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AusTraits v6.0.0

This is a major release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and details of structure
  • austraits-6.0.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure, and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa locations traits records
5.0.0 363 33402 4894 494 1813897
6.0.0 364 33494 4894 497 1726024

This is a major release of AusTraits as it involves removal of some old error-prone data. Additionally, we've added new traits and metadata.

  • 2 new sources added to the dataset: NHNSW_2024, Stephens_2024

    • Stephen_2024: additional trait data from EUCLID
    • NHNSW_2024: 597 taxa had previously been missing from the PlantNet datasets
  • 1 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above: WAH_2016

  • 15095 new or updated records for 35 existing traits

    • Adding more specific references:

      • Add species-level authorship to all flora data, as designated in the floras.
      • For Wenk_2022 and Wenk_2023, the two “Complete Traits” datasets, add in the references for the manually looked-up taxa.
    • Fixing errors, removing outdated data

      • Mainly removing duplicate and outdated trait data from floras that were scraped once when AusTraits was first being developed and were scraped again in 2022/2023. This removes trait values that were duplicated between the two scrapings, with the newer values being preferentially retained. All non-duplicate values were manually checked and removed if the original values was determined to be an error.
  • 4705 new records for 3 new traits: bud_length, bud_width, buds_per_inflorescence

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa locations traits records
NHNSW_2024 597 1 33 6371
Stephens_2024 981 1 9 13429

AusTraits v5.0.0

This is a major release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and details of structure
  • austraits-5.0.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure, and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa locations traits records
4.2.0 363 34262 5176 494 1848570
5.0.0 363 33402 4894 494 1813897

This release contains:

  • 34673 records removed from the dataset: these datapoints were previously excluded (e.g. because they are exotics or poor quality), but that were inadvertently added into v 4.2.0. Now removed again. - restructruign of columns, as noted below.

This is the first AusTraits release to be compiled using the {} R package, available at The workflow is a refined version of the R-scripted pipeline previously used to compile AusTraits and the output structure has not changed, other than on-going minor fine-tuning, as detailed below.

Taxonomy: New AusTraits-specific functions relating to taxonomy have been written that utilise the package {APCalign}. One new function, build_align_taxon_names uses the function APCalign::align_taxa() to standardise syntax, correct typos, and ensure taxon names are aligned with some name on the APC or APNI lists. The second function, build_update_taxon_list uses the function APCalign:update_taxonomy to build a new taxon_list.csv file for the config/ folder. This file is then used by to update names to their currently accepted taxon name, when possible.

Edits were made to many dataset metadata files to align with these changes.

Changes to table structure:

  • method_id was added, so that when the same trait was measured using multiple methods, these could be distinguished between
  • the context identifiers were renamed to method_context_id, temporal_context_id, entity_context_id, plot_context_id, treatment_context_id to be more explicit
  • austraits_curators became dataset_curators
  • added repeat_measurements_id for trait measurements that are response curves, both to unify the repeated measurements that comprise a single "measurement" and also to capture the order of the measurements

No datasets have been added for this release. However, some metadata file changes exist, in particular to metadata[["taxonomic_updates"]], including removing duplicate taxonomic_updates or unneeded taxonomic updates and continued standardisation of taxonomic updates. All original_names in the taxonomic_updates tibble are now aligned to a specified taxon_name - either an informal name assigned through metadata[["taxonomic_updates"]] or a match to a name on the taxon_list.

AusTraits v4.2.0

This is a minor release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and details of the structure
  • austraits-4.2.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage, please visit:

This release was generated from source materials available at:

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:…v4.2.0

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa locations traits records
4.1.0 296 34017 4904 464 1253250
4.2.0 363 34356 5176 494 1849372

This release contains:

  • 67 new sources added to the dataset: ABRS_2023, Auld_2000, Bradshaw_2022, Britton_1994, Brodribb_2000, Burrows_2008, Burrows_2020, Canham_2009, Canham_2023, Collette_2021, Cowling_1987, Crowley_2007, deCampos_2013, Draper_2023, Eamus_2000, eFLOWER_Dun_2022, Ellsworth_2015, Enright_2014, Gosper_2022, Grigg_2008, Groves_1986, Harvey_2017, He_2011, Kocacinar_2003, Kubiak_2009, Lawes_2014, Mesaglio_2022, Mitchell_2008, Morgan_2021, Nano_2011, NHNSW_2023, NTH_2023, Pate_1990, Pate_1998, Pfautsch_2016, Pirralho_2014, Prior_2022, Purdie_1976, RBGV_2023, Richards_2021, Rumman_2018, RussellSmith_2012, SAH_2023, Santini_2012, Santini_2013, Santini_2016, Searson_2004, Simpson_2021, SinghRamesh_2019, SinghRamesh_2023, SmithMartin_2020, Stephens_2023, Sweedman_2006, Togashi_2015, Tolsma_2007, Tsakalos_2020, Tsakalos_2022, vanderMoezel_1987, WAH_2023_1, WAH_2023_2, Wenk_2023, Wenk_2023_2, Wilson_2004, Witkowski_1991, Wooller_2002, Yang_2023, Yunusa_2010

  • 56 new contributors: Alasdair Grigg, Arn Tolsma, Arun Singh Ramesh, Barbara Wilson, Bradley Simpson, Caroline Canham, Catherine Nano, Chris Smith-Martin, David Merritt, David S. Ellsworth, Delny L. Britton, Dun Lily, E. T. F. Witkowski, Emrys Leitch, Ferit Kocacinar, G. Crowley, Henrique Togashi, Holly Bradshaw, Irene Martín-Forés, Isa Yunusa, James Tsakalos, Jeannine Richards, Jenna Draper, Jeremy Russell-Smith, John Pate, Judith Harvey, Julia Cooke, Justin Collette, Kimberley Simpson, Lestrange Catherine, Lily Dun, Luke Sweedman, Mariana de Campos, Marília Pirralho, Matthew J. Searson, Nadia S. Santini, Neal Enright, Neil Burrows, Nele Schmitz, P. J. Kubiak, Patrick J. Mitchell, Paul van der Moezel, R. M. Cowling, Rhys Morgan, Richard Groves, Rizwana Rumman, Roger Fryer, Rosemary Purdie, Russell Barrett, Sam Wood, Sebastian Pfautsch, Setterfield Samantha, Sophie Yang, Susan Wooller, Thomas Mesaglio, Tianhua He

  • 0 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above:

  • 531367 new or updated records for 212 existing traits

  • 64985 new records for 42 new traits: fire_time_from_fire_to_50_percent_flowering, fire_time_from_fire_to_50_percent_fruiting, fire_time_from_fire_to_flowering, fire_time_from_fire_to_flowering_decline, fire_time_from_fire_to_fruiting, fire_time_from_fire_to_peak_flowering, flower_diameter, flower_length, flower_orientation, flower_pollen_length, flowering_cues, fruit_colour, hydraulic_safety_margin_88, integrated_plant_transpiration, leaf_arrangement, leaf_chlorophyll_index_modified_ND705, leaf_fluorescence_quantum_yield, leaf_lamina_posture, leaf_specific_hydraulic_conductivity, leaf_turgor_loss_point, life_history_ephemeral_class, perianth_colour, petiole_length, petiole_width, plant_alternative_energy_and_nutrient_acquisition_strategy, post_fire_flowering, recruitment_time, resprouting_capacity, resprouting_capacity_juvenile, resprouting_capacity_proportion_individuals, sapwood_specific_hydraulic_conductivity, sapwood_specific_hydraulic_conductivity_theoretical, seed_germination_time, seed_surface_reflectivity, seedbank_location, seedbank_longevity, seedbank_longevity_class, seedling_establishment_conditions, stem_delta13C, stem_delta15N, stem_specific_hydraulic_conductivity, water_potential_12percent_lost_conductivity

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa locations traits records
ABRS_2023 14359 1 33 183608
Auld_2000 14 7 4 57
Bradshaw_2022 2 8 6 228
Britton_1994 62 1 1 124
Brodribb_2000 11 2 4 44
Burrows_2008 19 8 4 96
Burrows_2020 1187 1 9 4982
Canham_2009 4 1 4 278
Canham_2023 9 1 12 954
Collette_2021 3978 4 1 3990
Cowling_1987 4 1 13 74
Crowley_2007 2060 1 2 3823
Draper_2023 4068 5 7 12346
Eamus_2000 6 3 3 30
Ellsworth_2015 11 6 16 617
Enright_2014 155 33 3 2315
Gosper_2022 4 2 7 27
Grigg_2008 6 2 22 220
Groves_1986 2 1 48 256
Harvey_2017 180 3 6 1067
He_2011 90 1 4 290
Kocacinar_2003 5 1 6 30
Kubiak_2009 828 3 8 3077
Lawes_2014 9 5 1 9
Mesaglio_2022 303 1 1 593
Mitchell_2008 21 3 12 228
Morgan_2021 10 24 3 165
NHNSW_2023 7984 1 33 96604
NTH_2023 2368 1 33 29412
Nano_2011 1998 1 8 4466
Pate_1990 67 1 5 292
Pate_1998 98 4 7 641
Pfautsch_2016 31 21 6 736
Pirralho_2014 9 1 7 63
Prior_2022 15 5 3 443
Purdie_1976 91 1 9 360
RBGV_2023 5486 1 33 69020
Richards_2021 21 10 14 1510
Rumman_2018 56 8 4 220
RussellSmith_2012 1462 1 4 5976
SAH_2023 3673 1 33 40035
Santini_2012 1 1 3 18
Santini_2013 5 4 4 346
Santini_2016 7 1 8 143
Searson_2004 3 1 5 30
Simpson_2021 288 1 3 608
SinghRamesh_2019 14 24 17 973
SinghRamesh_2023 4 1 25 1775
SmithMartin_2020 8 1 6 115
Stephens_2023 221 1 2 221
Sweedman_2006 2147 1 2 7235
Togashi_2015 37 38 1 226
Tolsma_2007 37 1 7 244
Tsakalos_2020 1280 4 23 22004
Tsakalos_2022 498 1 3 1174
WAH_2023_1 612 1 24 3256
WAH_2023_2 12345 1 16 24568
Wenk_2023 29803 1 1 29803
Wenk_2023_2 245 1 1 278
Wilson_2004 39 1 2 91
Witkowski_1991 3 1 9 30
Wooller_2002 3 1 11 32
Yang_2023 1358 11 19 2635
Yunusa_2010 2 2 3 12
deCampos_2013 8 2 3 24
eFLOWER_Dun_2022 1889 1 35 30769
vanderMoezel_1987 211 1 6 436

Additionally, the release contains improvements to the trait dictionary:

  • Revised trait definitions related to fire response, following trait definitions workshop
  • Trait definitions file synchronised to the first release of the AusTraits Plant Dictionary. Most importantly, uri's added to each trait definition; these are the resolvable identifiers

Fixes to taxonomic_updates and taxon_list:

  • Ensure (once again) that as many taxon names as possible align to an APC-known or APC-accepted name
  • Continue working to remove duplicate entries that creep into taxon_list.csv

Minor work on the R workflow:

  • Update syntax to dplyr 1.10
  • Update tests to pass testthat 3.1.8
  • Edit metadata_create_template to add proper fields for data_collectors
  • Make it possible to add entity_type and value_type from columns by disallowing values from schema

AusTraits v4.1.0

This is major/minor release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and detailed of structure
  • austraits-4.1.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:…v4.1.0

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa locations traits records
4.0.0 296 34028 2697 470 1257443
4.1.0 296 34017 2697 464 1253250

This release contains:

  • Align units with UCUM standards
  • Correct small mistakes in plant woodiness and life history in datasets extracted from national and state floras (ABS_2022; WAH_2022_1; WAH_2022_2; NHNSW_2022; RBGV_2022; SAH_2022; NTH_2022)
  • Remove a small number of duplicate taxa from taxon.csv
  • Fix mistake in process.R script that was duplicating methods for some dataset by trait combinations
  • Further standardise trait names

AusTraits v4.0.0

This is major/minor release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and detailed of structure
  • austraits-4.0.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:…v4.0.0

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa locations traits records
3.0.2 283 28640 4721 448 997808
4.0.0 296 34028 2697 470 1257443

Changes for this release include:

  • Established code as a standalone package
  • Align variables (column names) with Darwin Core, Dublin Core, and the Ecological Trait-data Standard
  • Allowing more metadata to be associated with individual trait measurements instead of traits or the dataset (e.g. life stage, replicates, entity type)
  • Rework context, so that multiple context properties can be read in
  • Reworked identifiers, including 5 separate context property identifiers and location id
  • Add source_id, such that individual rows of data can be attributed to a specific source
  • Merge different date fields into collection_date
  • Work from two separate vocabulary workshops merged in (Seed Traits & Whole Plant and Leaf Vegetative Traits). Also some work realigning traits related to fire response.
  • Rename other traits to have more consistent naming
  • Added entity_type, reflecting the entity being measured
  • Added scraped data from online floras for 7 traits related to plant growth form. For plant_growth_form and woodiness manually gap-filled from the taxonomic literature to have complete data coverage
  • Reworked how taxonomic names are processed, such that submitted taxon names are now aligning to the most specific taxon name possible, with separate columns for family; genus; binomial; trinomial, filled in as appropriate.
  • New taxonomic updates added, based on updated algorithms that do a much better job of capturing phrase names and submitted taxon names that include notes. In addition, algorithms automatically identify names that can only be aligned to genus.
  • Removed taxon matching code from (to become part of a separate package)
  • Add database metadata into the build process

This release contains:

  • 14 new sources added to the dataset: ABRS_2022, ATRP_2020, Campbell_2006, Clarke_2009, NHNSW_2022, Nolan_2022, NTH_2022, RBGV_2022, SAH_2022, WAH_2022_1, WAH_2022_2, Wenk_2022, Williams_2012
  • 12 new contributors: Alastair Robinson, Andre Messina, Daniel Ohlsen, David Coleman, Elizabeth Wenk, Matthias M. Boer, Monica Campbell, Neville Walsh, Niels Klazenga, Paul R. Williams, Rachael Nolan, Val Stajsic
  • 3 sources renamed : Barlow_1981 -> ABRS_1981, RBGSYD_2014 -> NHNSW_2014, RBGSYD_2014_2 -> NHNSW_2014_2

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa locations traits records
ABRS_2022 13988 1 7 48353
ATRP_2020 1490 1 8 1831
Campbell_2006 65 3 6 390
Clarke_2009 469 6 7 1824
NHNSW_2022 7913 1 7 28354
Nolan_2022 18 8 10 606
NTH_2022 2451 1 7 8183
RBGV_2022 5368 1 7 19060
SAH_2022 3499 1 7 11905
WAH_2022_1 683 1 7 2254
WAH_2022_2 13331 1 7 48703
Wenk_2022 30280 1 2 60309
Williams_2012 79 1 6 206

Full Changelog:

AusTraits v3.0.2

This is minor release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and detailed of structure
  • austraits-3.0.2.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains corrections on citations.

version dataset_id taxa sites traits records
3.0.1 283 28640 4721 448 997808
3.0.2 283 28640 4721 448 997808

This release contains:

  • 0 new sources added to the dataset
  • 0 new contributors
  • 0 sources removed
  • 0 new or updated records for 0 existing traits
  • 0 new records for 0 new traits

AusTraits v3.0.1

This is minor release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and detailed of structure
  • austraits-3.0.1.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:…v3.0.1

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa sites traits records
3.0.0 283 28639 4721 446 997808
3.0.1 283 28640 4721 448 997808

This release contains:

  • fixes to leaf areas in previous version in Everingham_2020
  • updates on definitions

AusTraits v3.0.0

This is major release of the AusTraits database.

  • contains the compiled dataset and detailed of structure
  • austraits-3.0.0.rds: contains a version of the dataset for direct loading in R
  • source code contains the source materials used to build the compiled dataset

For details on access, structure and usage please visit

This release was generated from source materials available at A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data.

version dataset_id taxa sites traits records
2.1.0 264 29230 4605 375 937243
3.0.0 283 28639 4721 446 997808

This release contains:

  • 21 new sources added to the dataset: Apgaua_2015, Apgaua_2017, Atkinson_2020, Atkinson_2020_2, Curran_2009, Detombeur_2021, Du_2018, Du_2019, eFLOWER_2021, EsperonRodriguez_2019, Farrell_2012, Farrell_2013, Farrell_2017, Grootemaat_2015, Grootemaat_2017_1, Grootemaat_2017_2, Jurado_1991, Kanowski_2000, NSWFRD_2014, Stephens_2021, Wells_2012

  • 29 new contributors: Andrea Lopez Martinez, Belinda Kenny, Christopher Szota, Claire Farrell, Corinna Orscheg, Deborah Apgaua, Don Butler, Elizabeth Tasker, Felix de Tombeur, Graham Zemunik, Herve Sauquet, Hugh Possingham, Jacob McC. Overton, Jessie Wells, Joe Atkinson, John Kanowski, Juerg Schoenenberger, Malcolm Gill, Maria von Balthazar, Nigel Warwick, Pengzhen Du, Ross Bradstock, Ruby Stephens, Saskia Grootemaat, Stefan Arndt, Susan Laurance, Susana Magallon, Timothy Curran, Veronica Shaw

  • 2 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above: EsperonRodriguez_2019_2, Jurado_1993

  • 50428 new or updated records for 98 existing traits

  • 15156 new records for 72 new traits: bark_Al_per_dry_mass, bark_ash_content_per_dry_mass, bark_B_per_dry_mass, bark_cellulose_per_dry_mass, bark_Cu_per_dry_mass, bark_Fe_per_dry_mass, bark_lignin_per_dry_mass, bark_Mn_per_dry_mass, bark_S_per_dry_mass, bark_tannin_per_dry_mass, bark_water_content_per_dry_mass, bark_Zn_per_dry_mass, cotyledon_function, establishment_light_environment_index, fire_flame_duration, fire_fuel_bed_bulk_density, fire_fuel_comsumption, fire_rate_of_spread, fire_smoulder_duration, fire_time_to_ignition, fire_total_burn_duration, flower_androecium_structural_merism, flower_androecium_structural_phyllotaxis, flower_androecium_structural_whorls_count, flower_anther_attachment, flower_anther_connective_extension, flower_anther_dehiscence, flower_anther_orientation, flower_fertile_stamens_count, flower_filament, flower_filament_fusion, flower_filament_fusion_to_inner_perianth, flower_gynoecium_phyllotaxis, flower_gynoecium_placentation, flower_ovary_fusion, flower_ovary_position, flower_ovules_per_functional_carpel_count, flower_perianth_differentiation, flower_perianth_fusion, flower_perianth_merism, flower_perianth_parts_count, flower_perianth_phyllotaxis, flower_perianth_symmetry, flower_perianth_whorls_count, flower_pollen_aperture_shape, flower_pollen_apertures_count, flower_structural_carpels_count, flower_structural_sex_type, flower_style_differentiation, flower_style_fusion, leaf_ash_content_per_dry_mass, leaf_cellulose_per_dry_mass, leaf_Co_per_dry_mass, leaf_Cr_per_dry_mass, leaf_curliness, leaf_phenol_content_per_dry_mass, leaf_relative_water_content_at_turgor_loss_point, leaf_relative_water_content_predawn, leaf_Se_per_dry_mass, leaf_Si_per_dry_mass, leaf_tannin_per_dry_mass, osmotic_potential_at_full_turgor, reproductive_light_environment_index, sapwood_specific_conductivity_theoretical, seedling_germination_location, senesced_leaf_Al_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_B_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_C_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Na_per_dry_mass, stomatal_resistance_conductance_ambient, vessel_multiple_fraction, whole_plant_transpiration

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa sites traits records
Apgaua_2015 8 1 12 360
Apgaua_2017 91 1 10 990
Atkinson_2020 1 36 4 720
Atkinson_2020_2 11 6 2 100
Curran_2009 4 4 10 778
Detombeur_2021 96 25 9 2679
Du_2018 20 1 5 540
Du_2019 20 1 4 316
eFLOWER_2021 234 1 29 5844
EsperonRodriguez_2019 2 1 7 140
Farrell_2012 2 1 4 44
Farrell_2013 12 1 15 1417
Farrell_2017 18 1 6 670
Grootemaat_2015 32 4 19 6839
Grootemaat_2017_1 10 3 50 2583
Grootemaat_2017_2 25 4 10 859
Jurado_1991 231 1 7 1331
Kanowski_2000 150 17 25 9171
NSWFRD_2014 2990 1 11 16519
Stephens_2021 600 1 1 851
Wells_2012 207 49 18 12833

AusTraits v2.1.0

This release was generated from source materials available at

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data, mainly by Lizzy Wenk.

version dataset_id taxa sites traits records
v2.0.0 256 22540 4475 362 677087
v2.1.0 264 29230 4605 375 937243

This release contains:

  • 9 new sources added to the dataset: Cheal_2017, EsperonRodriguez_2020, Everingham_2020, Jagdish_2020, MacinnisNg_2004, MacinnisNg_2016, Nicolle_2006, Sjostrom_2006, White_2020

  • 1 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above: EsperonRodriguez_2019

  • 204456 new or updated records for 48 existing traits

  • 55318 new records for 13 new traits: bark_morphology, calcicole_status, fire_and_establishing, fire_response_juvenile, fire_response_on_maturity, inundation_tolerance, reproductive_maturity, seed_longevity, seed_release, snow_tolerance, stem_density, transverse_branch_area_specific_conductivity, water_logging_tolerance

  • 13 new contributors: Anne Sjostrom, Ashika Jagdish, Catriona Macinnis-Ng, David Cheal, Doug Frood, Jugo Ilic, Jürgen Kellermann, Kate McClenahan, Malcolm Trudgen, Matthew White, Michele Kohout, Steven Sinclair, Susan Everingham

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa locations traits records
Cheal_2017 2023 1 10 12449
EsperonRodriguez_2020 4 4 10 796
Everingham_2020 42 76 16 19200
Jagdish_2020 93 49 2 569
MacinnisNg_2004 9 4 8 478
MacinnisNg_2016 1 1 11 546
Nicolle_2006 991 1 3 2144
Sjostrom_2006 21950 1 4 77510
White_2020 7060 1 22 146082

AusTraits v2.0.0

This release was generated from source materials available at

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release

  • Entails a substantial reworking of taxonomic alignments. We have switched from aligning against The Plant List (no longer updated) to aligning against the Australian Plant Census (best taxonomic information for Australian Plants).
  • Also additions of new data and improvement of old data, mainly by Lizzy Wenk.
  • The total number of taxa has apparently decreased, but many of the previous names were unmatched. Successful identifying and updating synonyms reduces the total taxa count, but with a higher fraction known:
    • v1.0.0: 20,783 known taxa, 2,979 unknown
    • v2.0.0: 21,143 known taxa, 1,397 unknown
  • This switch involves some renaming:
    • species_name replaced by taxon_name, species replaced by taxon / taxa
    • the dataframe taxonomy and been renamed taxa
    • additional of new dataframe taxonomic_updates showing all taxonomic updates
version dataset_id taxa sites traits records
v1.0.0 243 23383 4196 345 656467
v2.0.0 256 22540 4475 362 677087

This release contains:

  • 15 new sources added to the dataset: Caldwell_2016, Cheesman_2020, Choat_2006, Choat_2012, Geange_2020, Gosper_2004, Gosper_2012, Gosper_2018, Jordan_2015, Jordan_2020, Kirkpatrick_2020, McGlone_2015, Meers_2007, Read_2003, Williams_2011

  • 2 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above: Meers_2010, Williams_2020_1

  • 29434 new or updated records for 73 existing traits

  • 1503 new records for 16 new traits: competitive_stratum, guard_cell_length, hydraulic_safety_margin_50, leaf_transpiration, leaf_work_to_punch, leaf_work_to_punch_adjusted, leaf_work_to_shear, leaf_work_to_shear_adjusted, leaf_work_to_tear, leaf_work_to_tear_adjusted, parasitic, ploidy, stomatal_distribution, time_from_fire_to_fruit, water_potential_50percent_lost_conductivity, water_potential_88percent_lost_conductivity

  • 20 new contributors: Aina Price, Alex Cheesman, Amanda Spooner, Amy Hahs, Ben Richardson, Brendan Choat, Carl Gosper, Catherine Tait, Colin Yates, Elizabeth Caldwell, Helen Coleman, Hellmut R. Toelken, James Kirkpatrick, Matthew McGlone, Monique Hallet, Raymond Carpenter, Richard Duncan, Sabine Kasel, Steven Clemants, Suzanne Prober

Details on new studies:

dataset_id taxa locations traits records
Caldwell_2016 20 2 6 598
Cheesman_2020 88 2 12 1685
Choat_2006 4 3 16 948
Choat_2012 37 15 4 104
Geange_2020 1 1 5 487
Gosper_2004 25 4 5 48
Gosper_2012 344 1 7 1870
Gosper_2018 117 1 8 536
Jordan_2015 61 36 4 248
Jordan_2020 1101 215 19 4464
Kirkpatrick_2020 215 1 4 418
McGlone_2015 1330 4 6 8205
Meers_2007 127 1 11 1378
Read_2003 16 2 19 890
Williams_2011 943 1 12 9058

AusTraits v1.0.0

This release was generated from source materials available at

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains

  • substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data, including new traits.
  • additions of a contexts field, to allow for variation in measurement conditions within a site

This will also be the last release using taxonomy aligned to TaxonStand

version dataset_id species sites traits records
v0.9.1 175 21892 3436 170 467523
v1.0.0 243 23383 4196 345 656467

This release contains:

  • 98 new sources added to the dataset: Angevin_2011, Baker_2019, Bloomfield_2018, Buckton_2019, Cernusak_2006, Cernusak_2011, Cooper_2013, CPBR_2002, Cross_2009, Crous_2013, Crous_2019, Curtis_2012, Dong_2017, Duan_2015, Dwyer_2018, EsperonRodriguez_2019, EsperonRodriguez_2019_2, Falster_2003, Firn_2019, French_2017, Gallagher_2012, Gallagher_2015, Gallagher_2018, Geange_2017, Ghannoum_2010, Gray_2019, Gross_2005, Hall_1981, Hocking_1982, Hocking_1986, Huang_2015, Jin_2019, Jordan_2001, Jurado_1992, Kotowska_2020, Kuo_1982, Leigh_2003, Leigh_2006, Leishman_2007, Lewis_2015, Meers_2010, Metcalfe_2009, Metcalfe_2020_1, Metcalfe_2020_2, Milberg_1997, Milberg_1998, Mokany_2015, Moore_2019_2, Muir_2014, Nicholson_2017, Onoda_2010, Ooi_2007, Ooi_2018, Pickering_2014, Pickup_2002, Pickup_2005, Pollock_2012, Pollock_2018, Prior_2016, RBGSYD_2014_2, Read_2005, Reynolds_2018, Richards_2008, Roderick_1999, Roderick_2002, Rosell_2014, Sams_2017, Schmidt_1993, Schmidt_1997, Schmidt_2010, Schulze_2006, Schulze_2006_2, Schulze_2014, Smith_1996, Smith_2012, Soper_2014, Staples_2019, Stewart_1995, Taseski_2017, Taylor_2008, Thomas_2017, Tomlinson_2019, Turner_2010, Veneklaas_2003, Venn_2011, Vesk_2019, Vlasveld_2018, Warren_2005, Warren_2006, Weerasinghe_2014, Westman_1977, Williams_2005, Williams_2020_1, Wright_2009, Wright_2019, Zanne_2009, Zieminska_2013, Zieminska_2015

  • 30 sources removed– most replaced by corrected or updated sources above: Angevin_2010, BFD_1974, Bolza_1975, CAB_2009, Chave_2009, Chinh_1999, Chudnoff_1984, CIRAD_2009, Cornellison_0000, CPRR_2002, Cross_2011, Desh_1996, Dimitri_1973, Dwyer_2017_2, EsperonRodriguez_0000, EsperonRodriguez_0000_2, Flynn_2001, Goldsmith_1981, Hong_1999, ICRAF_2009, Jin_0000, Martawijaya_1992, Meier_2007, Ooi_0000, Prospect_2009, RBGSYD_0000, Seng_1951, Wells_2009, Westoby_2016, Wright_2004

  • 258809 new or updated records for 96 existing traits

  • 53285 new records for 152 new traits: bark_C_per_dry_mass, bark_Ca_per_dry_mass, bark_delta13C, bark_delta15N, bark_density, bark_K_per_dry_mass, bark_Mg_per_dry_mass, bark_N_per_dry_mass, bark_Na_per_dry_mass, bark_P_per_dry_mass, ca, carotenoid_per_area, carotenoid_per_dry_mass, cell_rubisco_concentration, cell_rubisco_N_per_total_N, cell_thylakoid_N_per_total_N, chlorophyll_A_B_ratio, chlorophyll_A_per_area, chlorophyll_A_per_dry_mass, chlorophyll_B_per_area, chlorophyll_B_per_dry_mass, chlorophyll_per_area, chlorophyll_per_dry_mass, ci, ci_at_Amax, ci_at_Asat, ci_over_ca, dead_wood_Ca_per_dry_mass, dead_wood_K_per_dry_mass, dead_wood_Mg_per_dry_mass, dead_wood_N_per_dry_mass, dead_wood_Na_per_dry_mass, dead_wood_P_per_dry_mass, dispersers, epidermal_cell_density_abaxial, epidermal_cell_density_adaxial, epidermal_cell_density_both_sides, epidermis_thickness, epidermis_thickness_lower_leaf_surface, epidermis_thickness_upper_leaf_surface, fire_cued_seeding, flower_count_maximum, flower_N_per_dry_mass, fruit_breadth, fruit_Ca_per_dry_mass, fruit_K_per_dry_mass, fruit_mass, fruit_Mg_per_dry_mass, fruit_N_per_dry_mass, fruit_P_per_dry_mass, fruit_S_per_dry_mass, fruit_type_botanical, fruit_wall_width, germination, insoluable_protein_per_area, Jmax_per_area, leaf_absorption, leaf_Cl_per_dry_mass, leaf_dark_transpiration_per_area, leaf_delta18O, leaf_density, leaf_mass_to_stem_mass, leaf_PRI, leaf_reflectance, leaf_reflectance_near_infrared, leaf_soluable_starch_per_mass, leaf_soluable_sugars_per_mass, leaf_total_non-structural_carbohydrates_per_area, leaf_total_non-structural_carbohydrates_per_mass, leaf_transmission, leaf_transpiration_at_Asat, leaf_water_content_per_dry_mass, leaf_water_content_per_fresh_mass, leaf_water_content_per_saturated_mass, leaf_xylem_delta15N, modulus_of_elasticity_bark, modulus_of_elasticity_stem, modulus_of_elasticity_xylem, palisade_cell_length, palisade_cell_width, palisade_layer_number, pendulous_leaves, photosynthetic_bark, physical_defence, pollination_syndrome, pollination_system, propagule_longevity, resprouting_proportion_individuals, resprouting_strength, root_C_per_dry_mass, root_delta13C, root_delta15N, root_dry_matter_content, root_mass_fraction, root_N_per_dry_mass, root_shoot_ratio, root_soluable_starch_per_mass, root_soluable_sugars_per_mass, root_xylem_delta15N, seed_Ca_concentration, seed_K_concentration, seed_Mg_concentration, seed_N_concentration, seed_S_concentration, sex_type, soil_seedbank, soluable_protein_per_area, soluable_starch_per_area, soluable_sugars_per_area, specific_taproot_length, spinescence, sprout_depth, starch_per_area, stem_count_categorical, stem_hydraulic_conductivity, stem_mass_fraction, stem_respiration_per_dry_mass, stem_soluable_starch_per_mass, stem_soluable_sugars_per_mass, stem_water_content_per_saturated_mass, stem_water_delta18O, stomatal_conductance_per_area_ambient, stomatal_conductance_per_area_at_Asat, stomatal_density_abaxial, stomatal_density_adaxial, support_fraction, Vcmax_per_area, vegetative_regeneration, vein_angle_secondary, vein_density, vessel_density, vessel_diameter, vessel_diameter_hydraulic, vessel_lumen_fraction, vessel_wall_fraction, vine_climbing_mechanism, water_use_efficiency_intrinsic, water_use_efficiency_photosynthetic, wood_axial_parenchyma_fraction, wood_C_per_dry_mass, wood_Ca_per_dry_mass, wood_conduit_fraction, wood_delta13C, wood_delta15N, wood_fibre_fraction, wood_K_per_dry_mass, wood_Mg_per_dry_mass, wood_N_per_dry_mass, wood_Na_per_dry_mass, wood_P_per_dry_mass, wood_ray_fraction, wood_tracheid_fraction

  • rlength(new_people) new contributors: Aaron Phillips, Adrienne Nicotra, Aine Nicholson, Alessandro Conti, Allison Frith, Andrea Leigh, Andrew Baker, Anna Salomaa, Anne Fuchs, Annette Muir, Ben French, Benjamin Smith, Bree-Anne Laugier-Kitchener, Bronwyn Collins, Brook Clinton, Carolyn Vlasveld, Catherine Pickering, Charles Warren, Chris Fahey, Chris Guinane, Christiane Ludwig, Claire Laws, Colin P. Osborne, Collin W. Ahrens, Dana Lanceman, Daniel Metacalfe, Daniel Montoya Londono, Daniel Taylor, David Tissue, Dean Nicolle, Des Nelson, Dominic Neyland, Elissa McFarlane, Ellen Curtis, Emma Gray, Erica Williams, Fiona Soper, Frank van Langevelde, Freya Thomas, Genevieve Buckton, George Perry, George Stewart, Guomin Huang, Guy Taseski, Hannah MacPherson, Hoa Ran Lai, Honglang Duan, Iain Colin Prentice, Ian Kealley, J. Bastow Wilson, Jacob McOverton, James Camac, James Lewis, Jennifer Read, Jian Yen, John Foster, John Kuo, Juergen Kellermann, Jugi Ilic, Julieta A. Rosell, Kaely Kreger, Karen Marais, Kasia Zieminska, Kathryn Willis, Keith Bloomfield, Kristine Crous, Lasantha Weerasinghe, Liz Lindsay, Loren Pollitt, Lucas Cernusak, Luka Kovac, Luke Shoo, Malcolm Trudgeon, Margaret Mayfield, Mark G. Tjoelker, Marlien van der Merwe, Martin Lambert, Martyna Kotowska, Mary Maconochie, Matthew Alfonzetti, Matthew Tom Harrison, Maurizio Rossetto, Melinda Pickup, Meredith Cosgrove, Michael Roderick, Michael Sams, Michelle Cochrane, Neil C. Turner, Neil Turner, Nicholas Moore, Nick Williams, Ning Dong, Oula Ghannoum, Owen Atkin, Paul Rymer, Per Milberg, Peter Hocking, Pieter Poot, R.J.Williams, Renee Smith, Riah Mason, Richard Mazanec, Rob Polmear, Robert Lanfear, Ronald Gardiner, Sonya Geange, Sophia Amini, Susanna Venn, Suzanne Schmidt, Tammy Haslehurst, Tanja Lenz, Tara Boreham, Thomas Pyne, TJ Hall, Tom North, Tony French, Trevor Meers, Ule Niinemets, Victoria Reynolds, W.E Westman, Willi A. Brand, William Cornwell, William Morris, Yusuke Onoda

Details on new studies:

dataset_id species locations traits records
Angevin_2011 97 1 7 529
Baker_2019 57 39 3 114
Bloomfield_2018 79 7 24 26932
Buckton_2019 23 1 26 2203
Cernusak_2006 4 1 10 303
Cernusak_2011 8 6 21 1644
Cooper_2013 2703 1 11 26983
CPBR_2002 886 1 7 6889
Cross_2009 50 1 4 194
Crous_2013 1 1 8 391
Crous_2019 1 1 13 2366
Curtis_2012 95 4 14 1326
Dong_2017 242 27 10 3909
Duan_2015 1 1 13 2120
Dwyer_2018 17 1 2 193
EsperonRodriguez_2019 4 4 10 796
EsperonRodriguez_2019_2 2 1 7 140
Falster_2003 38 2 3 114
Firn_2019 45 4 6 2049
French_2017 12 1 3 36
Gallagher_2012 94 1 7 302
Gallagher_2015 802 1 1 927
Gallagher_2018 62 4 5 1899
Geange_2017 3 1 19 4872
Ghannoum_2010 2 1 20 2364
Gray_2019 18 4 12 818
Gross_2005 1121 1 2 2279
Hall_1981 20 1 2 178
Hocking_1982 2 1 14 28
Hocking_1986 9 9 27 189
Huang_2015 1 1 18 870
Jin_2019 1 184 1 184
Jordan_2001 1299 1 7 8208
Jurado_1992 105 1 1 315
Kotowska_2020 16 67 22 2992
Kuo_1982 8 8 21 168
Leigh_2003 1 1 5 108
Leigh_2006 1 1 12 358
Leishman_2007 88 7 8 905
Lewis_2015 1 1 29 1902
Meers_2010 127 1 11 1378
Metcalfe_2009 285 8 17 4518
Metcalfe_2020_1 308 1 20 1643
Metcalfe_2020_2 603 1 19 9277
Milberg_1997 4 2 6 24
Milberg_1998 21 1 4 81
Mokany_2015 1180 1 3 2387
Moore_2019_2 52 1 12 2080
Muir_2014 9 5 3 25
Nicholson_2017 30 1 2 115
Onoda_2010 32 4 7 1085
Ooi_2007 181 98 2 14742
Ooi_2018 5 1 1 25
Pickering_2014 169 51 4 691
Pickup_2002 20 1 2 322
Pickup_2005 70 4 5 389
Pollock_2012 20 135 10 3996
Pollock_2018 17 18 6 910
Prior_2016 7 1 3 21
RBGSYD_2014_2 6421 1 14 81488
Read_2005 40 3 8 1562
Reynolds_2018 4 1 10 551
Richards_2008 74 39 51 891
Roderick_1999 57 28 7 453
Roderick_2002 4 1 4 500
Rosell_2014 62 4 8 496
Sams_2017 234 8 6 1042
Schmidt_1993 402 1 3 522
Schmidt_1997 46 1 11 388
Schmidt_2010 19 2 20 2258
Schulze_2006 406 1 3 1263
Schulze_2006_2 72 74 7 2483
Schulze_2014 248 66 13 2494
Smith_1996 87 5 17 11342
Smith_2012 1 1 27 1014
Soper_2014 34 5 11 1044
Staples_2019 166 1 4 9686
Stewart_1995 114 4 6 863
Taseski_2017 22 1 5 110
Taylor_2008 7 4 11 390
Thomas_2017 18 5 7 126
Tomlinson_2019 12 11 11 3888
Turner_2010 17 4 7 671
Veneklaas_2003 29 1 18 565
Venn_2011 40 1 3 120
Vesk_2019 46 1 3 4439
Vlasveld_2018 319 1 5 2613
Warren_2005 1 1 16 240
Warren_2006 29 2 13 906
Weerasinghe_2014 26 63 17 1552
Westman_1977 16 1 30 559
Williams_2005 182 1 6 1063
Williams_2020_1 943 1 12 9005
Wright_2009 41 8 13 1272
Wright_2019 18 1 37 7836
Zanne_2009 326 1 1 409
Zieminska_2013 23 4 10 720
Zieminska_2015 67 3 12 2464

AusTraits v0.9.1

This release was generated from source materials available at

A full set of changes in the source can be viewed at:

Compared to the last version, this release contains substantial additions of new data and improvement of old data, mainly by Lizzy Wenk and Caitlan Baxter, who were employed via funding from the Australian Research Data Commons.

version dataset_id species sites traits records
0.9.0 139 19904 260 86 349261
0.9.1 175 21892 3436 170 467523

This release contains

  • 45 new sources added to the dataset: Ahrens_2019, ANBG_2019, Blackman_2010, Chen_2017, Clarke_2015, Cornellison_0000, Crisp_2017, Dwyer_2017_2, EsperonRodriguez_0000, EsperonRodriguez_0000_2, Funk_2016, Gardiner_2019, GrassBase_2014, Groom_1997, Groom_2010, Guilherme_Pereira_2018, Guilherme_Pereira_2019, Hayes_2014, Hayes_2018, Jin_0000, Kew_2019_1, Kew_2019_2, Kew_2019_3, Kew_2019_4, Kew_2019_5, Kew_2019_6, Lawson_2015, Lee_2019, Lim_2017, Lusk_2010, Lusk_2014, Mokany_2008, Moles_2000, Moles_2003, Moles_2011, Moore_2019, Munroe_2019, Ooi_0000, Osborne_2014, RBGSYD_2014, Schulze_1998, Sendall_2016, Standish_2019, Westoby_2014, Wills_2018
  • 9 sources removed: Blackman_2014, Butler_2011, Chen_2015_1, Chen_2015_2, Crisp_1984, Gallagher_2011_2, Gleason_2012, Leishman_2011, Schulze_0000 -- these were replaced by corrected or updated sources
  • 427471 new records for 83 existing traits
  • 40052 new records for 87 new traits – basal_diameter, cell_epidermis_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_epidermis_P_per_fresh_mass, cell_hypodermis_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_hypodermis_P_per_fresh_mass, cell_internal_parenchyma_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_internal_parenchyma_P_per_fresh_mass, cell_palisade_mesophyll_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_palisade_mesophyll_P_per_fresh_mass, cell_sclerenchyma_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_sclerenchyma_P_per_fresh_mass, cell_spongy_mesophyll_Ca_per_fresh_mass, cell_spongy_mesophyll_P_per_fresh_mass, dormancy_type, fire_response_detailed, fire-cued_seeding, fv_over_fm, germination_treatment, huber_value, leaf_Al_per_dry_mass, leaf_angle, leaf_B_per_dry_mass, leaf_Ca_per_dry_mass, leaf_Cu_per_dry_mass, leaf_Fe_per_dry_mass, leaf_fresh_mass, leaf_fresh_mass_per_area, leaf_hairs_adult, leaf_hairs_juvenile, leaf_hydraulic_conductance, leaf_hydraulic_vulnerability, leaf_light_respiration_per_area, leaf_Mg_per_dry_mass, leaf_Mn_per_dry_mass, leaf_Mo_per_dry_mass, leaf_Na_per_dry_mass, leaf_photosynthetic_nitrogen_use_efficiency_maximum, leaf_photosynthetic_nitrogen_use_efficiency_saturated, leaf_photosynthetic_phosphorus_use_efficiency_maximum, leaf_photosynthetic_phosphorus_use_efficiency_saturated, leaf_S_per_dry_mass, leaf_spines_adult, leaf_transpiration_at_Amax, leaf_turgor_loss_point, leaf_Zn_per_dry_mass, life_form, modified_NDVI, modulus_of_elasticity, modulus_of_rupture, N_to_P_ratio, osmotic_potential, photosynthetic_rate_per_area_maximum, photosynthetic_rate_per_area_saturated, photosynthetic_rate_per_dry_mass_maximum, photosynthetic_rate_per_dry_mass_saturated, plant_width, resorption_leaf_N, resorption_leaf_P, root_morphology, seed_oil_content, seed_protein_content, seed_storage_location, seed_texture, seed_viability, senesced_leaf_Ca_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Cu_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Fe_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_K_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Mg_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Mn_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Mo_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_N_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_P_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_S_per_dry_mass, senesced_leaf_Zn_per_dry_mass, soil_salinity_tolerance, specific_root_length, stem_C_per_dry_mass, stem_dry_matter_content, stem_N_per_dry_mass, stomatal_conductance_per_area_at_Amax, tap_root, thickest_root_diameter, water_balance_index, water_potential_midday, water_potential_predawn, water_tolerance
  • 70 new contributors: Collin Ahrens, Lydia Guja, Tim Brodribb, Gregory Jordan, Mark Ooi, Gregory Cawthray, John Dwyer, Caitlan Baxter, Gordon Sanson, Cheryl Edwards, Manuel Esperon-Rodriguez, Sally A. Power, Mark G.Tjoelker, Paul D. Rymer, Jennifer Funk, Rachel Standish, Derek Clayton, Maria Vorontsova, Philip K Groom, Caio Guilherme Pereira, Odhran S. O’Sullivan, Lasantha K. Weerasinghe, Owen K. Atkin, Patrick Hayes, Odhran S. O’Sullivan, Patrick E. Hayes, Peta Clode, Daniel Jin, Dieter Hochuli, Udayangani Liu, Etienne Laliberté, James Lawson, Brad Oberle, Amy E. Zanne, Jeff R. Powell, Jessica L. Rigg, Jocelyn Howell, Felix Lim, Laura Pollock, Judy Egan, Karel Mokany, Mike Olsen, Timothy Staples, Julian Ash, Ben D. Moore, Jane L. DeGabriel, Samantha Munroe, Greg Guerin, Ben Sparrow, Peter Myerscough, Tony Auld, Andrew O’Reilly-Nugent, Richard P. Duncan, Colin Osborne, plantNET, Alison Shapcott, State Herbarium of South Australia, Jürgen Kellermann, Willi Brand, Waltraud Schulze, Inge Schulze, Kerrie Sendall, Matthew Daws, Yue Phin David Jeremiah-Seok Tng, Greg J Jordan, Don Bulter, Jarrah Wills, Jennifer Firn, John Herbohn, Jing Hu

AusTraits v0.9.0

This is the first major release of the AusTraits database.

This release was generated from source materials available at

This release includes data accumulated until May 2019, but excluding data removed where there is ongoing restructuring or where data have not been correctly attributed.

Work up to this point was funded from ARC fellowship grants to Gallagher and Falster, as well as funding from Macquarie University (fellowship to Gallagher) and the Science Industry Endowment Fund (for Falster's salary in 2016).