 'MTn', + name: 'Mozambican Metical', + symbol_native: 'MTn', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'MZN', + name_plural: 'Mozambican meticals', + }, + NAD: { + symbol: 'N$', + name: 'Namibian Dollar', + symbol_native: 'N$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NAD', + name_plural: 'Namibian dollars', + }, + NGN: { + symbol: '₦', + name: 'Nigerian Naira', + symbol_native: '₦', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NGN', + name_plural: 'Nigerian nairas', + }, + NIO: { + symbol: 'C$', + name: 'Nicaraguan Córdoba', + symbol_native: 'C$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NIO', + name_plural: 'Nicaraguan córdobas', + }, + NOK: { + symbol: 'Nkr', + name: 'Norwegian Krone', + symbol_native: 'kr', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NOK', + name_plural: 'Norwegian kroner', + }, + NPR: { + symbol: 'NPRs', + name: 'Nepalese Rupee', + symbol_native: 'नेरू', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NPR', + name_plural: 'Nepalese rupees', + }, + NZD: { + symbol: 'NZ$', + name: 'New Zealand Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'NZD', + name_plural: 'New Zealand dollars', + }, + OMR: { + symbol: 'OMR', + name: 'Omani Rial', + symbol_native: 'ر.ع.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'OMR', + name_plural: 'Omani rials', + }, + PAB: { + symbol: 'B/.', + name: 'Panamanian Balboa', + symbol_native: 'B/.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PAB', + name_plural: 'Panamanian balboas', + }, + PEN: { + symbol: 'S/.', + name: 'Peruvian Nuevo Sol', + symbol_native: 'S/.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PEN', + name_plural: 'Peruvian nuevos soles', + }, + PHP: { + symbol: '₱', + name: 'Philippine Peso', + symbol_native: '₱', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PHP', + name_plural: 'Philippine pesos', + }, + PKR: { + symbol: 'PKRs', + name: 'Pakistani Rupee', + symbol_native: '₨', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PKR', + name_plural: 'Pakistani rupees', + }, + PLN: { + symbol: 'zł', + name: 'Polish Zloty', + symbol_native: 'zł', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PLN', + name_plural: 'Polish zlotys', + }, + PYG: { + symbol: '₲', + name: 'Paraguayan Guarani', + symbol_native: '₲', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'PYG', + name_plural: 'Paraguayan guaranis', + }, + QAR: { + symbol: 'QR', + name: 'Qatari Rial', + symbol_native: 'ر.ق.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'QAR', + name_plural: 'Qatari rials', + }, + RON: { + symbol: 'RON', + name: 'Romanian Leu', + symbol_native: 'RON', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'RON', + name_plural: 'Romanian lei', + }, + RSD: { + symbol: 'din.', + name: 'Serbian Dinar', + symbol_native: 'дин.', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'RSD', + name_plural: 'Serbian dinars', + }, + RUB: { + symbol: 'RUB', + name: 'Russian Ruble', + symbol_native: 'руб.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'RUB', + name_plural: 'Russian rubles', + }, + RWF: { + symbol: 'RWF', + name: 'Rwandan Franc', + symbol_native: 'FR', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'RWF', + name_plural: 'Rwandan francs', + }, + SAR: { + symbol: 'SR', + name: 'Saudi Riyal', + symbol_native: 'ر.س.‏', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SAR', + name_plural: 'Saudi riyals', + }, + SBD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'Solomon Islander Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SBD', + name_plural: 'Solomon Islander Dollars', + }, + SDG: { + symbol: 'SDG', + name: 'Sudanese Pound', + symbol_native: 'SDG', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SDG', + name_plural: 'Sudanese pounds', + }, + SEK: { + symbol: 'Skr', + name: 'Swedish Krona', + symbol_native: 'kr', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SEK', + name_plural: 'Swedish kronor', + }, + SGD: { + symbol: 'S$', + name: 'Singapore Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SGD', + name_plural: 'Singapore dollars', + }, + SLL: { + symbol: 'Le', + name: 'Sierra Leonean Leone', + symbol_native: 'Le', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SLL', + name_plural: 'Sierra Leonean Leone', + }, + SOS: { + symbol: 'Ssh', + name: 'Somali Shilling', + symbol_native: 'Ssh', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SOS', + name_plural: 'Somali shillings', + }, + SSP: { + symbol: '£', + name: 'South Sudanese pound', + symbol_native: '£', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SSP', + name_plural: 'South Sudanese pound', + }, + STD: { + symbol: 'Db', + name: 'Sao Tomean Dobra', + symbol_native: 'Db', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'STD', + name_plural: 'Sao Tomean Dobra', + }, + STN: { + symbol: 'Db', + name: 'Sao Tomean Dobra', + symbol_native: 'Db', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'STN', + name_plural: 'Sao Tomean Dobra', + }, + SYP: { + symbol: 'SY£', + name: 'Syrian Pound', + symbol_native: 'ل.س.‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SYP', + name_plural: 'Syrian pounds', + }, + SZL: { + symbol: 'L', + name: 'Swazi Lilangeni', + symbol_native: 'L‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'SZL', + name_plural: 'Swazi Lilangeni', + }, + THB: { + symbol: '฿', + name: 'Thai Baht', + symbol_native: '฿', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'THB', + name_plural: 'Thai baht', + }, + TJS: { + symbol: 'ЅМ', + name: 'Tajikistani Somoni', + symbol_native: 'ЅМ', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'THB', + name_plural: 'Tajikistani Somoni', + }, + TND: { + symbol: 'DT', + name: 'Tunisian Dinar', + symbol_native: 'د.ت.‏', + decimal_digits: 3, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TND', + name_plural: 'Tunisian dinars', + }, + TOP: { + symbol: 'T$', + name: 'Tongan Paʻanga', + symbol_native: 'T$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TOP', + name_plural: 'Tongan paʻanga', + }, + TRY: { + symbol: 'TL', + name: 'Turkish Lira', + symbol_native: 'TL', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TRY', + name_plural: 'Turkish Lira', + }, + TTD: { + symbol: 'TT$', + name: 'Trinidad and Tobago Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TTD', + name_plural: 'Trinidad and Tobago dollars', + }, + TWD: { + symbol: 'NT$', + name: 'New Taiwan Dollar', + symbol_native: 'NT$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TWD', + name_plural: 'New Taiwan dollars', + }, + TZS: { + symbol: 'TSh', + name: 'Tanzanian Shilling', + symbol_native: 'TSh', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'TZS', + name_plural: 'Tanzanian shillings', + }, + UAH: { + symbol: '₴', + name: 'Ukrainian Hryvnia', + symbol_native: '₴', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'UAH', + name_plural: 'Ukrainian hryvnias', + }, + UGX: { + symbol: 'USh', + name: 'Ugandan Shilling', + symbol_native: 'USh', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'UGX', + name_plural: 'Ugandan shillings', + }, + UYU: { + symbol: '$U', + name: 'Uruguayan Peso', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'UYU', + name_plural: 'Uruguayan pesos', + }, + UZS: { + symbol: 'UZS', + name: 'Uzbekistan Som', + symbol_native: 'UZS', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'UZS', + name_plural: 'Uzbekistan som', + }, + VEF: { + symbol: 'Bs.F.', + name: 'Venezuelan Bolívar', + symbol_native: 'Bs.F.', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'VEF', + name_plural: 'Venezuelan bolívars', + }, + VND: { + symbol: '₫', + name: 'Vietnamese Dong', + symbol_native: '₫', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'VND', + name_plural: 'Vietnamese dong', + }, + VUV: { + symbol: 'Vt', + name: 'Ni-Vanuatu Vatu', + symbol_native: 'Vt', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'VUV', + name_plural: 'Ni-Vanuatu Vatu', + }, + XAF: { + symbol: 'FCFA', + name: 'CFA Franc BEAC', + symbol_native: 'FCFA', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'XAF', + name_plural: 'CFA francs BEAC', + }, + XCD: { + symbol: '$', + name: 'East Caribbean Dollar', + symbol_native: '$', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'XCD', + name_plural: 'East Caribbean Dollars', + }, + XOF: { + symbol: 'CFA', + name: 'CFA Franc BCEAO', + symbol_native: 'CFA', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'XOF', + name_plural: 'CFA francs BCEAO', + }, + XPF: { + symbol: 'Fr', + name: 'CFP franc', + symbol_native: 'Fr', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'XPF', + name_plural: 'CFP franc', + }, + YER: { + symbol: 'YR', + name: 'Yemeni Rial', + symbol_native: 'ر.ي.‏', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'YER', + name_plural: 'Yemeni rials', + }, + ZAR: { + symbol: 'R', + name: 'South African Rand', + symbol_native: 'R', + decimal_digits: 2, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ZAR', + name_plural: 'South African rand', + }, + ZMK: { + symbol: 'ZK', + name: 'Zambian Kwacha', + symbol_native: 'ZK', + decimal_digits: 0, + rounding: 0, + code: 'ZMK', + name_plural: 'Zambian kwachas', + }, } diff --git a/resources/js/views/CustomerDetail.vue b/resources/js/views/CustomerDetail.vue deleted file mode 100644 index 9391412..0000000 --- a/resources/js/views/CustomerDetail.vue +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/resources/js/views/Customers.vue b/resources/js/views/Customers.vue deleted file mode 100644 index bf2fb9b..0000000 --- a/resources/js/views/Customers.vue +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/resources/js/views/Detail.vue b/resources/js/views/Detail.vue deleted file mode 100644 index 1ea7ef7..0000000 --- a/resources/js/views/Detail.vue +++ /dev/null @@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/resources/js/views/Index.vue b/resources/js/views/Index.vue deleted file mode 100644 index 75335c8..0000000 --- a/resources/js/views/Index.vue +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ - - - diff --git a/resources/lang/_lang.json b/resources/lang/_lang.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94439bd --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/_lang.json @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +{ + "Address": "", + "Amount": "", + "Available Balance": "", + "Balance": "", + "Captured": "", + "Charge Details": "", + "Created": "", + "Currency": "", + "Customer ID": "", + "Customers": "", + "Default Source": "", + "Delinquent": "", + "Description": "", + "Discount": "", + "Dispute": "", + "Email": "", + "Fee": "", + "Fraud Details": "", + "ID": "", + "Invoice Prefix": "", + "Livemode": "", + "Metadata": "", + "Name": "", + "Net": "", + "Next Invoice Sequence": "", + "Next": "", + "Paid": "", + "Pending Balance": "", + "Phone": "", + "Preferred Locales": "", + "Previous": "", + "Refund": "", + "Refunded": "", + "Select Columns": "", + "Shipping Address": "", + "Status": "", + "Stripe Dashboard": "", + "Tax Exempt": "", + "Transfer Group": "", + "View": "", + "amount captured": "", + "amount refunded": "", + "amount": "", + "application fee amount": "", + "application fee": "", + "application": "", + "balance transaction": "", + "billing details": "", + "calculated statement descriptor": "", + "captured": "", + "created": "", + "currency": "", + "customer": "", + "description": "", + "destination": "", + "dispute": "", + "disputed": "", + "failure balance transaction": "", + "failure code": "", + "failure message": "", + "fraud details": "", + "id": "", + "invoice": "", + "livemode": "", + "metadata": "", + "object": "", + "on behalf of": "", + "order": "", + "outcome": "", + "paid": "", + "payment intent": "", + "payment method details": "", + "payment method": "", + "receipt email": "", + "receipt number": "", + "receipt url": "", + "refunded": "", + "refunds": "", + "review": "", + "shipping": "", + "source transfer": "", + "source": "", + "statement descriptor suffix": "", + "statement descriptor": "", + "status": "", + "transfer data": "", + "transfer group": "" +} diff --git a/resources/lang/en.json b/resources/lang/en.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..361af7a --- /dev/null +++ b/resources/lang/en.json @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +{ + "Address": "Address", + "Amount": "Amount", + "Available Balance": "Available Balance", + "Balance": "Balance", + "Captured": "Captured", + "Charge Details": "Charge Details", + "Created": "Created", + "Currency": "Currency", + "Customer ID": "", + "Customers": "Customers", + "Default Source": "Default Source", + "Delinquent": "Delinquent", + "Description": "Description", + "Discount": "Discount", + "Dispute": "Dispute", + "Email": "Email", + "Fee": "Fee", + "Fraud Details": "Fraud Details", + "ID": "ID", + "Invoice Prefix": "Invoice Prefix", + "Livemode": "Livemode", + "Metadata": "Metadata", + "Name": "Name", + "Net": "Net", + "Next Invoice Sequence": "Next Invoice Sequence", + "Next": "Next", + "Paid": "Paid", + "Pending Balance": "Pending Balance", + "Phone": "Phone", + "Preferred Locales": "Preferred Locales", + "Previous": "Previous", + "Refund": "Refund", + "Refunded": "Refunded", + "Select Columns": "Select Columns", + "Shipping Address": "Shipping Address", + "Status": "Status", + "Stripe Dashboard": "Stripe Dashboard", + "Tax Exempt": "Tax Exempt", + "Transfer Group": "Transfer Group", + "View": "View", + "amount captured": "amount captured", + "amount refunded": "amount refunded", + "amount": "amount", + "application fee amount": "application fee amount", + "application fee": "application fee", + "application": "application", + "balance transaction": "balance transaction", + "billing details": "billing details", + "calculated statement descriptor": "calculated statement descriptor", + "captured": "captured", + "created": "created", + "currency": "currency", + "customer": "customer", + "description": "description", + "destination": "destination", + "dispute": "dispute", + "disputed": "disputed", + "failure balance transaction": "failure balance transaction", + "failure code": "failure code", + "failure message": "failure message", + "fraud details": "fraud details", + "id": "id", + "invoice": "invoice", + "livemode": "livemode", + "metadata": "metadata", + "object": "object", + "on behalf of": "on behalf of", + "order": "order", + "outcome": "outcome", + "paid": "paid", + "payment intent": "payment intent", + "payment method details": "payment method details", + "payment method": "payment method", + "receipt email": "receipt email", + "receipt number": "receipt number", + "receipt url": "receipt url", + "refunded": "refunded", + "refunds": "refunds", + "review": "review", + "shipping": "shipping", + "source transfer": "source transfer", + "source": "source", + "statement descriptor suffix": "statement descriptor suffix", + "statement descriptor": "statement descriptor", + "status": "status", + "transfer data": "transfer data", + "transfer group": "transfer group" +} diff --git a/resources/sass/tool.scss b/resources/sass/tool.scss deleted file mode 100644 index f85ad40..0000000 --- a/resources/sass/tool.scss +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -// Nova Tool CSS diff --git a/resources/views/navigation.blade.php b/resources/views/navigation.blade.php deleted file mode 100644 index 31665e8..0000000 --- a/resources/views/navigation.blade.php +++ /dev/null @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - - - Stripe - - - - - - Customers - - diff --git a/routes/inertia.php b/routes/inertia.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4057036 --- /dev/null +++ b/routes/inertia.php @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +group(function () { + Route::get('/', function () { + return inertia('Tool'); + })->name(''); + + Route::get('charges/{chargeId}', function (string $chargeId) { + return inertia('Detail', [ + 'chargeId' => $chargeId, + ]); + })->name('.charge'); + + Route::get('customers', function () { + return inertia('Customers'); + })->name('.customers'); + + Route::get('customers/{customerId}', function (string $customerId) { + return inertia('CustomerDetail', [ + 'customerId' => $customerId, + ]); + })->name('.customers'); +}); diff --git a/src/NovaStripe.php b/src/NovaStripe.php index 0847d0a..be3af6c 100644 --- a/src/NovaStripe.php +++ b/src/NovaStripe.php @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ namespace Tighten\NovaStripe; +use Illuminate\Http\Request; +use Laravel\Nova\Menu\MenuItem; +use Laravel\Nova\Menu\MenuSection; use Laravel\Nova\Nova; use Laravel\Nova\Tool; @@ -16,15 +19,24 @@ public function boot() { Nova::script('nova-stripe', __DIR__ . '/../dist/js/tool.js'); Nova::style('nova-stripe', __DIR__ . '/../dist/css/tool.css'); + Nova::translations(__DIR__ . '/../dist/lang/' . app()->getLocale() . '.json'); } /** - * Build the view that renders the navigation links for the tool. + * Build the menu that renders the navigation links for the tool. * - * @return \Illuminate\View\View + * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request + * @return mixed */ - public function renderNavigation() + public function menu(Request $request) { - return view('nova-stripe::navigation'); + return MenuSection::make( + 'Nova Stripe', + [ + MenuItem::make(__('Customers'), '/nova-stripe/customers'), + ], + 'credit-card' + ) + ->path('/nova-stripe'); } } diff --git a/src/ToolServiceProvider.php b/src/ToolServiceProvider.php index 41dad20..96eb07c 100644 --- a/src/ToolServiceProvider.php +++ b/src/ToolServiceProvider.php @@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ class ToolServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider */ public function boot() { - $this->loadViewsFrom(__DIR__ . '/../resources/views', 'nova-stripe'); - $this->app->booted(function () { $this->routes(); }); @@ -39,6 +37,9 @@ protected function routes() return; } + Nova::router(['nova', Authorize::class], 'nova-stripe') + ->group(__DIR__ . '/../routes/inertia.php'); + Route::middleware(['nova', Authorize::class]) ->prefix('nova-vendor/nova-stripe') ->group(__DIR__ . '/../routes/api.php'); diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a1597ad --- /dev/null +++ b/tailwind.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ +module.exports = { + content: [ + "./resources/**/*.blade.php", + "./resources/**/*.js", + "./resources/**/*.vue", + ], + theme: { + extend: {}, + }, + plugins: [], +} diff --git a/tests/StripeChargeControllerTest.php b/tests/StripeChargeControllerTest.php index b13dd3e..34a1188 100644 --- a/tests/StripeChargeControllerTest.php +++ b/tests/StripeChargeControllerTest.php @@ -10,20 +10,12 @@ class StripeChargeControllerTest extends TestCase use WithFaker; protected $stripe; - protected $charge; public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); - $this->stripe = new StripeClient; - $this->charge = $this->findSuccessfulNonRefundedCharge() - ?: $this->stripe->createCharge([ - 'amount' => $this->faker->numberBetween(50, 1000), - 'currency' => 'usd', - 'source' => 'tok_mastercard', - 'description' => $this->faker->sentence, - ]); + $this->stripe = new StripeClient; } /** @test */ @@ -35,7 +27,13 @@ public function it_can_can_return_a_response() $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/balance') ->assertSuccessful(); - $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . $this->charge->id) + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . 1) + ->assertSuccessful(); + + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/customers') + ->assertSuccessful(); + + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/customers/' . 1) ->assertSuccessful(); } @@ -43,78 +41,109 @@ public function it_can_can_return_a_response() public function it_returns_a_list_of_charges() { $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges') - ->assertJsonFragment(['description' => $this->charge->description]) - ->assertJsonFragment(['amount' => $this->charge->amount]); + ->assertJsonStructure([ + 'charges' => [ + 'data' => [ + '*' => [], + ], + ], + ]); } /** @test */ public function it_returns_charge_details() { - $response = $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . $this->charge->id); - $stripeCharge = $this->stripe->getCharge($this->charge->id); - - $response->assertJsonFragment([ - 'id' => $stripeCharge->id, - 'amount' => $stripeCharge->amount, - 'status' => $stripeCharge->status, - 'created' => $stripeCharge->created, - 'metadata' => $stripeCharge->metadata, - 'livemode' => $stripeCharge->livemode, - 'captured' => $stripeCharge->captured, - 'paid' => $stripeCharge->paid, - 'refunded' => $stripeCharge->refunded, - 'dispute' => $stripeCharge->dispute, - 'fraud_details' => $stripeCharge->fraud_details, - 'transfer_group' => $stripeCharge->transfer_group, + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . 1) + ->assertJsonStructure([ + 'charge' => [ + 'id', + 'amount', + 'status', + 'created', + 'metadata', + 'livemode', + 'captured', + 'paid', + 'refunded', + 'disputed', + 'fraud_details', + 'transfer_group', + ], ]); - - $response->assertSee($stripeCharge->id) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->amount) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->status) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->created) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->livemode) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->captured) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->paid) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->refunded) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->dispute) - ->assertSee($stripeCharge->transfer_group); } /** @test */ public function it_shows_the_current_balance() { - $balance = $this->stripe->getBalance(); - $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/balance') - ->assertJsonFragment([ - 'available' => $balance->available, - 'pending' => $balance->pending, + ->assertJsonStructure([ + 'balance' => [ + 'available' => [ + '*' => [ + 'amount', + 'currency', + ], + ], + 'pending' => [ + '*' => [ + 'amount', + 'currency', + ], + ], + ], ]); } /** @test */ public function it_can_refund_a_charge_successfully() { - $this->post('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . $this->charge->id . '/refund') + $this->post('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/charges/' . 1 . '/refund') ->assertSuccessful() ->assertJsonFragment([ - 'charge' => $this->charge->id, 'status' => 'succeeded', ]); - - $this->assertTrue($this->stripe->getCharge($this->charge->id)->refunded); } - public function findSuccessfulNonRefundedCharge() + /** @test */ + public function it_returns_a_list_of_customers() { - $charges = $this->stripe->listCharges(); - - foreach ($charges as $charge) { - if (! $charge->refunded && $charge->status === 'succeeded') { - return $charge; - } - } + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/customers') + ->assertJsonStructure([ + 'customers' => [ + 'data' => [ + '*' => [], + ], + ], + ]); + } - return null; + /** @test */ + public function it_returns_customer_details() + { + $this->get('nova-vendor/nova-stripe/stripe/customers/' . 1) + ->assertJsonStructure([ + 'customer' => [ + 'id', + 'object', + 'address', + 'balance', + 'created', + 'currency', + 'default_source', + 'delinquent', + 'description', + 'discount', + 'email', + 'invoice_prefix', + 'livemode', + 'metadata', + 'name', + 'next_invoice_sequence', + 'phone', + 'preferred_locales', + 'shipping', + 'tax_exempt', + ], + ]); } } diff --git a/tests/TestCase.php b/tests/TestCase.php index f612d90..5311f6c 100644 --- a/tests/TestCase.php +++ b/tests/TestCase.php @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadEnvironmentVariables; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; use Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase as Orchestra; +use Stripe\Stripe; use Tighten\NovaStripe\ToolServiceProvider; abstract class TestCase extends Orchestra @@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ protected function getEnvironmentSetUp($app) $app->useEnvironmentPath(__DIR__ . '/..'); $app->bootstrapWith([LoadEnvironmentVariables::class]); $app->config->set('services.stripe.secret', getenv('STRIPE_TEST_SECRET')); + Stripe::$apiBase = getenv('STRIPE_API_BASE'); + parent::getEnvironmentSetUp($app); } diff --git a/webpack.mix.js b/webpack.mix.js index 788d402..55865a3 100644 --- a/webpack.mix.js +++ b/webpack.mix.js @@ -1,4 +1,11 @@ -let mix = require('laravel-mix') +let mix = require('laravel-mix'); +require('./nova.mix'); -mix.js('resources/js/tool.js', 'dist/js') - .sass('resources/sass/tool.scss', 'dist/css') +mix.setPublicPath('dist') + .copy('resources/lang/**/!(_lang.json)', 'dist/lang') + .js('resources/js/tool.js', 'js') + .vue({ version: 3 }) + .postCss('resources/css/tool.css', '/css/', [ + require("tailwindcss"), + ]) + .nova('tightenco/nova-stripe');