A java client for accessing Treasure Data API. With this client, you can:
- submit Hive/Presto queries to Treasure Data
- check the status of jobs (queries)
- retrieve query results
- check the information of databases and tables
Since td-client-java 0.8.0, it requires Java 1.8 or higher. For Java7, use td-client-java-0.7.x.
td-client-java is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.
You can download a jar file (td-client-java-(version)-shade.jar) from here: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/treasuredata/client/td-client/
For the information of the older versions, see https://github.com/treasure-data/td-client-java/tree/0.7.x.
Use the following dependency settings:
<!-- If you are not using any slf4 logger binder, add the following dependency, too. -->
td-client-java provides a standalone jar, which include all of the dependencies into a single jar file:
To use td-client-java, you need to set your API key in the following file:
user = (your TD account e-mail address)
apikey = (your API key)
You can retrieve your API key from My profile page.
It is also possible to use TD_API_KEY
environment variable. Add the following configuration to your shell configuration .bash_profile
, .zprofile
, etc.
export TD_API_KEY = (your API key)
For Windows, add TD_API_KEY
environment variable in the user preference panel.
If you need to access Web through proxy, add the following configuration to $HOME/.td/td.conf
user = (your TD account e-mail address)
apikey = (your API key)
td.client.proxy.host = (optional: proxy host name)
td.client.proxy.port = (optional: proxy port number)
td.client.proxy.user = (optional: proxy user name)
td.client.proxy.password = (optional: proxy password)
import com.treasuredata.client.*;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import org.msgpack.core.MessagePack;
import org.msgpack.core.MessageUnpacker;
import org.msgpack.value.ArrayValue;
// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
try (TDClient client = TDClient.newClient()){
// Retrieve database and table names
List<TDDatabase> databaseNames = client.listDatabases();
for(TDDatabase db : databaseNames) {
System.out.println("database: " + db.getName());
for(TDTable table : client.listTables(db.getName())) {
System.out.println(" table: " + table);
// Submit a new Presto query (for Hive, use TDJobReqult.newHiveQuery)
String jobId = client.submit(TDJobRequest.newPrestoQuery("sample_datasets", "select count(1) from www_access"));
// Wait until the query finishes
ExponentialBackOff backoff = new ExponentialBackOff();
TDJobSummary job = client.jobStatus(jobId);
while(!job.getStatus().isFinished()) {
job = client.jobStatus(jobId);
// Read the detailed job information
TDJob jobInfo = client.jobInfo(jobId);
System.out.println("log:\n" + jobInfo.getCmdOut());
System.out.println("error log:\n" + jobInfo.getStdErr());
// Read the job results in msgpack.gz format
client.jobResult(jobId, TDResultFormat.MESSAGE_PACK_GZ, new Function<InputStream, Object>() {
public Object apply(InputStream input) {
try {
MessageUnpacker unpacker = MessagePack.newDefaultUnpacker(new GZIPInputStream(input));
while(unpacker.hasNext()) {
// Each row of the query result is array type value (e.g., [1, "name", ...])
ArrayValue array = unpacker.unpackValue().asArrayValue();
int id = array.get(0).asIntegerValue().toInt();
// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
TDClient client = TDClient.newClient();
File f = new File("./sess/part01.msgpack.gz");
TDBulkImportSession session = client.createBulkImportSession("session_name", "database_name", "table_name");
client.uploadBulkImportPart(session.getName(), "session_part01", f);
// Create a new TD client by using configurations in $HOME/.td/td.conf
TDClient client = TDClient.newClient();
To configure TDClient, use TDClient.newBuilder()
TDClient client = TDClient
.setApiKey("(your api key)")
.setEndpoint("api.ybi.idcfcloud.net") // For using a non-default endpoint
It is also possible to set the configuration with a Properties
Properties prop = new Properties();
// Set your own properties
prop.setProperty("td.client.retry.limit", "10");
// This overrides the default configuration parameters with the given Properties
TDClient client = TDClient.newBuilder().setProperties(prop).build();
key | default value | description |
apikey |
API key to access Treasure Data. You can also set this via TD_API_KEY environment variable. | |
user |
Account e-mail address (unnecessary if apikey is set) |
password |
Account password (unnecessary if apikey is set) |
td.client.proxy.host |
(optional) Proxy host e.g., "myproxy.com" | |
td.client.proxy.port |
(optional) Proxy port e.g., "80" | |
td.client.proxy.user |
(optional) Proxy user | |
td.client.proxy.password |
(optional) Proxy password | |
td.client.usessl |
true | (optional) Use SSL encryption |
td.client.retry.limit |
7 | (optinoal) The maximum number of API request retry |
td.client.retry.initial-interval |
500 | (optional) backoff retry interval = (interval) * (multiplier) ^ (retry count) |
td.client.retry.max-interval |
60000 | (optional) max retry interval |
td.client.retry.multiplier |
2.0 | (optional) retry interval multiplier |
td.client.connect-timeout |
15000 | (optional) connection timeout before reaching the API |
td.client.read-timeout |
60000 | (optional) timeout when no data is coming from API |
td.client.connection-pool-size |
64 | (optional) Connection pool size |
td.client.endpoint |
api.treasuredata.com |
(optional) TD REST API endpoint name |
td.client.port |
80 for non-SSL, 443 for SSL connection | (optional) TD API port number |
The precedence of the configuration parameters are as follows:
- Properties object passed to
TDClient.newBuilder().setProperties(Properties p)
- Parameters written in
- System properties (passed with
option when launching JVM) - Environment variable (only for TD_API_KEY parameter)
You can override the default configuration parameters given by the environment
variables with System properties, and then by $HOME/.td/td.conf
file or Properties
$ git clone https://github.com/treasure-data/td-client-java.git
$ cd td-client-java
$ mvn package
This creates jar files within target
# update pom.xml, README.md and CHANGES.txt
$ git commit -am "Release (version)"
$ git tag "(version)"
$ mvn deploy -DperformRelease=true
$ sbt "sonatypeReleaseAll com.treasuredata"
# update pom.xml to use the next SNAPSHOT version
$ git commit -am "Next snapshot version"
$ git push
$ git push --tags
And then, create a release note page at https://github.com/treasure-data/td-client-java/releases
See also https://github.com/xerial/sbt-sonatype#publishing-maven-projects to use sbt sonatypeReleaseAll