Cross-Qt compatibility module for IDAPython.
Cute is a tiny compatibility module, to allow IDAPython code to use PySide/Qt4 and PyQt/Qt5 seamlessly.
Cute was originally a part of
). Since no-one likes dependencies, especially for things
this small, no-one used it. So I decided to release it as a separate
module as well, so that people can just take the file as-is and use it
in their own code.
Importing QtCore
, QtGui
and QtWidgets
works for all Qt
versions. For Qt4, QtWidgets
is an alias for QtGui
, so Qt5 code
with QtWidgets
/ QtGui
separation will work on Qt4 as well.
from cute import QtCure, QtGui, QtWidgets
Cute offers a cute.connect(...)
method to mitigate the difference
between Qt4 and Qt5.
# Qt4 Code: QtCore.QObject.connect(my_object, QtCore.SIGNAL('error(QProcess::ProcessError)'), my_callback) # Qt5 Code: my_object.error.connect(my_callback) # Cute Code: cute.connect(my_object, 'error(QProcess::ProcessError)', my_callback)
The API for disconnecting is the same, just use the
IDA has 2 APIs for getting the widget associated with a TForm. One for PyQt and one for PySide. Cute wraps them both in one function.
my_widget = cute.form_to_widget(my_tform)
Sometimes, you do need to to know the Qt version your code uses. For
those cases, ask the use_qt5
if cute.use_qt5: print 'Use Qt5' else: print 'Use Qt4'
There are two recommended ways to use Cute:
- Copy it into your own project. This way does create code duplication, but avoid dependencies.
- Install it as a package -
pip install idacute
Cute is released under the MIT license, so you are free to use it in any project whatsoever.
Q: Why did you name it "cute"?
A: For years I was sure "Qt" is pronounced "Q T". This is my effort to remind myself it is not.