Maybe, this README will be edited in the future and I'll continue it. Until then, consider this repo as inactive.
Though not too high on my list of projects to continue in 2023, this is no longer
completely inactive as I have managed to figure out where I had gone wrong before.
The WIP state that it was in before the incident can still be found here
Due to breaking changes within the Gatsby API along with other dependencies, the project will no longer build. To view how the page looked during it's hosted phase, please consult the below images in which I reconstructed the production page using NGINX and Docker to locally host it and replace all occurences of the original domain with localhost.
# To-Do
- [x] Searchbar Functionality
- [ ] Refactor Code (Repeated definitions of GraphQL queries, Post components)
- [ ] User Testing & Feedback
- - [ ] Redesign
- [ ] Refactor CSS Names etc