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Kopytko Framework: Http

The logic for handling HTTP requests.

Http Service

The service must operate on the Task thread. Each request should operate on new instance of HttpService.

HttpService takes two arguments:

  • port - required - instance of roMessagePort
  • interceptors - optional - an array of interceptors
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
httpService = HttpService(port)

It has only one method - fetch - by calling it the HttpService will create a request (HttpRequest) according to options passed to it and fulfill the response with HttpResponse.

Request options:

  • url - string - request URL
  • headers - associative array - headers fields
  • method - string - HTTP method
  • body - associative array - request body
  • queryParams - associative array - with query params
  • compression - (defalt: true) boolean - indicating if the request should be compressed
  • timeout - integer - time after which request should be aborted

The HttpResponse is a node with fields:

  • id - string
  • httpStatusCode - integer
  • headers - associative array
  • requestOptions - associative array
  • rawData - dynamic
  • failureReason - string

Define Request

To create your own request create a new component that extends Request (/component/http/request/Request).

You can always create a component that will aggregate the common logic of your requests and extend that component (MyRequest extends MyCommonRequest extends Request).

Request has the following interface that should be extended in your Request derived component:

  • initRequest - that will be run when the request is initialized. It is recommended to get all data from other nodes here, as exchanging the data between nodes will result in rendezvous in further process. The method is executed on render thread.
  • runRequest - If you are using HttpService, you will invoke httpService.fetch here.
  • getRequestOptions - this needs to return response options like URL, headers, method, body, timeout.
  • parseResponseData - this method will parse response data, you can for example create a new node, add data there and return it. The method is executed on the Task thread.
  • generateErrorData - here you can generate your custom error data that should be thrown on request failure. The method is executed on the Task thread.

It is up to you how you handle your data. parseResponseData and generateErrorData should contain the appriopriate handlers.

Let's create a minimal working example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<component name="UpdateUserRequest" extends="Request">
  <script type="text/brightscript" uri="GetUserRequest.brs" />
sub init()"state", "_onStateChange")
end sub

' This is Request interface that child should implement
' This function runs on Task thread
sub runRequest()
  response = m._httpService.fetch(m._requestOptions)

  ' Be aware that HttpService will parse response body to JSON when detected
  if (response.isSuccess) = parseResponseData(response.rawData)
  else = generateErrorData(response)
  end if

  ' This causes rendezvous so ideally you should call it once = response
end sub

' This is Request interface that child should implement
' You can return the options or you can do any transformations on it
function getRequestOptions(options as Object) as Object
  return {
    url: "",
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      header1: "header-value",
    body: {
      userID: options.userID,
      username: options.username,
end function

' This is Request interface that child should implement
function parseResponseData(data as Object) as Object
  ' Do any transformations here
  return data
end function

' This is Request interface that child should implement
function generateErrorData(response as Object) as Object
  ' Do any transformations here
  return { error: response.failureReason }
end function

sub _onStateChange(event as Object)
  ' This allows to rerun the same instance of a task
  if (LCase(event.getData()) = "run")
    m._port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
    m._httpService = HttpService(m._port)
    m._port = Invalid
    m._httpService = Invalid
  end if
end sub

Send Request

To send defined requests you need to use createRequest function.

As a first argument, it takes the Request component name defined by you in the application.

Let's use an example from previous section:

data = {
  userID: "UserID123",
  username: "Joe Doe",
promiseChain = createRequest("UpdateUserRequest", data)
promiseChain.then(sub (data as Object): ?data end sub, sub (error as Object): ?error end sub)

The data is passed as an argument to getRequestOptions method in UpdateUserRequest component. It will return a Promise.

Abort Request

If you know that request is not needed anymore you can easily abort it by adding the AbortController signal to your request and by calling abort method on that instance of AbortController.

To do that you can pass your instance of abort controller in the options of createRequest.

myAbortController = AbortController()

createRequest("RequestName", {}, {
  signal: myAbortController.signal,


AbortController contains also isAborted method which will return a boolean indicating if abort was called on it. The catch/rejected handler of the promise will be invoked when request is aborted.


It is possible to intercept an HTTP request made by HttpService. Sometimes you need it for example for reporting reasons. To do it, you need to create an interceptor (you can extend our HttpInterceptor).

It contains two methods:

  • interceptRequest which will be called when the request is sent
  • interceptResponse which will be called when the response is sent
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

interceptor = HttpInterceptor()
interceptor.interceptRequest = sub (requestOptions as Object, urlTransfer as Object)
end sub
interceptor.interceptResponse = sub (requestOptions as Object, urlEvent as Object)
end sub

httpService = HttpService(port, [interceptor])

Intercept Request

You can intercept requests by adding your custom interceptors to the HttpService. Each time the request is made, the interceptor will be invoked with arguments: requestOptions and urlTransfer.

interceptRequest takes two arguments:

  • requestOptions - these are options with which request was sent
  • urlTransfer - an instance of roUrlTransfer that is handling this request

Intercept Response

You can intercept response by adding your custom interceptors to the HttpService. Each time the request is made, the interceptor will be invoked with arguments: requestOptions and urlTransfer.

interceptResponse takes two arguments:

  • requestOptions - these are options with which request was sent
  • urlEvent - an instance of roUrlEvent that is returned on request fulfill