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Amplified Cybernetic Attacks

First Principle

Don't be an enemy to humanity or yourself.

First Principle of Cybernetic Warfare

No further tactics or strategies are needed once you surround and inundate your enemy's intellect.

Present Day

Unfortunately the "First Principle" was violated by multiple nations throughout the world and humanity has become an enemy to itself. We are now surrounded and inundated by the nCoV (Covid-19) pandemic. Given that this pandemic is currently ravaging the whole of human species what could make things worse? Well here is a list of speculated possibilities.

  1. Amplification of the pandemic
  2. Mass political unrest and confusion
  3. Kinetic warfare with the usual guns, knives, bombs, missiles, etc.
  4. Range of natural disasters like forest fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, cyclones or hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, etc.

Microbe Transmission

Consider a nCoV virion, or any other microbe in general, as a packet of information.

The sender is a person who is currently infected with nCoV (pathogenic microbe) and has a limited lifetime of being able to send an outbound stream of microbial packets. The infected person seems to ultimately shut down due to death but the dead body can still be a sender for a while if it isn't disposed of properly using appropriate burial or incineration.

The receiver is a person i.e. host who is currently not infected with nCoV. The receiver may also completely shutdown (die) due to many other reasons not directly caused by nCoV infection. Once infected the receiver becomes a sender after a "gestation period" of the virus.

The medium of transmission is a physical volume of matter in the form of air or water that carries the viral cells between sender and receiver. The microbial cells are carried on other physical particles of sputum, feces, sweat, urine, and other bodily excretions that disperse into the transmitting medium. This is why computer simulations with principles of fluid dynamics are useful models demonstrating the range and immediacy of microbial transmission.

In general, there a number of other methods of transmission of any microbe that include:

  • a viral cell's RNA or DNA propagating from a parent to child through genetic transfusion as in the case of endogenous viral elements and proviruses like HIV
  • human behavioral actions that involve direct physical contact between persons like shaking hands, hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse
  • blood transfusion and organ or tissue transplant
  • a multistage vector involving an object's surface that is contaminated which comes into direct contact with a viable host
  • a multistage vector involving an animal or insect that transmits the microbe through eventual physical contact

All the possible ways in which nCoV can transmit has been debated among researchers and experts. The most rapid mode of transmission resulting in largest possible cases of infection is of course the waterborne and airborne methods. With behavioral interventions to minimize transmission from all other methods, the aerial and hydrological ones remain as the most difficult ones to curtail because they are essential for the host's existence. Also, we are surrounded by air and water on Earth and cannot live on Mars with only dirt and fire the way Elon Musk wants to.

Transmission of a viral attack on the base channel like air or water with the highest possible bandwidth is the first component of a zero day hack.

In a simplistic way, it is mechanically provable that not only nCoV but any virion can reside on an airborne particle like dust, smoke or pollen in dormant phase. Until the virion enters a host cell and is triggered by stimuli to come out of dormancy, the viral cell can remain in stasis for hours or even centuries within ice and amber.

Destroying the viral cell's lipid membrane while it is outside a host in dormant phase "kills" it. And while the viral element is inside a host cell the host body's immune system destroys or kills it using cyto-toxins. There is no use of fussing about whether a virus is alive or not while inside or outside a host cell if we merely consider it to be a packet of data. All we need to know is:

Can the adversarial data packet transmit from a sender to a receiver in a sufficiently intact form to instigate a significantly faulty state within the receiver system?

Amplified Microbe Transmission

It is very difficult to have accurate and precise, long range, error corrected, data transmission. The only known method till date that achieves this involves repeater stations that provide error correction and amplification to the data packets being transmitted.

The only obvious and apparent repeater stations of nCoV are people smoking or vaping at building and street corners.

Exploiting the addiction driven behavior among people to compulsively purchase and smoke cigarettes or vape ampoules is the second component of a zero day hack.


Natural phenomenon vs. Human engineered biochemical attacks

Many people like to promote a placating narrative of how a pathogen (fungal, bacterial, viral, etc.) can jump species due to a natural course of environmental factors that do not necessarily involve human activities. When this is indeed the case we can objectively identify that:

Virus [gene] sequence change is often dominated by synonymous substitutions in coding regions that leave sequences of the encoded proteins unaltered. Fixation of these changes may be facilitated by repeated transmission bottlenecks that reduce effective population sizes that occur as the virus transmits between host. Reference: Prisoners of war - host adaptation and its constraints on virus evolution

So when one observes components of syphilis at non-standard codon regions of nCovid-20 it becomes evident that such a gene sequence wrapped in a corona lipid membrane is not the product of natural evolution in an open environment but a genetic engineering artifact of lab based techniques like CRISPR Protospace Adjacent Motifs.

Amplified zero day hack of humanity

Fifth of November is almost here. What could possibly happen to the world on that day? Most probably there will be mass political unrest and confusion in the US of A after the polling date because of Donald Trump declaring martial law and appointing himself as the continuing Chief of US Armed Forces. Why would anything of that sort of a thing happen and further destabilize the world? Why wouldn't something of that sort happen and further destabilize the world?!

At the same time:

  • Could the forest fires in the US west-coast worsen because of terrible weather and exhausted EPA and FEMA resources? Sure, why not!?

  • Could there be more floods in southern and eastern coasts of the US in the coming months? Sure, why not!?

  • Can the electric grid and other infrastructure facilities get damaged beyond repair due to blizzards in mid-west and north-eastern regions of the US?

  • Oil refineries and pipelines in North America get sabotaged by cyber or kinetic attacks? Sure, why not!?

  • Misinformation and hate speech be spread through robocalls and social media via botnets? Sure, why not!?

  • Essential international activities to rescue people and provide humanitarian aid by WHO and UN be scuttled by Trump administration? Sure, why not!?

  • Further unrest and civil wars arise in central and eastern Europe? Sure, why not!?

  • Floods, land slides, mudslides and avalanches impact western EU nations? Sure, why not!?

  • Every possible range of unholy and tragic things happen in middle-east Asia and south Asia? Sure, why not!?

  • China propose a new international fiat currency to replace USD and GBP stating that the price of 1 kilo of Brent crude oil equals the price of 1 kilo of asbestos? Sure, why not!? Wait, this one is oddly very specific! But, sure, why not.

  • Slaves of Tesla, Uber, Amazon and Google start a riot world over and park their vehicles in the driveway of their bosses? Also, oddly very specific but, sure why not?

  • Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines and other such pacific nations have civil unrest and possible military coup d'etat? Oh man, that is almost about to happen but, sure why not?

  • Can South American and African nations suffer greater economic and political woes due to Central Banks' lending rate manipulations? Yes, definitely, why not?

  • Earthquakes and tsunami in Japan and south China sea? Certainly, why not?

  • Can the Saudi and other gulf states collude with Turkey and Russia to dominate the Aral, Caspian, Black, Aegean, Mediterranean, and Red seas and the Gulf of Arabia? Oh well, that has already happened.

  • Can Cthulhu emerge from the dark realm and swallow us all and digest us into oblivion? Oh no! FML!

Cute pictures and figures

Virion terminology

Public domain images sourced from for explaining some generic terms used in this article:

HIV virus 3D cutout model

HIV virus 2D figure with labels

Virion life cycle

For understanding Virus Life Cycle and ramifications of gestation period latency

Virus life cycle

Evolutionary jump of pathogens across species

Influenza virus jumping into human species via birds and other animal species

Candida auris fungus jumping into human species via birds and other animal species

Just For Laughs

Sneezing on a bouquet of flowers and then for the pollen of those flowers to carry a human infecting viral load would be a rare and interesting vector but the following discussion in the link is even more wacky where a person inhales fresh pollen and sneazes out covid laiden pollen lulz: Gómez-Noguez, Felipe. (2020). Re: Could COVID-19 be dispersed by pollen?. Retrieved from: