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Surya Jakhotia edited this page Feb 21, 2018 · 48 revisions


  1. Introduction
  2. Installation and Setup
  3. Documentation


Jazz is an open source serverless framework to accelerate the adoption of serverless architectures. Jazz helps your developers focus on code instead of managing infrastructure required for deploying your applications.

This product is from T-Mobile in collaboration with UST-Global.

  1. Jazz helps your teams to quickly create serverless services!

    • Create your first API/Function/Static Website within couple of minutes.
  2. Focus on your code!

    • Jazz bundles all the best practices into well-defined 'code templates' and pushes into your service repo
    • Supports multiple programming languages: Java, Python, NodeJS.
    • CI/CD workflows that trigger on code changes in your repo where the commit to deployment is in minutes.
  3. User authentication & Security

    • Plug and Play authentication service. Default installer works with Cognito.
    • Streamlined security model so that you won't miss adding security controls to your services.
  4. Logging

    • Plug and Play logging service that can integrate with any log monitoring service of your choice. Default installer works with ElasticSearch.

Installation and Setup

Please follow the instructions in Jazz Installer's wiki.


Please refer to the following documentation for more details about the framework:

  1. Service Development using Jazz
  2. Lifecycle of your Jazz service
  3. Service Types and Templates

Jazz open source repositories

  1. jazz: Code for framework's core components
  2. jazz-installer: Code for framework's installer