# Simple BDD for iOS #
Kiwi is a Behavior Driven Development library for iOS development.
The goal is to provide a BDD library that is exquisitely simple to setup and use.

Ping us at @alding or @lukeredpath and let us know what you are using Kiwi for.


* Xcode 4.x
* LLVM compiler recommended

# Why? #
The idea behind Kiwi is to have tests that are more readable that what is possible with the bundled test framework.

Tests (or rather specs) are written in Objective-C and run within the comfort of Xcode to provide a test environment that is as unobtrusive and seamless as possible in terms of running tests and error reporting.

Specs look like this:

describe(@"Team", ^{
    context(@"when newly created", ^{
        it(@"should have a name", ^{
            id team = [Team team];
            [[team.name should] equal:@"Black Hawks"];

        it(@"should have 11 players", ^{
            id team = [Team team];
            [[[team should] have:11] players];

To some of you, this might seem like an abomination. To the rest, read on...

# License #
Kiwi is open source software. You may freely distribute it under the terms of
the license agreement found in __License.txt__.

# Documentation #
The [Kiwi Wiki](https://github.com/allending/Kiwi/wiki) is the official documentation source.

# Getting it #
The best way to get Kiwi is by cloning the git repository: `git clone git://github.com/allending/Kiwi.git`
# Contributing #
Kiwi is maintained by:

 * Allen Ding (@alding)
 * Luke Redpath (@lukeredpath)

Pull requests welcome. Significant contributors are listed in __Contributors.txt__.