{% hint style="danger" %} Disable browser plugins like Google Translate when creating an project. They are known to cause issues when logging in, creating accounts and creating projects. {% endhint %}
{% hint style="success" %} You need an account in order to create projects. Haven't created an account yet? Get started here. {% endhint %}
After logging in, you can head to your profile page to create your first project. In order to do this, head to your personal page, by hovering over your profile name in the top-right corner and selecting "profil och project". Hit the purple "Skapa nytt project" and fill in a cool name for your next project.
After entering a name, you can select which APIs you want to use. Don't worry if you're still unsure about which ones you need - you can change this and other settings later. Projects which will be included get marked in purple.
Enter a short description and some tags for your project, so others can easily find it. Thereafter you can press the save button ("spara") to create your project.
{% hint style="info" %} Only projects with the "lanserat" status are publicly visible. {% endhint %}