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QPG6100 User Manual

OpenThread is an open source implementation of Thread networking protocols developed by the Thread group. It allows 802.15.4-capable devices to build robust dynamic mesh networks. This document provides the reader with instructions on how to run a Thread application using the OpenThread stack with the QPG6100.

The QPG6100 (specification) is a multi-standard Smart Home Communications Controller featuring Dynamic Multi-Protocol and ConcurrentConnect™ technology. This enables Bluetooth® Low Energy, Zigbee® and Thread to operate simultaneously in a single chip design.
ConcurrentConnect™ technology: allowing instantaneous switching between Bluetooth Low Energy and IEEE 802.15.4 protocols with no observable blind spots.

QPG6100 Development kit



A QPG6100 development board and a standard USB A to USB B mini cable. Both are included in the QPG6100 Development Kit.


Currently OpenThread can only be built using a Unix based system. In this manual we will use a Debian based environment (as does OpenThread)

Make sure the package repositories are up date

sudo apt-get update

Next install Git

sudo apt-get install git -y

The OpenThread git repository comes with its own scripting to install required packages. This scripting will also install a version of the arm-gcc-embedded toolchain. However, what follows has been tested with version 9-2019-q4. Get it from the ARM website or through this direct link.

Building OpenThread


On the QPG6100, we distinguish 4 levels.

Architectural overview

From top to bottom:
Note: paths are relative to the root of the ot-qorvo repository

  • The Application:
    • location: openthread/example/apps
    • what: For this example the OpenThread CLI application will be built. This application allows the manipulation of the Thread stack over a serial interface.
  • OpenThread Stack:
  • Platform glue code:
    • location: src/qpg6100
    • what: code to interface OpenThread with platform specific things such as alarms, storage, random number generator, …
  • Drivers
    • location: third_party/Qorvo/repo/qpg6100, but hosted in a Qorvo repository
    • what: Qorvo specific code and libraries required to build for and interface with the QPG6100 platform.
    • specifically (relative to location):
      • ld/qpg6100.ld: linker script for the QPG6100
      • lib/libQorvoQPG6100_ftd.a: library for Full Thread Device support
      • lib/libQorvoQPG6100_mtd.a: library for Minimal End Device support
      • lib/libmbedtls_alt.a: hardware support for cryptographic operations

All the above will be compiled into a single executable .hex file.

Note: the _mtd.hex executable can mimic sleepy behavior, but will not actually go to sleep. To get a lib/libQorvoQPG6095_mtd_sleep.a library, contact us.

Getting Qorvo OpenThread

First get the latest version of ot-qorvo and its submodules

git clone
cd ot-qorvo
git submodule update --init --recursive

The git submodule update command will populate the openthread directory with the openthread core implementation and third_party/Qorvo/repo with pre-compiled libraries and the necessary linker scripts.

All commands and scripts are run from the openthread root directory.

To resolve any outstanding dependencies to build OpenThread, run the optional


Note 1: The script will install a gnu embedded toolchain, but the one in Prerequisites will be used in this example.
Note 2: The final step of this script will fail if Linuxbrew is not installed. The error can be ignored.

Command Line Interface (CLI) build for the QPG6100

This is the most common build. It enables the user to control the thread stack parameters, to join/commission devices, etc. by connecting to a Command Line Interface (CLI) server accessible over UART.

First, add the compiler to $PATH

export PATH=<path-to-toolchain>/9_2019-q4-major/bin/:$PATH

The basic build command for the QPG6100 is:

./script/build qpg6100

This will build the CLI application for both the Minimal Thread Device and the Full Thread Device simultaneously. The output will be the following .hex files located in ./build/bin

  • qpg6100-ot-cli-ftd.hex
  • qpg6100-ot-cli-mtd.hex

OpenThread provides a series of configuration switches to enable additional functionality in the build. For a list of the regular and the advanced features we refer you to and the enhanced feature menu on the build instructions landing page, respectively.

For a FTD the following build command can be used


For a MTD, the following is sufficient

./script/build qpg6100 -DOT_DHCP6_CLIENT=1 -DOT_JOINER=ON

Note: both the above command will always build both the FTD and MTD executable. But it is unnecessary for a MTD device to support e.g. the Commissioner role or the DHCP server functionality.

Programming the QPG6100

When inserting the USB cable into your build machine a DAPLINK should appear. Drag and drop the .hex output file to the DAPLINK drive and wait ~30sec. The QPG6100 will reprogram itself, unmount and remount itself on your host, if the programming succeeded, there should be no FAIL.txt file on the remounted drive.

Alternative ways, such as using a J-Link, to program the QPG6100 are outlined in the documentation package that comes with the QPG6100 Development Kit.

Interacting with the Thread Network through the CLI

Start with a QPG6100 board with the qpg6100-ot-cli-ftd.hex programmed. The device can be communicated with over a serial connection (COMx on Windows, /dev/ttyACMx on Unix) with the following parameters:

  • Speed: 115200
  • Data bits: 8
  • Stop bits: 1
  • Parity: None
  • Flow control: XON/XOFF

Validating the Thread operation can be done by running the scenarios here.

Additional resources

Please visit for more information on our product line, or more specifically the QPG6100 product page or contact us at

Additional generic information can be found on