Collection of Spring Boot tutorials and guides. Consists of Spring Batch, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, Spring GraphQL Server.
Nov 10, 2024 - Java
GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook. It provides an alternative to REST and ad-hoc webservice architectures. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and exactly the same structure of the data is returned from the server. It is a strongly typed runtime which allows clients to dictate what data is needed.
Collection of Spring Boot tutorials and guides. Consists of Spring Batch, Spring Cloud, Spring Data, Spring GraphQL Server.
Sample Spring Boot application that uses some features provided by Spring Cloud, deployed on Kubernetes.
Spring Boot 2 starter powered by GraphQL SPQR
Build a GraphQL service in seconds
Rest client Implementation with different flavors provided by Spring framework such as Rest Template, Reactive Web Client, GraphQL WebClient etc.
Sample application using Spring Reactive GraphQl
A simple application demonstrating the use of the graphql in Spring Boot along with testing method
Este repositório contém exemplos e tutoriais sobre como executar consultas GraphQL usando Java e Spring Boot. O objetivo é fornecer uma referência prática para desenvolvedores que desejam interagir com APIs GraphQL de maneira simples e direta a partir da linha de comando.
GraphQL for Camunda Platform 7
Playing with graphql-java and Spring Boot
Schema-first GraphQL server framework for Java
SKB FT 과제(AI Platform Squad) - GraphQL BFF for Synopsis Page
이예빈 FT 과제 - GraphQL BFF for Synopsis Page
Spring boot graphql project using netflix DGS
Generates a unified GraphQL schema from gRPC microservices and other Protobuf sources
Java Examples of Netflix DGS
Issue with lost authentication when using subscriptions in GraphQL Spring
A reference implementation of GraphQL for Spring boot
FullStack projects included Spring Boot and GraphQL, Hibernate JPA.