- check-in
- actions from last time
- updates quick share on what people been doing
- code-of-conduct
- activiting + enabling contributions
- coordinate first Open Collective payment
- review : tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#2
- fund Gitcoin grant
- did not do this, but did share about the grant to socials
- get Wise setup updated with OC (due to new KYC)
- gonna research CoC
- fund Gitcoin grant
CFT - did none of the following:
- pull in past user flow work
- review : tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#2
- report notes on (schedule app used by IIW#39)
- Gitcoin marketing!
- update from Wendy about how scheduling has worked at Dweb.
- IA will help with an interview, two persons: Ese Ojo,, lives in Vancouver, and Wendy Hanamura, "Please let me know if we can help in any way"
- question: who would like to be part of a call with Dweb?
- probably not on the weekend
- update on what CFT's students have been working on
- working on fine-grained trust user interface
- help make distinction between "untrusted" contacts (e.g. opportunistic, via BLE, forgotten after 24 hours) and "trusted" contacts (manually promised), and "verified" contacts (scanned a QR code from other device)
- how to have background sync of TinySSB
- a minefield in Android (12-16 hours in, still going)
- Android calls it a "foreground" service!
- this is in charge of also dropping untrusted contacts
- a minefield in Android (12-16 hours in, still going)
- Mix: are you interested in bridging the Academic + Open Source worlds?
- CFT: yes, these are somewhat orthogonal, though complementary, some needed foundations for future tinySched. I'm also trying to keep things simple for the students
- Mix: I'm mainly keen to support sharing learning, opening opportunities for future collaboration
- CFT: I've told the students about tiny-sched, and the IIW demo
- working on fine-grained trust user interface
CoC is more than just a document, we need to grok + agree to act on it
- adapted from (v1.4)
- there is a newer version v2.1
- CFT: It would be good to clarify what "project maintainers" means
- Mix: I would name maintainers at the "org" level
- Mix: how about we make it the owners of tiny-ssb github org?
- at minimum we need to agree a point of contact for any breaches/ problems
- Mix
- Christian thinks we should have 2, he's happy to put his name (he will get all complains about Mix)
small chats with Nano about what to work on
sections we imagine:
- user_flows
- interviews
- wire_frames
- prototypes / experiments?
mix: cft: we want to show - what is authoritative - what is experimental
- interviews/
- prototypes/
Mix + CFT agree "good enough", we can iterate as we go
Mix: wondering if it's stragic to get Nanomonkey working on Documentation CFT: I think nano is really interested in working on the AP (access point) - T-beam based AP - has web server - this could lead to better documentation, to be the driving force Mix: what's the best way to ask questions? CFT: we I need to get a stable setup again. My libraries are in an unstable state again. The toolchain needs more stability. I see the projects people work on are importing whole libraries, freeze them by that. Mix: oh is this that thing where I started working on a way to tightly specify / lock down the versions of libraries that were working? - CFT: yes
CFT: would love to have it working again, show LoRa devices (T-Deck, T-Watch)
CFT: I'd like to be able to support multiple replication speeds - LoRA is slow - BLE could be faster
Mix: where do we document + discuss? - CFT: ideal for me would be find some time for me to solo on this, then on a Saturday we sync on a call. - Mix: have you used GitHub issues much? - CFT: yes, let's revisit this when we're stable again. - Mix: so nanomonkey is blocked waiting for you to stabilise? - CFT: he could still start on documenting some parts, but running code would be a good driving force.
- check time of next meeting with people
- make PR with CoC which is a fork of SSB's
- put in each repo?
- use Mix + Christians emails
- change tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#1
- to merge into
- to merge into
- review + merge: tinySSB/tiny-shed-design#2
- pull in past user flow work
- report notes on (schedule app used by IIW#39)
- progress Dweb interview