This document outlines the process and keynotes for the core maintainers of this repository .
IntelliJ is used for most of the development lifecycle. Install IntelliJ using the Jetbrains toolbox, instead of installing directly. If you are on an M1/M2 chipset, select .dmg (macOs Apple Silicon). Once you have the jetbrains toolbox installed, open it and Install Intellij IDEA Ultimate.
Clone this repository using:
git clone
Follow the and
Every commit being pushed to the repository should be verified and signed off. So it is important to set up GPG keys before contributing to the repository.
Use the following tutorials to set up a GPG key.
Be sure to enable Vigilant Mode and adding GPG key in GitHub.
- Github
- IntelliJ IDEA (if you use IntelliJ to interact with git)
The Git Source Code Management(SCM) system treats branches as one of the fundamental constructs for supporting concurrent development and assisting with merge conflict resolution. Due to the fundamental nature and flexibility offered by Git branches, it is critical to have a consistent branching workflow in order to reduce merge conflicts and support automation.
Git commit tags play a critical role in Release Management strategies and automated releases. Tags are affected by branches and branch related operations; therefore, it is critical that the branching workflow incorporates a consistent tagging strategy.
GitFlow branching model is elected pattern for the development life cycle.
Note especially the roles of the main
is the default branch, the target of active development, and should at all times should be a viable candidate for the next release.
GitHub's issues are used as the primary method for tracking project changes. Any actionable item that need to be addressed, should be associated to an issue in GitHub.
There are three types of issues:
- Bug: These track issues with the code
- Documentation: These track problems or insufficient coverage with the documentation
- Enhancement: These track specific feature requests and ideas until they are complete. This should only be for trivial or minor enhancements. If the feature is sufficiently large, complex or requires coordination among multiple Hedera projects, it should first go through the Hedera Improvement Proposal process.
Any issue created should be added to
Services Sprint Tracking (if it is targeted to be
addressed in the current sprint)and the associated project type in Projects
tab. It should also
have the targeted milestone set on it.
For example, a documentation change targeted for the current sprint in 0.30.0 release should be associated to Services Sprint Tracking and Documentation projects, with 0.30 milestone on it.
The DevOps-CI team will handle the following:
- Will provide automated release processes and coordinate release schedules
- Will handle production releases
- Note: no release branch will be created
As per the development model, every developer should create a feature branch from main
for working on a change targeted for the current release. The created branch should follow
naming conventions.
The main
branch should be up-to-date with all the features going into the next release.
As a developer, I would like to create a branch to work on the feature NOT targeted for upcoming release
As per the development model, every developer should create a feature branch to work from main
branch. The created branch should follow naming conventions. But,
the feature branch should NOT be merged into main
until the decision is made if the feature is
going into upcoming release.
Open a pull request (PR) from the feature branch to main
branch and add
as reviewers.
Also add the following labels on the PR :
- Initiates PR UnitTests needed for the PR to mergeCI:FullStackTests
- Initiates full stack PR checks needed for PR to mergeCI:FinalChecks
- Initiates final checks required for the PR to merge
PR should be merged after an approving review and all the checks are passed.
- Any feature that is not going into the upcoming release should stay in the feature branch and
should not be merged to
. - Please use either the Gradle command line
./gradlew qualityGate
or the Google Java Format IntelliJ Plugin to format your code to avoid failing checks in CI pipeline. - The linked issues should be automatically closed when a PR is merged or closed manually.
Once the release branch is created, only bugfixes or hotfixes should be merged into release branch.
To do that, create a hotfix
from the release
branch. The created branch should follow
naming conventions. Once the fix is in the branch, open a PR to the
release branch. Once the fix is merged into release
branch, it should be cherry-picked into the
To fix a bug from one of the previous releases(production code), create a hotfix branch from main
Once the fix is in the branch, create a PR targeting to main
. Once bugfix is merged into main
it should be cherry-picked back into the current release
branch(if the release branch is still
The sign-off is a simple line at the end of a commit message. All commits need to be signed. Your signature certifies that you wrote the code or otherwise have the right to contribute the material. First, read the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) to fully understand its terms.
Contributors sign-off that they adhere to these requirements by adding a Signed-off-by line to commit messages (as seen via git log):
Author: Joe Smith <>
Date: Thu Feb 2 11:41:15 2018 -0800
Signed-off-by: Joe Smith <>
Use your real name and email. Notice the Author and Signed-off-by lines match. If they don't your PR will be rejected by the automated DCO check.
If you set your
git configs, you can sign your commit automatically
with -s
or --sign-off
command line option:
$ git config --global "Joe Smith"
$ git config --global ""
$ git commit -s -m 'Update README'