First, thanks for your interest in contributing to Manticore! We welcome and appreciate all contributions, including bug reports, feature suggestions, tutorials/blog posts, and code improvements.
If you're unsure where to start, we recommend our easy
and help wanted
issue labels.
Bug reports and feature suggestions can be submitted to our issue tracker. For bug reports, attaching the binary that caused the bug will help us in debugging and resolving the issue quickly. If you find a security vulnerability, do not open an issue; email instead.
Questions can be submitted to the discussion page, but you may get a faster response if you ask in our chat room (in the #manticore channel).
For legal reasons, we require contributors to sign our Contributor License Agreement. This will be automatically checked as part of our CI.
Manticore uses the pull request contribution model. Please make an account on Github, fork this repo, and submit code contributions via pull request. For more documentation, look here.
Some pull request guidelines:
- We use the
auto-formatter to enforce style conventions in Manticore. To ensure your code is properly formatted, runblack .
in the Manticore directory before committing. Although unlikely, if you are still having trouble with getting your code to pass formatting, check that you have the same version ofblack
installed as what is used in the CI. - We use the
static typing tool to catch inconsistencies in the code base. At the time of this writing, we only check the manticore directory for inconsistencies and do not yet enforce new contributions to include type hints. However, we greatly appreciate if you do include/add them in any code that you touch in your PR! Though, remember the next guideline if you are adding many type-hints, and ask for input on how to organize the addition of a massive amount of type hints. Check the CI configuration for the exact version ofmypy
. - Minimize irrelevant changes (formatting, whitespace, etc) to code that would otherwise not be touched by this patch. Save formatting or style corrections for a separate pull request that does not make any semantic changes.
- When possible, large changes should be split up into smaller focused pull requests.
- Fill out the pull request description with a summary of what your patch does, key changes that have been made, and any further points of discussion, if applicable.
- Title your pull request with a brief description of what it's changing. "Fixes #123" is a good comment to add to the description, but makes for an unclear title on its own.
Instructions for installing a development version of Manticore can be found in our wiki.