This sample shows how to authenticate with a username/password to Sign-In with Firebase. In this sample we use a basic authentication request with the supplied credentials and if succesful create a Firebase Custom Token.
NOTE: Firebase Authentication can be used for email address/password #. This sample specifically addresses the case in which an email address is not used as the unique identifier for a user.
Create and setup the Firebase project:
- Create a Firebase project using the Firebase Developer Console.
- Enable Billing on your Firebase project by switching to the Blaze plan, this is currently needed to be able to perform HTTP requests to external services from a Cloud Function.
- Copy the Web initialisation snippet from Firebase Console > Overview > Add Firebase to your web app and paste it in
in lieu of the placeholder (where theTODO(DEVELOPER)
is located).
Create and provide a Service Account's credentials:
- Create a Service Accounts file as described in the Server SDK setup instructions.
- Save the Service Account credential file as
Deploy your project:
- Run
firebase use --add
and choose your Firebase project. This will configure the Firebase CLI to use the correct project locally. - Run
firebase deploy
to effectively deploy the sample. The first time the Functions are deployed the process can take several minutes.
Open the sample's website by using firebase open hosting:site
or directly accessing https://<project-id>
Enter credentials and click on the # button. At this point you are authenticated in Firebase and can use the database/hosting etc...
When clicking the # button the auth
Cloud Function authenticates the username/password then Mints and returns a Firebase Custom Auth token (which is why we need Service Accounts Credentials).
The httpbin request & response service is used for the basic authentication request in this example.
The main page will detect the sign-in through the Firebase Auth State observer and display the signed-In user information.
NOTE: In production you'll need to update the placeholder authenticate
function in ./functions/index.js
so that it authenticates with your own credentials system.